Friday, November 19, 2010

109. Were God Not With Us In These Days

1. Were God not with us in these days,
To guide and cheer and calm us;
Were God not with us in there days,
Despair would overwhelm us;
For we are but a remnant small,
Held in contempt and scorn by all,
Despised and persecuted.

2. Their furious wrath did God permit,
Would surely have consumed us;
And in the deep and yawning pit
With life and limb entombed us;
For unbelief doth rise and grow,
Like streams that do their banks o’erflow,
And deal out great destruction.

3. All praise to God, who from the pit,
Snatched us, when it was gaping,
Our souls, like birds that break the net,
To heaven’s blue escaping;
Rejoice in Him, who set us free!
Our help is ever, Lord, in Thee,
The God of earth and heaven!

108. O Man, What Virtue Now Adorns

1. O man, what virtue now adorns
Thy life, if thou look in thee?
Is thy heart’s acre bearing thorns,
Or are good fruits within thee?
For by its fruits the field is known,
And who upon the field has sown, -
The Lord or thy destroyer?

2. Thy heart may be like as a road
Whereon if seed were scattered,
It soon would underfoot be trod
Or by the birds be gathered.
O prove thyself most earnestly;
Should this thy heart’s condition be,
Then thou deserves pity.

3. For if the seed be born away,
Or crushed, it cannot flourish;
Thou wilt not have thy faith as stay,
Nor food thy soul to nourish.
For if the Word should reach thine ear,
And yet thy heart should fail to hear,
Its trace would quickly vanish!

4. Or if thy heart a stone is like,
Long hardened by much sinning,
The seed its roots there cannot strike,
God’s word makes no beginning.
For stones can never give the seed
The moisture it so much doth need
To grow, spring up, and flourish.

5. Before the heart good fruit can bear
That grace and love betoken,
The law must do its own work there,
The heart be bowed and broken.
Consider this and turn to God,
In deep and true contrition bowed;
Believe, and Christ will heal you!

6. And thorns may oft fill up a heart,
By care and worries ridden;
Oft may it live in wealth apart
By which the seed is hidden;
Yea, it is choked and caused to die,
So that it can no more supply
The fruit of godly living.

7. This is our lot, if here we cling
To earthly pride and treasures,
If joys this evil world can bring
Make up our dearest pleasures.
Where hearts still worldly joy hold dear,
God’s kingdom cannot prosper there;
The seed must surely smother.

8. But fertile land may still be found,
As our Lord Jesus knoweth;
In hearts where faith and hope abound,
To whom He mercy showeth.
The seed the Savior soweth there
Of fruits an hundredfold doth bear;
These are the hearts most faithful. –

9. O hear, who hearing ears possess,
And test yourselves sincerely;
Today is still the day of grace,
While God’s Word warns you clearly.
Time swiftly flies; the end draws near;
Unless the seed is fruitful here,
We cannot life inherit!

10. Lord Jesus, make my heart sincere
And deep in its contrition;
Let Thy good seed be cherished there
Till it fulfill its mission.
O may its harvest follow me,
And multiplied in heaven be –
This is my constant longing!

107. Forsake the World With Its Vain Show

1. Forsake the world with its vain show;
And from it wholly turning,
Invite the Prince of Peace e’er now
With deep and earnest yearning!
O come and truly child-like be,
In true, sincere humility,
Seek Him who first hath loved thee!

2. Our poverty He came to share,
The Author of all blessing;
He slumbered in a manger bare,
Though endless gifts possessing.
Lo, He who is our Highest Good
Thus clothed Himself with flesh and blood
In order to redeem us.

3. He came in humble servant guise,
His love to men addressing;
And from His kind and gentle eyes
Streamed comfort, peace, and blessing.
He did not come to judge our race
But to reveal the Father’s face,
Love, truth, and grace expressing.

4. His star makes bright the darkest night,
To none is He a stranger;
He keeps each one of us in sight
And gladly saves from danger.
He seeks the lamb who went astray,
And died to take our sins away,
The guilt of all men bearing.

5. O now, in deep repentance feel,
Of Him thou hast been needful;
Confess thy sin; do not conceal
Thine anguish, He is heedful.
His love is pure as dew of heaven,
And he to whom His joy is given
Is truly blessed and happy.

6. Be never from His threshold led,
For He is thy Creator!
Devoutly long for His true bread
And for His living water;
In heartfelt faith look heavenward,
And come contritely to thy Lord;
His arms for thee are open!

7. And if on life’s wild, stormy sea
Thy bark may toss and quiver,
Thine Anchor, Guard and Shield is He
Whose love abides forever!
In night and grief, thy Light is He,
In conflict, sword and victory,
And He will not forsake thee.

106. Two Ways, O Man, Before Thee Lie

1. Two ways, O man, before thee lie
That lead to just two places:
One, narrow, to the throne on high,
That many a cross embraces;
The other road is smooth and broad,
But does not give the peace with God,
And leads to utter ruin.

2. So choose, O man, the narrow way,
Nor spurn the mercy offered!
Think of eternity today
While saving grace is proffered!
That way leads to a broad domain
And brings an everlasting gain:
Fear not its self-denial.

3. But if thou keep the broader road
And yield to sinful yearning,
It will lead thee to death’s abode;
For grace thou wilt be spurning.
O woe to thee if thou art found
In unbelief, thou wilt be bound
To him, the Prince of darkness.

4. Then turn, whoever thou may’st be,
And heed this hymn’s appealing;
This is the day of grace for thee,
Repent, and find true healing!
O turn, for thou hast wandered far;
No door thy way to Christ shall bar,
O turn, and be converted!

5. If thou to life wouldst find the way,
Then search the Scriptures ever;
They show that, through Christ’s death, men may
Have life that endeth never!
Lo! On the cross His life He gave,
And then was laid into the grave,
Because of thy transgressions.

6. If thou wouldst own the gift of grace
And heaven’s joy inherit,
Then walk by faith before His face,
Led by the Lord’s own Spirit.
Thou must with Christ be crucified,
And all thy sins and all thy pride
Upon His cross must perish.

7. In true repentance, die to sin,
In Jesus’ name believing!
Baptized into His death with Him,
Full pardon be receiving!
Who dies with Christ will with Him rise,
A new life’s way before him lies, -
The road of life with Jesus.

8. His way at first may seem to hard,
To steep, and full of sorrow;
Yet peace e’en now is its reward,
And bliss in God’s tomorrow.
Who through the narrow gate doth press,
An inner peace will he possess,
And very joy in living.

9. The broader way at first may seem
As through a pleasant pasture,
But further on great dangers teem;
It ends in dark disaster.
In righteous anger God will cast
Into great agony at last
The unrepentant sinner.

10. Therefore, O man, take thought today,
While yet the choice is given;
Reject the road that leads astray
And choose the way to heaven.
Great glory shall to them betide
Who in the faith of God abide,
But woe awaits the sinner!

Thursday, November 18, 2010

105. Be Thou Faithful Unto Death!

1. Be thou faithful unto death!
Seekest thou the joys of heaven?
Battle till thy dying breath,
Till the promised crown is given,
Which thy Lord for thee intends
When thy pilgrim journey ends.

2. None will there be crowned that day,
None eternal life secureth,
Save who battled in the fray,
And who scorn and shame endureth, -
These shall there a laurel wear
Brighter than the morning fair.

3. If thou seekest this bright gem,
Thou in conflict must not weary;
All but Jesus’ way condemn;
Peace will come, though days are dreary.
Yea, for toil and strife alone
Make the promised prize thine own.

4. Hast thou once upon the earth
Vowed to fight ‘neath Jesus’ banner,
Hold the field and show thy worth,
Lest thou fail in shameful manner.
Battle till the foe has fled
And a crown bedecks thy head.

5. To believe and trust the Lord
Is the Christian’s bounden duty;
Then be loyal to His Word
Till thou dost behold the beauty
Of the crowns of righteousness
Which the faithful shall possess.

104. Mortal Body, Take Thy Rest

1. Mortal body, take thy rest,
In this grace, serenely sleeping;
For thy spirit now is blest,
Safe in thy redeemer’s keeping;
Thou wilt leave these earthbound walls
On the day when Jesus calls.

2. Therefore, rest here peacefully
In this quiet little chamber;
Till we also follow thee,
Sharing in thy blessed slumber.
Here within the grave we lay
All our earthly cares away.

3. Jesus wills, that ‘mid earth’s strife,
We should still a pilgrims tarry!
All who sought the crown of life,
All who bore the yoke we carry,
Waited for the time to come
Until Jesus called them home.

4. Jesus also tarried here,
In this vale of tears sojourning,
Suffering far, far more than we
Ere unto His home returning.
Firm and true, Lord, let us be
With our vision fixed on Thee.

