1. Eternal Love, I love Thee only, -
Thy heart for me in death did break!
My heart loves Thee - though weak and lonely -
With ardor time can never shake;
Thee will I love, O Light divine,
So long as ever life is mine!
So long as ever life is mine!
2. Thee will I love, my Life, forever;
Thou art my best and truest Friend;
Thee will I love and honor ever,
No matter what this life may send;
O Lamb of God, I will love Thee,
Who on the tree didst die for me!
Who on the tree didst die for me!
3. Alas! That I so late have known Thee,
O Love, the fairest and the best!
Nor sooner for my Lord could own Thee,
Thou highest Good, Eternal Rest!
Now real regret my heart doth move,
Because of this my tardy love.
Because of this my tardy love.
4. I walked in error and in blindness,
I sought Thee, but I found Thee not;
I shunned Thy beams of loving-kindness,
The creature-light filled all my thought;
It is Thy grace alone that now
My heart in love doth to Thee bow.
My heart in love doth to Thee bow.
5. I thank Thee now, true Sun from heaven,
Whose shining hath brought light to me;
I thank Thee, who hast richly given,
All that hath made me glad and free;
I thank Thee for Thy lips divine,
That said to me: "Healing is thine!"
That said to me: "Healing is thine!"
6. O keep me watchful then and humble,
And suffer me no more to stray;
Uphold me when my feet would stumble,
Nor let me halt along the way;
Fill soul and body with Thy light,
O heavenly Radiance, strong and bright!
O heavenly Radiance, strong and bright!
7. Give to mine eyes tears that are holy,
O give my heart a glow most pure!
Yea, let my soul endeavor solely
In faithful love e'er to endure;
O let my spirit and my mind
Still turn to Thee their rest to find!
Still turn to Thee their rest to find!
8. Thee will I love, my Crown of gladness;
Thee will I love, my God and Lord,
Amid the greatest need and sadness;
Not for the hope of high reward,
For Thine own sake, O Light divine,
So long as ever life is mine!
So long as ever life is mine!
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