5. O how brief is this our life,
With its parting and its meeting,
As against eternity!
Yet upon its day so fleeting
Rests, O God of mystery,
Either death or life with Thee.

6. Truly life is ours by faith,
O Thou Life of all the living!
When our eyelids close in death,
We from Thee will be receiving
That full peace which here began,
Son of God and Son of Man!

7. Not the world’s are we but Thine
And from death Thou shalt awake us –
Let this star of hope, Lord, shine
When the pangs of death o’ertake us!
Living, we believe in Thee;
Dying, let us blesséd be!

103. Eternity, Thou Joyful Word

1. Eternity, thou joyful word,
That so much quickening doth afford,
Beginning without ending!
Eternity, joy without pain!
My heart for gladness doth not deign
To know the world’s offending,
Because what here might sadden me
Is sweetened by eternity.

2. The brightest glory of this earth, -
For time alone it has its birth,
Then totally decayeth.
Eternity – it hath no goal,
Its light, its gladness for the soul,
Unchangeable it stayeth!
The Word of God most truly saith:
Eternity shall know no death!

3. Then what of evils that may come,
What of distress – of martyrdom,
Of trials or affliction?
Though all of these were on us laid,
Yet when upon life’s balance weighed,
They prove but this conviction:
The glory of eternal life
By far outweighs all earthly strife!

4. When we the host of those behold
Who there must suffer pain untold
And everlasting anguish;
Though doomed to death they never die
But in their bitter torment cry,
As in the fire they languish, -
How great the glory then shall be
From this to be forever free!

5. With God above, the ransomed throng
Shall dwell unnumbered ages long
Forever young in spirit;
Angelic gladness theirs shall be
As they behold Christ’s majesty
And all His peace inherit;
For there they shall be satisfied,
With heavenly manna well supplied!

6. O how I’m longing there to be!
My fainting heart cries out for thee,
O life, with tender yearning!
When shall I reach Thee, Blesséd Goal,
To which each day my waiting soul
Is ever, ever turning?
The world and all I will despise
Thy joys at last to realize!

102. My Faith Gives Peace and Rest to Me

1. My faith gives peace and rest to me
And leads me heavenward to Thee,
O Christ, my faith’s foundation!
O grant to me true constancy,
That naught may take away from me
This heavenly consolation!
Impress Thou deeply on my soul
What depth of grace can make me whole!

2. To all who here believe on Thee,
A right to Thy eternity,
Lord, by Thy death hast offered.
No more am I but dust and breath,
No more a prey to second death;
Thou, too, for me hast suffered!
To me, thus cleansed from every stain,
This body’s death shall be but gain.

3. I do believe, O praise the Lord!
The truth and mercy in His Word
Have not in vain been given.
His Word hath wrought my sanctity;
His grace hath brought new life to me,
Made me an heir of heaven.
In me His Spirit operates
And the new man in me creates.

4. O Father, thanks and praise to Thee
For faith and hope and charity
Taught by Thy Gospel story!
Should I not seek – while here to live –
And practice all that here may give
A foretaste of Thy glory?
Impress Thou deeply on my soul
What depth of grace has made me whole!

101. Holy God, We Laud Thy Name!

1. Holy God, we laud Thy name!
Lord, in praise we bow before Thee!
Earth doth now Thy reign proclaim,
And doth for Thy works adore Thee.
As Thou wast, Thou wilt remain;
Everlasting is Thy reign.

2. Hark! The glad celestial hymn
Angel choirs above are raising!
Cherubim and Seraphim,
In unceasing chorus praising,
Fill the heav’ns with sweet accord:
“Holy, Holy, Holy, Lord!”

3. Great and small bring praise to Thee
Everywhere in Thy creation;
Thee, the Father, ceaselessly
Lauds Thy holy congregation,
Honors on His lofty throne
Thine only-begotten Son!

4. Lightened by the Holy Ghost,
With its mighty inspiration,
To their King, the ransomed host
Bring their praise and adoration.
They were purchased by Thy blood,
Cleansed in its redeeming flood.

5. From Thy high and mighty throne
To our lowly habitation,
Thou, the Father’s very own,
Didst descend for our salvation;
Thou from sin hast set us free;
Truth and grace both come from Thee!

6. Open now is heaven’s gates
Unto all on Thee believing;
There dost Thou upon us wait,
Ev’ry humble prayer receiving;
And at last, we know not when,
Thou to judge wilt come again.

7. Lord, Thy children’s helper be
When their humble prayers are offered,
For Thy blood hath made us free
And Thou, Lord, for us hast suffered.
When our journey’s end draws nigh
Take us home to Thee on high!

8. Grant us favor in Thy sight;
Help Thine heirs, O Lord, and bless us!
Lead us on the path of right,
That the foe may not possess us!
Help, that ‘mid our constant plea
We may soon Thy coming see!

Wednesday, November 17, 2010

100. “God With Us!” We Need Not Fear

1. “God with us!” We need no fear;
Jesus comforts us from heaven.
Unto death be faithful here;
Soon the crown of life is given!
Hear the trumpet’s warning call;
Rise, ye brave, be ready, all!

2. Christ our Captain leads the way;
Where He leads, He leads victorious.
Follow Him into the fray,
Conquering with courage glorious!
Though He leads through blood and death,
Heroes never lose their faith.

3. Fiercely will the foe attack;
Many valiant ones shall perish;
Perish for the kingdom’s sake
Means – to win that life they cherish.
O how blest that man shall be
Who may die, O Lord, for Thee!

4. Fear ye not; it will be well;
Though the man of sin yet rages,
He will soon be cast to hell;
Then through everlasting ages
We will be where grief nor pain,
Nor anxiety shall reign.

5. Lo, there shines the sainted host
Who in persecution ever
All were faithful at their post
And were martyrs for the Savior.
Look above; behold their way;
Strive to enter in as they!

99. Steep and Thorny Is the Way

1. Steep and thorny is the way
To our home in heaven wending;
Blest are all who day by day
Walk therein, for Christ contending;
Blest are all who win the race,
Never to despair give place.

2. Wondrous their reward shall be
Who till death are faithful ever,
Fleeing lust and vanity,
Consecrated to their Savior;
Who, in hope that’s firm and true,
Keep the victor’s crown in view.

3. Draw us hence, O Savior dear,
With all those who here have striven;
Storm and night surround us here;
Peace and light are in Thy heaven;
There beyond earth’s weary way
Beams the dawn of endless day.

4. Up, ye comrades, up, away!
Naught let hinder or alarm us!
Look to Jesus! Watch and pray
That the Lord Himself may arm us!
Christ in whom the weak find strength,
Gives the victory at length!

98. Though the Foes Would Harm You

1. Though the foes would harm you,
Le them not alarm you.
O be undismayed!
Christ the Lord will guide you,
Will he safely hide you,
And give mighty aid.
Waver not
Nor fear their plot!
Though the foes may try to shame you,
Let them never claim you!

2. See ye others mocking
Christ, your Lord, and walking
Godless day by day;
Who are slander heaping
On those who are keeping
In the narrow way?
Do not fear,
For He is near;
He leads through the narrow portal
Unto life immortal.

3. Give yourself to Jesus
Who from sin to free us
Left His high estate.
Longer do not tarry,
It is time to hurry;
Soon it is too late!
Once for all
With mighty fall
Babylon will crash in pieces; -
Then all favor ceases.

4. Let it not appall you
What the foes may call you,
Who exalt the beast.
All who bow before it,
Worship and adore it,
God will judge at last.
Shame and scorn
Must here be borne!
Who will here the cross not treasure,
There can have no pleasure.

5. Therefore, friend, be wary;
Haste, and do not tarry
Here in Babylon.
Shun her very portal
That your crown immortal
Surely will be won.
Up, arise! Her judgment nighs!
Do not fear the roaring lion,
But press on to Zion!

97. Word of God From Heaven

1. Word of God from heaven,
By which we are given
Joy and peace and rest!
Fount of highest gladness,
Comfort in all sadness,
O Evangel blest!
Power of God,
Creating Word,
Gospel by our Savior given,
Leading us to heaven!

2. Word from heaven descended,
Thou must be extended,
Shining as a light,
Till the revelation
Of our Lord’s salvation
May dispel the night.
Beam afar,
O Morning Star;
Rise in hearts that would not perish,
And Thee ever cherish.

3. All is now completed,
Come the long-awaited
Savior of all men.
He for us hath striven
And His life hath given
For our guilt and sin.
The decree
To make men free
Is accomplished, God be glory!
O, the blessed story!

4. Now the invitation
Sounds to every nation,
“Turn ye and believe!”
God would all forgive ye;
Everlasting live ye,
If ye Christ receive.
Come to Me
And be set free
From the chains of sin that press you,
I your soul shall rescue.

5. See how sinners revel,
Serving death and devil, -
Numberless are they,
Who in lofty places
Bow to idol faces,
Shameful homage pay;
Yet some time
Shall brightly shine
On the hills our Savior’s healing,
Valleys reconciling.

6. Though mid strife and tumult,
Men will heap their insult
On the blood of Christ;
Ye who love the Savior,
Bearing ill-will ever,
Being much-despised, -
Soon ‘tis past,
And they at last
Who have served, endured, and waited
Shall be vindicated.

7. See the mighty nations,
Whose imaginations are an idle dream;
Christ’s own name now bearing,
Yet for Him not caring;
Yea, they Him blaspheme:
Trust the Lord,
Such are abhorred,
And one day will crash in pieces;
Then the evil ceases.

8. See the lowly churches,
Which by Christian virtues
Satan’s pow’r defy,
Where the true salvation
Preached with consecration,
Leads to life on high.
Great shall be
The small ye see
When all to their Savior plighted,
Once shall be united.

9. Ye His grace possessing,
Glory in His blessing,
Ye His children are; -
Let your all be given
Him, who from His heaven
Sent the Morning Star.
Cast out fear
And hold Him dear,
Who is Yea and Amen ever,
Praise His name forever!

96. Though Their Foes May Try Them

1. Though their foes may try then,
Christ’s true friends defy them
And to Him adhere;
Though the archfoe, Satan,
God’s own children threaten,
They will have no fear:
God gives power,
That they each hour,
Even when they face disaster,
Loving, call Him Master!

2. So when Satan rages,
Mighty battle wages,
Using fire and sword;
Though his schemes annoy you,
Though he would destroy you,
Children of the Lord:
Be it known
That we, Christ’s own,
Rather than our Lord denying,
Will rejoice in dying.

3. Satan nothing gaineth,
When he saint’s blood draineth;
For where martyrs bleed,
Angels will the rather
Heaven’s harvest gather!
Satan’s pride indeed,
And his strength
Shall end at length,
When our mighty Lord and Savior
Him subdues forever!

4. For a season, Satan
May our downfall threaten,
But be not afraid!
For the Lord of heaven
Hath the promise given
Of enduring aid:
His right arm
Will guard from harm
All who by His power unending,
Are for Him contending.

5. So stand fast, ye faithful,
Though the foe seem dreadful,
Help is on your side.
Christ in triumph rising,
Haughty foes despising,
Will defeat their pride.
Though, behold,
A lion bold,
Or a Nero should o’ertake you,
God will not forsake you!

6. Though proud sea endeavor
Our small bark to sever
From its Faithful Guard,
Though great storms are roaring;
Though great billows soaring,
May distress it hard,
Christ, the Lord,
Will help afford;
In the very darkest hour
He will show His power.

7. This our ship is riding,
Though the foe be chiding,
Safely on its course;
It will reach the harbor,
Spite of fire and torture,
Spite of evil force; -
Wind and sea
Heed our Brother, Christ the Savior,
Mightly Pilot ever!

8. Should our vessel flounder,
Peter nigh go under,
Jonah near be lost;
Should a Paul be drifting
Still God’s arms are lifting
All the tempest-tossed:
Noah found
A landing-ground;
He and his by God were cherished,
Though the whole world perished.

9. O be glad, my brothers,
Brave the hate of others,
And be not dismayed.
Though vain men assail you
Let your faith not fail you;
Still be unafraid.
God hath shown
More power alone
Than great hosts in armor trusting,
For your downfall lusting.

10. Let from every angle
Storms our ships entangle,
God is our command!
It will not go under
Or through weakness founder,
But come safe to land;
For at last,
Storms overpast,
Christ, our great and mighty Pilot,
Will to heaven guide it!

95. Follow Me, the Lord Is Pleading

1. Follow Me, the Lord is pleading;
Come, I am the Life, the Way!
I’ll provide all you are needing;
Trust in Me, do not delay.
Gladly choose My pathway narrow;
For I bore your sin and sorrow;
One and all, come learn of Me
True and deep humility.

2. I have gone this way before you,
Not in pomp or vanity;
Now display my banner o’er you,
And my true disciples be.
Follow me as my eleven
And become the heirs of heaven;
O forsake the roadway broad;
Follow me, and come to God.

3. Ah, what is this futile yearning
After treasures hearth may hold,
That shall burn at my returning, -
Honor, pleasure, good and gold;
Gut to Me, by whom in heaven
Everlasting life is given,
Only few do firmly cling
And accept me as their King.

4. Lo, with tears I went to summon
Israel, My covenant folk!
Come to Me, your faithful Amen,
And accept my easy yoke.
Ye pretenders, there approaches
Soon the time of sad reproaches;
All who now will not believe
Then their judgment shall receive.

5. What by prophets once was spoken
Shall in very truth befall:

“Sight shall from their eyes be taken
And their minds be dulled withal!”
Woe to all those who would never
Heed the pleading of the savior,
Who in paths of sin abide
And whose hearts are filled with pride!

6. Hearken, therefore, every nation,
To the Savior’s Word today;
He has come to bring salvation,
And would wash your sins away.
O believe when He doth summon,
For His Word is Yea and Amen!
Here and in eternity
All who trust in Him are free.

7. Sing, all ye who are persuaded
By the power of His call!
O be glad, for you are aided
By His hand through dangers all.
Not a sparrow ever falleth
Lest it be that God alloweth;
So rejoice exceedingly,
For His kingdom your shall be.

8. Walk thus, cheering one another,
Little flock, e’en to the end,
If ye see a stumbling brother,
Helpful word and hand extend;
Filled with God’s own mighty fullness,
Follow Christ in holy stillness;
Sing to Him a “Gloria!”
And rejoice, “Hallelujah!”

94. When Our Ship of Faith Is Drifting

1. When our ship of faith is drifting
On the angry waves of doubt;
When there’s not one hopeful lifting
Of the dark clouds all about;
When the storms force us to rowing,
Often we are scarcely knowing
Whether God is near in need,
Or if we’re alone indeed.

2. Yet He’s never far removed,
He Himself doth pilot us;
Only that our faith be proved,
Doth he loose the tempest thus.
Though at times He seemeth sleeping,
Yet we’re ever in His keeping;
If we seek Him earnestly,
He will calm the angry sea.

3. He is Lord! When He commendeth,
Storms abate; high seas grow still;
Naught His mighty pow’r withstandeth;
All things need must do His will.
He gives rest when woes afflict us,
And doth evermore protect us
That we sink not in dismay,
For His cov’nant stands for aye.

4. Therefore, rest ye in Him solely,
Lest your light of hope grow dim;
He is near, though hidden wholly,
Set your confidence on Him!
Firmly on this rock relying,
Comfort you and cease your sighing;
Faith at rest in Jesus’ blood
Heedeth neither storm nor flood.

5. Though the ship of faith would falter
In the storms we must endure,
Nothing e’er its course shall alter,
For its anchor is secure
In the ground our God hath given,
Jesus’ blood, and it shall even,
By our faith upon His grace,
Hold within the Holy Place.

6. We by faith are bound securely
With that mighty cord of love,
That from earth extendeth surely
To the Fatherland above.
This true love so freely given
Ever draws us on to heaven,
On to glory, home, and rest,
To that City of the Blest.

7. Jesus’ cross – that is the symbol
Of the banner that we bear;
Under this, what need to tremble?
Who need falter or despair?
He that in this sign believeth
There a heavenly crown receiveth,
After the victorious fight
Cometh he to realms of light.

8. Therefore, on, belovéd pilgrims!
Faithfully your way pursue;
Yonder for you as His children
Lies that peaceful haven too.
There the little bark arriveth
After tempest it surviveth;
For your compass, Holy Writ,
Keeps thy bark and guideth it.

93. God, My Hope, My Expectation

1. God, my Hope, my Expectation,
Evermore my Helper near,
Thou wilt come to my protection
Though all else be dark and drear.
When the storms of life distress me,
Thou dost comfort, aid, and bless me;
I would heed Thy guidance still:
“As Thou wilt, not as I will!”

2. On Thy perfect care relying,
Lord, my all I leave to Thee;
Be it living still or dying,
I accept it thankfully.
Though my burdens may oppress me
Thou canst strengthen and refresh me;
I would heed Thy guidance still:
“As Thou wilt, not as I will!”

3. Let me live and walk before Thee
Even as Thou deemest best,
With Thy kind protection o’er me
I shall be forever blest.
If I stand but in Thy favor,
Nothing here can harm me ever,
I would heed Thy guidance still:
“As Thou wilt, not as I will!”j

4. Must I suffer pain and trial;
Thou I feel the burden grow
To endure without denial, -
Yet, my God is true, I know.
Far from me be all despairing
While Thou art my burdens sharing;
I would heed Thy guidance still:
“As Thou wilt, not as I will!”

5. Unto Thee have I commended
All with a contented heart;
Every woe will soon be ended,
Joy will take the place of smart.
When I shall behold from heaven
All the guidance Thou hast given,
Then I deeply moved shall say,
“Blesséd, hast Thou planned my way.”

92. Forward! Strive to Gain the Goal!

1. Forward! Strive to gain the goal!
To the Fatherland!
Though affliction press the soul,
Led by Jesus’ hand
Safe thou shalt be;
Once beyond all pain and strife
Thou shalt gain eternal life,
And victory!

2. Christ Himself has gone this way,
Fearlessly and true, -
Thy example! Day by day
Follow Him anew.
On Him depend;
He will lend thee help in need –
Seek then to be true indeed
Till life shall end.

3. Dost thou fear the heat and care
On thy daily road?
Doth whatever thou must bear
Seem a heavy load?
Look up and see,
On the cross that He once bore,
How thy Savior suffered sore –
Accursed – for thee!

4. Lost in night and darkness,
Beckons thee no star?
Doth His help in time of stress
Seem to thee so far?
Think on thy way –
He the Shepherd never sleeps,
But a constant vigil keeps
Both night and day.

5. Although death approach at last,
Need that trouble thee?
When its gloomy vale is past,
Thou may’st clearly see
Him as He is. –
Shortly from all strife and woe,
All His faithful ones may go
Into His bliss!

91. Heavenward, Still Heavenward

1. Heavenward, still heavenward,
Should the pathway go;
What the saints have here implored,
God will there bestow.
Beneath the skies
Joy and sorrow we must share;
Upward then, to glory there
O lift thine eyes!

2. Heavenward thy spirit turn
Every newborn day;
Short, as thou didst well discern,
Is thy pilgrim way.
Then plead anew:
God, who leadest me above,
Mold my heart Thy way to love
And keep me true!

3. Heavenward He set thy goal,
There His face to see;
Therefore trouble not thy soul
With earth’s vanity.
O flee its guile!
Only what for heaven we bear,
Only what is treasured there,
Is worth thy while!

4. Heavenward direct thy view
When afflictions press,
Where the Father, kind and true,
Watches thy distress.
Then why be sad?
Yonder in the realm of light
There is neither care nor fright, -
Rejoice! Be glad!

5. Heavenward the saints of God
Bear their burdens on,
Glad to go the way He trod,
Till the goal is won.
Press on as they!
For through darkness and distress
Leads thy way to happiness
And endless day.

6. Heavenward the Lord did lead
Through reproach and wrong;
His example they must heed
Who to Him belong.
O weary soul,
Cling unto thy God as He;
Murmur not; pray fervently;
And gain thy goal!

7. Heavenward His hand doth guide
Through the desert waste,
Draws thee closer to His side,
Makes thy spirit chaste.
He will destroy
Every earthly vanity,
And will lead thee finally
Into His joy.

8. Hallelujah! Heavenward,
Let thy thanks ascend;
Thou shalt also join thy Lord
At the journey’s end.
Then thou shalt be
Where all pain is turned aside,
There to praise Him, glorified

9. “Hallelujah,” thou wilt sing
When thy Lord shall come
Joyfully His own to bring
To His heavenly home.
Great is the Lord!
For the cross He took a throne,
Made His victory thine own!
Praise be the Lord!

90. Mid Life’s Anguish I Am Not Complaining

1. Mid life’s anguish I am not complaining;
Here no crown of honor I’ll be gaining,
Where my Lord a thorny crown has worn.
I will here not seek a path of roses
Where Thou, Lord, in whom my hope reposes,
On the cross the guilt of sin hast borne.

2. Guide me, Lord, upon the path to glory,
With the true and blessed Gospel story;
May Thy Spirit lead me day by day.
Give a heart that willingly will follow
Where the course is difficult and narrow,
On the road where Thou hast led the way.

3. Make me, Lord, to be more faithful ever,
And the fruit of faith, that holy fervor,
Of unfeignéd love, O grant to me.
Lacking love I have no hope of winning;
Love alone can bring to love’s beginning;
Only love brings through the world to Thee.

4. Friendly is the call which Thou hast given,
Dearest Lord! Yet many steps to heaven
Still remain which I must needs ascend.
Therefore, look upon Thy servant humble;
O sustain his going lest he stumble;
Still Thy helping hand to him extend.

5. Let enlightened eyes to me be given
That by hope I here foresee Thy heaven,
When from toil and strife no rest I find.
In this vale of anguish and affliction,
Give me constant peace and pure affection
And trustful, happy, heav’nly mind.

6. Yea, upon this earth I am a stranger,
Often burdened and exposed to danger,
Just a pilgrim needy and unknown!
Lord, the cross remains my journey’s token
Till I hear Thy “Well done” to me spoken,
And at lasts I reach that heav’nly home.

Tuesday, November 16, 2010

89. To Christ on Golgatha

1. To Christ on Golgatha,
My spirit fain would go
To ponder on His words
And His exceeding woe.

2. What pain unspeakable
In this great cry we see:
“My God, My God, oh, why
Hast Thou forsaken Me?”

3. No vengeance in His heart,
I hear Him plead anew,
“Dear Father, pray, forgive;
They know not what they do!”

4. His mother weepeth sore,
He comforteth her now:
“Behold in John thy son.”
“O John, thy mother know.”

5. He comforteth the thief,
And “Verily,” He cries,
“Thou shalt with Me today
Be in yon paradise.”

6. “I thirst!” He crieth then;
There’s no affliction thus,
Which He, the friend of man,
Has not endured for us.

7. He “It is finished!” cries,
And bows His head, - The end:
“O Father, to Thy hands
My spirit I commend.”

88. Though at Times Our Pilgrimage

1. Though at times our pilgrimage
May seem hard and long;
Although storms about us rage
Or we suffer wrong, -
Yet with joy we press on high,
Trusting, for the race,
Not the strength we can supply,
But the Savior’s grace.

2. Therefore we are confident,
And thereto we cling,
That the Lord will not consent
To our perishing.
Though the strength we may possess
Threatens oft to fail,
Yet we know in all distress
Will His help prevail.

3. He who made the water spring
From the flinty rock,
Who Elijah food to bring
Sent a raven flock; -
He who with few loaves of bread
Fed the weary throng,
Shall He not in time of dread
Prove a Helper strong?

4. He who in his hand doth bear
Each celestial ball,
Yet without whom not a hair
From our heads shall fall,
For whom nothing is too great
Or to small, - shall He
Not be merciful indeed
When to Him we flee?

5. He who keeps us day by day
In His mighty love,
And who clearly points the way
To our home above;
He who has prepared a place
For His people there,
Would He leave them when they face
Trouble and despair?

6. Nay, that He will never do
To His children dear.
All His promises are true;
Therefore, do not fear!
Though at times you needs must go
Through distress and tears,
Lift your weary heads for, lo,
Your redemption nears!

87. “The Lord,” My Fear Saith

1. “The Lord,” my fear saith,
“Thy needs will deny.”
“Each good thing,” saith faith,
“Will Jesus supply.
To Him all things leaving,
Whate’er may betide,
Though now thou art grieving:
“The Lord will provide!”

2. Away unbelief;
My Savior is near;
His plans for relief
Will shortly appear.
Though here I am writhing
In dust like a worm,
The Lord is providing –
I smile at the storm.

3. The Faithful One will
In future be nigh,
My wants will he fill,
My needs all supply!
Full many a reminder
Of help my life shows:
He could not be kinder,
Who heals all my woes!

4. The way dark may be
That He bids me take,
Yet He lovingly
That way bright will make;
Though cisterns be broken,
Things visible fail,
The Word He hath spoken
Shall ever prevail!

5. So all that I meet
Redounds to my weal,
The bitter turns sweet,
The wounds quickly heal;
Though trials be present,
They will not last long;
And then – O how pleasant, -
A victory song!

6. Why should I complain
Of trial or need,
Of trouble or pain!
Christ teacheth indeed:
To whom He would offer
The kingdom on high,
With Jesus must suffer,
And with Him must die!

7. How bitter the woe
He bore for our sin
That He might bestow
Salvation to men!
His way was far rougher,
Far darker than mine;
He came down to suffer –
Should I then repine?

8. Though trouble’s dark night
Or sorrow assail,
Though foes may affright
And friend’s help may fail,
There’s One who remaineth
Always at our side,
Our faith He sustaineth –
The Lord will provide.

9. How firm is the ground,
Ye saints of the Lord,
That for you is found
In God’s holy Word:
What more can He say –
Than His promise declares?
True faith stands unshaken, -
False faith – it despairs!

86. Though Trouble Assail

1. Though trouble assail,
And danger affright,
Though friends should all fail,
And foes all unite,
Yet one thing secures us,
Whatever betide;
The promise assures us:
“The Lord will provide.”

2. Though often a storm
Our hearts may oppress,
Though trouble alarm
And Satan distress,
Though “What shall befall us?”
We often have sighed,
Yet naught shall appall us:
“The Lord will provide.”

3. His call we obey,
Like Abr’am of old;
God’s Word is our stay,
And faith makes us bold;
For, though we are strangers,
We have a good Guide
To trust in all dangers:
“The Lord will provide.”

4. When Satan appears,
Obstructing our path,
And fills us with fears,
We triumph by faith;
He cannot take from us,
Though of the has tried,
The heart-cheering promise:
“The Lord will provide.”

5. He tells us we’re weak,
Our hope is in vain;
The good that we seek
We shall not obtain:
But when in temptation
We thus have been tried,
We find affirmation:
“The Lord will provide.”

6. No strength of our own,
Nor virtue we claim;
Our trust is alone
Upon the Lord’s name.
In this, our strong tower,
For safety we hide;
Therein lies our power:
“The Lord will provide.”

Monday, November 15, 2010

85. O Father, Now We Seek Thee

1. O Father, now we seek Thee
Before Thy mercy throne;
For blessings we beseech Thee,
In Jesus Christ, Thy Son.
The blessings of a Father,
O grant us from above,
As we before Thee gather, -
The children of Thy love.

2. Thy name be praised forever
By every child indeed,
Whose soul Thou didst deliver
And fill its every need.
Thy name be it revered
By us in verity,
That we may be preparéd
For blessed evernity.

3. O may Thy Kingdom enter
In every human heart;
May all our longings center
In heaven where Thou art!
Thy children are imploring:
“Lord Jesus, come!” we pray;
“Come soon, Thy realm restoring
With praise in endless day!”

4. May we Thy will be doing
On earth, on every hand,
That we, Thy unction knowing,
Its teaching understand;
For all the hosts of heaven
To do Thy will ne’er cease –
May unto us be given
To do it here in peace!

5. Do Thou this day provide us
Wit daily bread, O Lord;
By Thy dear Word, O guild us
And all we need afford.
Hear us entreat Thy favor,
Lord God of Israel,
Thy heav’nly bread, O Savior,
Alone our wants can fill.

6. Forgive us our transgressions,
Where we have failed anon,
In word and deed and patience,
That Thy will might be done!
They are unworthy servants
Who only do at best
What Thine upright commandments
Require, - and then desist.

7. May we, Thy ransomed treasure,
Not live in vain, O Lord;
But follow Thee with pleasure
And thus adorn Thy Word.
Thou hast our sins forgiven, -
So we, the Kingdom heirs,
As pleaseth Thee in heaven –
Forgive our debtors theirs.

8. If Satan in his power
Should try to lead astray,
O tread him in that hour
Beneath our feet, we pray.
From evil, Lord, deliver;
With power us sustain,
That we may, like the Savior,
Be victors on the plain!

9. For Thine, Lord, is the kingdom,
The pow’r and majesty,
The glory and dominion
Through all eternity!
Destroy the realm of Satan
And darkness’ evil reign!
And to restore creation,
Return, Lord, soon again.

10. We hear Thee, Savior, saying:
“Amen, so let it be!”
And all Thy children’s praying
Is answered soon by Thee!
Thou art the True, the Faithful,
The Holy Cov’nant God; -
That we in Thee be joyful,
O Lord of Sabaoth!

84. My Thoughts Are Ever Turning

1. My thoughts are ever turning
To my celestial home;
For it my love is burning
Though still afar I roam.
‘Tis there my soul is dwelling,
My wealth is with the Lord,
And from my heart is welling
A longing heavenward.

2. Earth and vain things, you bitter
Plagues of the soul, begone!
From far you seem to glitter,
But who by you is won,
For gems has empty baubles,
For pearls the sand of care;
Your wine is full of troubles
And poison taints your fare.

3. What leads to heaven I treasure
And not what draws to earth;
The world, its sinful pleasure,
And all it holds of worth
I shun; what far outclasses
All these, I seek on high;
To know that life surpasses
Earth’s wisdom and earth’s joy.

4. Then rise, my soul, with gladness
Although the way be hard.
Through danger, scorn, and sadness,
Up! ever heavenward!
To others leave earth’s pleasures
And all this world’s allure,
Thou claim the noble treasures
Eternal and secure!

83. This Life to Gloom Is Given

1. This life to gloom is given;
So grievous is our woe,
As if the Lord in heaven
No spark of love would show;
No pardon yet receiving,
Earth can no peace afford;
Yet weary hours of striving
Are blessings of the Lord.

2. O how we long to face Him
When left alone, oppressed;
If we could but embrace Him
And ever hold Him fast.
With tears doth plead and wrestle,
Like Jacob, then the soul,
Until it wins the struggle
And faith doth make it whole.

3. We feel then how distressing
Life without God would be;
How wretched, without blessing,
How full of poverty;
We here would famish ever,
If not our weeping heart
Were nourished by the Savior,
Who comfort can impart.

4. The Lord at all times chooses
The time His gifts to share;
His joyous rays He uses
To banish grief and care;
He sendeth gracious showers
Upon the withering soul,
And leads through gloomy hours
Toward heaven’s shining goal.

5. Untrue our hearts were ever
And soon His love would spurn,
If we knew not, O Savior,
All Thou for us hast borne;
With Thee all our transgressions
Were nailed upon the tree;
We, by Thy Holy Passion,
Were saved eternally.

6. O then endeavor meekly
His ways to understand,
Whene’er thy journey lead thee
Across a barren land!
Soon shall descend from heaven
His blessing as the dew;
Through mercies freely given
He shall make all things new!

82. Blessed Is the Man

1. Blessed is the man that walketh
Not in godless counsels e’er,
Who no evil thinketh, talketh,
Nor doth ways of sinners share;
Who the scoffers’ band forgoes
And his heart to wisdom draws.

2. He doth find abiding pleasure
In Jehovah’s perfect law;
Day and night upon its treasure
He doth meditate with awe,
For to him Jehovah’s Word
Strength and comfort doth afford!

3. He is like a tree deep-rooted
By the flowing river’s side,
That in season is well fruited
And whose leaves are never dried,
Where the glowing sun and heat
Ripen fruit as it is meet.

4. Lo, his faith is deeply grounded
In the blessed Word of God,
That reveals God’s grace unbounded,
And whence love is sown abroad;
On it all his hopes depend
For a life that shall not end.

5. Not so are the scoffers jeering
Who to folly condescend;
They, when ills make their appearing,
Are like chaff before the wind,
Or like grass that, newly mown,
Quickly withers in the sun.

6. Therefore in the final judgment,
Wicked men shall meet their fate;
Hypocrites shall find no lodgment
Where the righteous congregate.
God will help the just prevail,
But the sinners’ way shall fail!

81. Now the Precious Hour Appeareth

1. Now the precious hour appeareth
Which in prayer doth make us one;
When God’s chosen people neareth
In devotion to the throne;
Savior, hear our humble plea,
Bless Thou all who came to Thee!

2. We, although but weak beginners,
Are encouraged by Thy grace!
For Thou freely savest sinners
Who Thee, Lord, by faith embrace.
All who humbly seek Thee now
With Thy saving grace endow!

3. Gracious Son of Man, we pray Thee
Not just for ourselves alone;
Many who do not obey Thee,
Thou wilt save and make Thine own.
Many, Lord, this very hour
Still lie bound in Satan’s power.

4. “Great the harvest,” Thou hast spoken;
Send, O send Thy reapers forth;
Let the chains of sin be broken;
Gather in from south and north;
May the whole world soon perceive
And Thy saving light receive!

5. Lord, Thy messengers supplying
With new measures of Thy grace,
Give new life to dead and dying;
Hallow new Thy Holy Place!
Shepherd of our souls, we pray,
Gather in all those that stray!

Saturday, November 13, 2010

80. Love Divine, Thou Once Didst Make Me

1. Love Divine, Thou once didst make me
In Thy godly image true;
Love Divine, didst not forsake me,
Didst my fallen state renew;
Here I give myself to Thee,
Thine, forever Thine to be!

2. Love Divine, ere earth’s’ foundation,
Thou my ransom didst decree;
Love Divine, for my salvation,
Didst become a man like me;
Here I give myself to Thee,
Thine, forever Thine to be!

3. Love Divine, for me enduring
Pangs of death upon the tree;
Love Divine, there-by procuring
Endless happiness for me;
Here I give myself to Thee,
Thine, forever Thine to be!

4. Love Divine, didst haughty find me,
Hast me know completely won;
Love Divine, to Thee didst bind me,
That I now am all Thine own,
There I give myself to Thee,
Thine, forever Thine to be!

5. Love Divine, forever living,
Step by step, me onward lead;
Love Divine, the true peace giving,
Mightily for me now plead.
Here I give myself to Thee,
Thine, forever Thine to be!

79. When Heart and Heart in Love

1. When heart and heart in love
Have truly found each other,
And by the bond of faith
Are firmly joined together,
Then like the bright full moon,
The light of hope doth shine,
Inviting to enjoy
Its blessed peace divine.

2. Then this dark vale of tears
A glorious Eden seemeth
When, one in spirit here,
Our prayer to heaven streameth.
Then uncomplaining, we
Can all life’s burdens bear,
And, comforted in God,
Find full relief from care.

3. This bond of loving hearts
By God’s rich grace abideth;
Each walks upon life’s path,
In God above confideth.
When two souls one become,
The third is God the Lord, -
It then is hard to break
This holy three-fold cord.

4. And when this tie is bound
By faith and love forever,
It cannot be unloosed,
Its bands be broken ever.
And though a parting come,
This hope shall e’er remain –
For souls, thus sealed in God: -
In heav’n shall meet again!

5. O what great joy is theirs
Who join in yon reunion,
Who after parting tears,
Unite in heav’n’s communion,
Who in this earthly vale
Had journeyed hand in hand,
United in God’s grace,
By love’s most sacred band.

6. Then will this union be
A bond of love forever;
Then shall no grief of pain
Or parting grieve them ever.
Then God shall be with us,
As our best friend and Guide;
In Him our hearts thus bound
Shall evermore abide.

78. Faith and Hope and Charity

1. Faith and hope and charity
Are the Christian’s foremost graces;
Every child of God must see
That these virtues he embraces.
Where our God is served with power,
Faith, love, hope must bloom each hour.

2. Faith lays the foundation stone
For the ground that truly blesses;
Faith looks up to Christ alone
And with hearts and lips confesses
What the Spirit here would teach it,
Earthly trouble cannot reach it.

3. Love must show the fruit of faith
Unto God and to the neighbor,
Yield itself to Christ till death,
Never tiring of its labor;
And no suff’ring here shall ever
Separate us from the Savior.

4. Hope gives love and bravery
Every ill and need to conquer;
And upon life’s stormy sea
Proves a true and steadfast anchor.
Thou our hearts be tempest-beaten,
Hope all suffering doth sweeten.

5. O preserve this faith in me,
Gracious Lord, in Thy good pleasure;
Shame all those who mightily
Seek to rob me of this treasure:
Let the bruised reed not be broken,
Nor be quenched the flax, still smoking!

6. May my charity be pure,
Not a sham or pretense merely;
O bestow Thy power sure,
That my love may shine our clearly;
Help me love Thee, heav’nly Father,
And in Thee, my every brother.

7. Set my hope on solid ground;
Strengthen it in every trial;
May it flourish and abound,
And in danger shun denial:
Let it see past heaven’s portal
And find rest in things immortal.

8. Faith and hope at last shall cease,
When they are fulfilled by seeing;
Yet shall charity increase
Where it has its root and being.
Charity will flourish ever
When I love Thee, Lord, forever!

77. Jesus, Savior, Come to Me!

1. Jesus, Savior, come to me!
Let me ever be with Thee;
Come and nevermore depart,
Thou who reignest in the heart.

2. Lord, for Thee I ever sigh,
Nothing else can satisfy;
This my constant cry shall be:
Jesus, Jesus, come to me!

3. Earthly joys can give no peace,
Cannot bid my longing cease;
But to have my Jesus near,
This is perfect pleasure here.

4. Lord, to Thee, whate’er betide,
Mine own heart I open wide;
Enter Thou, possess it al,
Thee alone mine own I call.

5. Thou alone, my God and Lord,
Art my Glory and Reward;
Thou, the Lamb, didst die for me,
Thou alone shalt Bridegroom be.

76. O Lord, Wherever Love Is Waning

1. O Lord, wherever love is waning,
There do Thy work in time to save!
There let Thy grace with power sustaining,
Flood new the love that all forgave!
From where the flame of love has died,
The light of faith will not abide.

2. We must confess to this, dear Savior,
For life has taught this from of old,
That where love’s flame has lost its fervor
The hearts grow desolate and cold.
Love is the essence of this life
And gives us strength for every strife.

3. Bind us with cords of love each hour,
O God, awaken us by grace,
And by Thy Spirit’s mighty power
Encourage us to run our race,
To see the perfect goal above,
Forever harbored in Thy love.

4. Preserve our first love’s high perfection
In all its warmth and purity;
Love banishes all self-affection
And sets the heart from evil free.
Love is the mark which makes it clear
That we are Thy disciples here.

5. Lo, where the warmth of love has vanished,
True holiness is found no more;
For love of self has not been banished
And love no faults doth cover o’er,
For where the peace of God departs,
Frivolity soon chills the hearts.

6. Love yearns for a sincere communion
And seeks a faithful brother-heart,
Love there rejoices in a union
Where brothers, from the world apart,
Stand heart to heart on common ground,
Where Christ’s own charity is found.

7. This charity is friendly, sparing;
It looks for brotherly accord,
Is ever patient and forbearing
And seeks not honor or reward,
Is clothed in sweet humility,
From every taint of evil free.

8. This charity is soon entreated;
Is not insistent on its right.
Is never proud or self-conceited
But finds enjoyment in the light
Of truth, and righteousness, and peace;
True charity shall never cease!

9. True charity no ill is seeking,
Is ready to give others aid;
And if the world is vengeance wreaking,
It trusts in God all unafraid,
Retaining still its confidence
That God will be a sure defense.

10. True charity is of God’s giving
And where love is, there God will be;
Where’er a man, reborn, is living,
There charity is like a sea.
Where charity now doth abound,
A child of God indeed is found.

75. O Lord of Mercy, Pure and Holy

1. O Lord of mercy, pure and holy,
Of love no one can estimate!
With many others, poor and lowly,
And with a children’s army great,
I thank Thee for Thy grace in Christ
That ere creation did exist.

2. For all the wonders of salvation
And Thine atonement for all sin;
For Thy sweet Gospel’s proclamation,
That calls us, every heart to win;
Yea, for the grace its power to share,
My heart will thank Thee here and there.

3. Yea, for Thy Holy Spirit’s guiding
Into the truth that life doth give, -
For it is but Thy might abiding
That works the pow’r in Thee to live, -
And for my strengthening, O Lord,
Renewed, my mind would thanks record.

4. Thanks for Thy promise truly spoken,
That grace endures eternally;
Though mountains crumble, rocks be broken,
Thy covenant yet true shall be;
Yea, thou the earth and heavens fail,
God shall abide, His truth prevail.

5. My heart and tongue shall praise Thee ever!
Yet heart and tongue do beg of Thee;
Let faith within me never waver,
But may it firm and constant be;
O keep me in Thy truth while here,
That to the end I persevere.

6. Lord, let me live in love to please Thee,
Blameless to walk before Thy face!
Assure me that no ill will seize me
And draw me from Thy love and grace;
Because my Savior lives in me,
Let me in love live unto Thee.

7. Whatever trails may await me, -
All that the world and hell include, -
Shall from Thy love not separate me,
Which I possess through Jesus’ blood!
I trust Thy faithfulness alone
To number me among Thine own!

74. I Bow Before Love’s Power Unending

1. I bow before love’s power unending,
Revealed to me, O Christ, in Thee;
I give myself to that befriending
Bestowed upon a worm like me;
I leave all thought of self-devotion
To plunge myself into love’s ocean.

2. O how Thou lovest me, dear Savior!
O how Thy heart doth yearn for me!
Drawn gently by Thy love, Lord, ever,
I come and yield my all to Thee,
As Thou, Devoted Love, dost hold me,
So in my heart would I enfold Thee.

3. I feel I must have Thee as treasure;
I feel that I Thine own must be;
No earthly gift could give me pleasure,
For all my life is hid in Thee.
Here is the rest Thou art providing,
Hence I will follow Thy blest guiding.

4. My heart and life are Thine forever,
Redeemer, Thou my only God!
Thy blood was shed, that healing river,
For sin a purifying flood;
Thou hast forgiven my transgression,
My heart is ever Thy possession!

5. I loved and lived, in dreary bondage
Unto myself, and far from Thee;
Long years did I refuse Thee homage,
Yet in Thy love Thou soughtest me.
O that each sinner thus might see Thee,
How could he help but love Thee freely!

6. All praise to Jesus’ name be giving,
Whence all the springs of love do burst,
The Fount whence issue waters living,
Wherein believers quench their thirst.
They bow themselves with praise unending:
And we, with theirs, our prayers are blending!

7. O Jesus, may Thy name forever
Deep in my soul itself impress,
Any may the marks of Thy love ever
Show in my heart and consciousness.
May thought and deed and conversation
Reflect but Thee and Thy salvation!

73. May Soon Thy Fire Be Burning Brightly

1. May soon Thy fire by burning brightly,
Thou who dost love beyond all words!
May all the world acknowledge rightly
That Thou art Kind and Lord of lords!

2. E’en now that fire is brightly glowing;
Lo, here, lo, there in West and East;
On Thee, O loving Lamb, bestowing
A joyous Pentecostal feast!

3. Still now that holy fire from heaven
Warms hearts that once were dead and cold;
Sin-wounded souls are healed and given
By their deliverance joys untold.

4. That fire consumes all proud behavior,
All selfishness, impurity;
And magnifies the love, dear Savior,
Of those who put their trust in Thee.

5. Thou art the Fount of love unending,
Thou Breath of life from heaven above!
May naught prevent Thee, Lord, from sending
Into our hearts this fire of love!

6. O blend all that is disunited
Into a temple grand and fair;
And may Thy Father’s house be lighted
By love from heaven gleaming there.

7. O warm, awaken, and enlighten
The world to praise that will not cease;
And every tribe and nation brighten
With truth to know Thee, Prince of Peace.

8. Ah, then shall sound from million voices
The harmonies of Jubilee;
As every heart in Thee rejoices
And saints all glow with love for Thee.

Friday, November 12, 2010

72. Holy Love, Thou Flame From Heaven

1. Holy love, thou flame from heaven
Which the pure alone can know,
From the heart of Jesus given,
Come and set our hearts aglow:
Come and set our hearts aglow.

2. Joy, the saints alone possessing;
Joy, the world cannot obtain,
Come, our thirsty souls refreshing,
Bind the separate again:
Bind the separate again.

3. Sweet repose, the peace from heaven,
Treasure Jesus hath bestowed,
Now our weary hearts enliven;
Oh, we love thee, gift of God!
Oh, we love thee, gift of God!

4. O may patience, kindness, meekness
Daily in our spirits live,
So that one another’s trespass
We may heartily forgive:
We may heartily forgive.

5. Friendliness, the saints adorning,
Jesus’ image and His sign;
May both friend and foe discerning,
See us ruled by love divine:
See us ruled by love divine.

6. Grant a spirit that is yielding,
Kind, and gentle here below;
With Thy mantle, Savior, shielding
Him whoever loves his foe:
Him whoever loves his foe.

7. Holy faith, in storms our bulwark,
Our defense when battling wrong,
Make us true and lead us upward
Unto yon triumphant throng:
Unto yon triumphant throng.

8. Gentle stillness, breath of heaven,
Still small voice, in which God thrones, -
Show us, when by scoffers driven,
The reward, the victors’ crowns:
The reward, the victors’ crowns.

9. Love of Jesus, love of brothers,
Healing for all ills insure;
Grant thy life, that evil smothers,
And a heart unspotted, pure!
And a heart unspotted, pure!

71. Sing a New Song Unto God

1. Sing a new song unto God;
Laud Him ever;
Tell of His great love abroad,
In the Savior!
Hearts renewed, by grace bestowed,
Praise are bringing,
Of the new things singing!

2. God with His deep love and grace
Did endue me,
Cleansed me of my sinfulness,
That did rue me;
God put Jesus in my place,
Death decreeing;
Me from evil freeing!

3. Angels, saints above, on earth, -
We are singing
Of a sinner’s second birth:
God is bringing
Him to heaven’s holy hearth!
We receive him,
And our love we give him.

4. Members of God’s family,
Priesthood royal,
To your soul’s Bridegroom now
By Truly loyal,
For our God is love, and we,
In death’s anguish,
Without love, would languish.

5. O, that faith through love may be
Brightly burning;
As one heart, one soul, may we,
Have this yearning;
That the Spirit’s pow’r so free,
So impelling,
May in us be dwelling!

6. Each must find His life anew
In surrender;
Each devoted heart must due
Service tender;
God gives blessings, rich and true, -
We, receiving,
Praise to Him are giving!

7. Creatures new, Lord, we are Thine,
Thy possession;
That men share Thy life divine,
Was Thy mission:
Who would bow at Babel’s shrine,
Homage giving,
No new life is living.

8. May the world in us perceive
Love’s true fervor,
With which Jesus’ members cleave
To each other;
All the brethren who believe,
Daily striving,
Christlike to be living!

70. What a Precious Ground of Grace

1. What a precious ground of grace
Love displayeth;
When one in the bond of peace
Faithful stayeth!
Without love this life is naught:
True abideth;
Love life’s worth provideth.

2. Where love is there feather-light
Is each burden,
Though it threaten with its might,
Yet our guerdon
Is the love of our deal Lord! –
One may query:
Is there aught to carry?

3. Then to Christ give heart and mind
In surrender;
For in Him the soul will find
Love most tender;
If to Him we give our all,
Though paths lengthen,
Love each step will strengthen.

4. Thus in Him, our minds and hearts,
Grace receiving,
Do the work His love imparts
Without grieving;
Meeting with likeminded hearts
Is elating
Humbling, elevating.

69. Enter in Love’s Kingdom

1. Enter in love’s kingdom,
Children of the Savior,
By His blood brought into favor!
Learn ye from your Master
Brother-love’s true meaning
And from Him receive due training!
Learn with care!
Kindly bear
All who seek Christ’s favor
Though they halt and waver.

2. On your own rights always
Do not stand unduly,
Rather serve each other truly,
For the love that’s fervent
Many sins doth cover,
Patiently forbearing ever.
That your love
Strong may prove,
Nurse its flame unceasing,
Day by day increasing!

3. Shall the Savior’s kingdom,
Many flocks possessing,
Constant be, and rich in blessing –
O let us love ever,
Let us love with fervor!
Grant us aid thereto, O Savior!
Satan flees,
When he sees
Brother stand with brother,
Loving one another.

4. Abba, Father, hear us,
Draw us by Thy Spirit,
Heal us by Thy Savior’s merit;
By Thy grace impel us
That no pride be in us!
Crucify all guile within us!
Help us fight
Satan’s might;
In our hearts enthrone Thee
And as Father own Thee!

68. God Is Present With Us!

1. God is present with us!
Let us all adore Him
And with reverence come before Him!
“Holy, holy, holy!”
Angel hosts are singing,
And their endless praises bringing!
Lend Thine ear,
Lord, and hear
Also the rejoicing
We are humbly voicing.

2. O Majestic Being,
Songs my heart now raises
And by service sings Thy praises!
May we, like the angels,
Joyfully surround Thee
And abide forever near Thee!
Yea, may we
Live for Thee,
Doing Thy good pleasure
In increasing measure.

3. We relinquish freely
Every false enjoyment,
Every former vain employment.
These our souls and bodies
We to Thee are giving
That they e’er to Thee be living.
Yes, we own
Thee alone;
Let naught from Thee sever; -
Thou our God forever!

4. Make us lowly minded,
Mild and tender-hearted;
Filled with peace Thou hast imparted!
As the tender flower,
Quietly unfolding,
To the sun its face is holding;
So may we
Let Thy rays enfold us
And Thy work uphold us!

5. Come and dwell within us!
Even as we tarry
Make of us Thy sanctuary!
Come Thou Holy Being,
Show in us Thy brightness,
Till we love Thee in uprightness.
O prepare
Hearts that would adore Thee,
Living only for Thee.

67. Ye Mighty Ones, Give God All Honor

1. Ye mighty ones, give God all honor
And glorify His majesty!
He sends abroad the voice of thunder;
In dust before Him bend the knee!
The Mighty One reveals His power,
And in the clouds the thunders roar;
The lightning darts with sudden swiftness;
And from the clouds the waters pour.

2.The voice of God sounds o’er the waters;
His Word rings out, His thunders roll,
Proclaiming wrath to all who hate Him,
Earth trembles like a shaking scroll.
With majesty, with mighty power,
Speak forth the instruments of God;
The flaming fire and the thunder
Foreshadow His avenging rod.

3. O hearken, therefore, all ye people,
And humbly to the Lord submit;
O heed the warning of His thunder;
Know that He will in judgment sit.
The Lord who in the storm doth threaten
Will smite the earth with righteous wrath;
Repent and turn now to the Savior
For He can save you from that death.

4. The Lord is King; He is exalted;
He placed His rainbow in the sky,
A sign of faithfulness, a promise
Of grace to all who to Him fly.
Accept this counsel, then, ye nations,
And bow before your God today;
Then will his wrath be turned to mercy,
And He will give you peace for aye.

66. O Teach Me, Lord, to Cease Complaining

1. O teach me, Lord, to cease complaining,
No more to wish my burdens gone;
But rather, by Thy power sustaining,
To bear the cross as Thou hast done.
The art of keeping silence, teach me;
Give me a calm contented heart;
Make me like Thee, Lord, I beseech Thee,
And turn in love my bitter smart.

2. Thou know’st how lightly I forget Thee,
Though from myself the truth I hide;
How soon self-will and pride beset me
When carefree days no cross provide.
From self-reliance to reclaim me,
And to reveal my heart withal,
Thou oft must send a cross to shame me,
To banish pride and keep me small.

3. Thou know’st how, by life’s turmoil shaken,
I backslid oft in former days,
How oft false feelings were mistaken
For forward steps upon Thy ways.
And then to show how self had won me,
That I was far from Thee, and slack,
Another cross was laid upon me,
On thorny ways to lead me back.

4. Thou knowest oft I come before Thee,
Unworthily, to be approved;
With empty phrases to implore Thee,
By a mere sense of duty moved.
Shall I in prayer receive a blessing,
As I approach the throne of grace,
Some kind of cross my heart oppressing
Serves best to help me find Thy face.

5. O God, All-seeing and All-knowing,
With whom there is no mystery,
To whom my thoughts in secret growing
Are known in their entirety,
May keeping Thy commands forever
Be first and foremost in my life,
In Thy seclusion take me ever
That I may conquer in the strife.

6. With Thee apart, I cease repining,
My earthly wishes take to flight,
My erstwhile cares begin declining,
My yoke is eased, my cross made light.
Ah, there no ills can crush my spirit,
For in my pain and sore distress
Thy never-failing grace will cheer it
And change my cross to blessedness.

7. No more of murmuring and crying;
Thanksgiving only mine shall be;
Though crosses sore on me are lying,
I find Thy love revealed to me!
Though first Thy way may seem oppressing,
Soon they true joy and peace accord,
And all at last will prove a blessing
For those who love Thee, gracious Lord!

Thursday, November 11, 2010

65. One Thing’s Needful: Lord, This Treasure

1. One thing’s needful: Lord, this treasure
Teach me highly to regard;
All else, though it first give pleasure,
Is a yoke that presses hard.
Beneath it the heart is still fretting and striving,
No true, lasting happiness ever deriving;
This one thing I long for, well worth all alone,
That I may be gladdened by all things in one.

2. Wilt thou find this one thing needful?
Seek not midst created things;
Be of earthly joys unheedful,
Over nature stretch thy wings.
For where God and Man both in One are united,
With God’s perfect fullness the heart is delighted,
There, there is the worthiest lot and the best,
My One and my All, and my Joy and my Rest!

3. So doth strong desire possess me,
Savior dear, for Thee alone;
May I faithfully confess Thee;
Make me, Lord, Thy very own.
The many are now with the multitude turning,
But Thee will I seek, Lord, with love for Thee yearning;
Thy Word is both spirit and life unto me;
What is there of good that is found not in Thee!

4. Wisdom’s highest, noblest treasure,
Jesus, lies concealed in Thee;
Grant that this may still the measure
Of my will and actions be.
Let meekness and holy simplicity rule me;
In heavenly wisdom, O Lord, let them school me.
If truly I only know Thee as my Lord,
Ah, then I have wisdom’s most perfect reward!

64. O Lord, With Heart and Soul We Praise Thee

1. O Lord, with heart and soul we praise Thee,
That Thou upon this earthly sphere
A covenant nation now dost raise Thee,
To magnify Thy name so dear!
From many men a congregation
Of saints, O Lord, Thou buildest Thee;
Thou wilt its Head and Savior be,
O Jesus, Bringer of Salvation.

2. Thou hast from every tongue and nation
Built up Thy holy church, O God,
Where men sing praise of Thy salvation
And where Thy Word is spread abroad;
Thou by Thy covenant love hast broken
The awful prison house of sin,
And to Thy fold dost bring them in
Who trust the Word Thy mouth has spoken.

3. Thy Church is founded in uprightness
Upon the everlasting Word;
Its light is from the Spirit’s brightness;
Its safety is an angel guard;
Love is its life and inspiration,
And faith its strength, whate’er befall,
That worketh and provideth all,
And hope its present consolation.

4. Its members stand in loving union,
And solely to their Savior cling;
Their bond is brotherly communion;
They stand as one in everything.
True meekness marks all their behavior,
Their quest for peace is undelayed;
In trials they are not dismayed,
But live devoted to their Savior.

5. They bear the cross received of Jesus
Regarding not its heaviness;
Beneath it pride and sloth all ceases;
It will not suffer loftiness.
Although at times it is oppressing
They look, upon their pilgrim way,
To Christ, their Savior and their Stay,
And deem it nothing but a blessing.

6. Their pathway joyfully pursuing,
They journey onward day by day,
The grace of Christ their strength renewing,
His saving Word their staff and stay.
Then flow apace, ye tears of sadness –
Sweet are ye, coming from above!
For from that paradise of love
Will solace flow, then – tears of gladness!

63. Thy Word, O Lord, Draws Us Together

1. Thy Word, O Lord, draws us together
In sweet communion here below,
And makes in us the gentle fervor
Of faith and holy love to glow.
We, whom Thy Word of grace delighted, -
To fellowship with yonder band
Who round the Lamb in glory stand, -
Are called and lovingly invited.

2. A heart that often goes astraying,
A heart that loves to toy with sin,
The works of darkness is displaying,
And harbors wickedness within,
Cannot enjoy this holy pleasure!
Those hearts this fellowship receive
Who here on Jesus Christ believe
And Him as Lord and Master treasure.

3. Our Rock, our faith’s secure foundation
Is Jesus and His precious blood;
We trust Him only for salvation, -
He is our Lord, our highest Good!
His Word, the Rule that clearly guides us
At every time, in every place,
Supplies us with His love and grace,
With holy fellowship provides us.

4. O what a blessing to inherit! –
This life in close communion spent
With God the Father, Son, and Spirit –
Kept by God’s power omnipotent.
What holy virtues God provideth
Where He upholds His church in love
With gifts of grace sent from above!
There God – Eternal Love – abideth.

5. The Father now His children loveth;
They by His Spirit “Abba” cry;
The faithful Son each child adorneth
With righteousness eternally;
And by the Holy Ghost is given
True joy and peace to make them blest;
They find in God their longed-for rest;
Eternal love and life in heaven!

62. Lord, Give to Me Faith’s Light and Power

1. Lord, give to me faith’s light and power
That men may see its fruit in me;
Make me a branch, Lord, that will flower
By virtue of its strength from Thee.
Thou art my faith’s secure foundation;
The living Vine of my salvation;
My hope and trust in Thee I plant.
In times when trying woes assail me,
O let Thy presence never fail me;
Confirm me in Thy covenant.

2. Let not my hope succumb or languish;
Grant that Thy Cross its anchor be;
May it subdue all fear and anguish, -
Hope finds its all in all in Thee!
The world may trust in empty pleasure,
But I will look to Thee, my Treasure,
Lord Jesus Christ, my Hope, my God.
I will embrace and love Thee ever,
For Thou wilt leave Thy servant never;
Thy love and mercy changeth not.

3. Thy Passion teach my spirit meekness,
My soul unfeigned humility;
Those seeking Thee must come in weakness
For haughty eyes are far from Thee!
Who feels himself as naught before Thee,
In abject meekness doth adore Thee, -
Thou wilt regard his low estate.
Thine image on my soul impressing,
Let me, humility possessing,
Make haste to reach the heavenly gate.

4. If I must tarry here a season,
I live because it pleaseth Thee;
So too, when death shall call, Thy reason
Shall cause my soul content to be.
O let my life in Thee be hidden;
Thy death encourage me when bidden
To leave this vale of misery.
I bow my will to Thine, dear Savior;
Upon this truth I ponder ever:
Naught, naught shall break our unity.

61. Gracious Lord, to Thee We Hold Us

1. Gracious Lord, to Thee we hold us;
In death Thy love did all enfold us
For Thou didst save us by Thy blood.
All we are to Thee we offer,
For all, O Lord, that Thou didst suffer,
Thy love is e’er our highest good!
Accept us as Thine own,
And bring before Thy throne
Thy children dear!
Let shine on us
The light of grace
From Thy benign and holy face.

2. We have not ourselves elected;
But Thou has us, O Lord, selected,
By grace, decreed eternally.
Lo, our strength is so unstable
That none to do Thy work are able,
Unless Thou strengthen mightily.
So break the stubborn will
That, humbled, we may still
Thy kingdom gain.
Through shame would we
Here follow Thee, -
An honor count it thus to be!

3. Lord, Thy works most great and holy
Have their beginning, small and lowly, -
How humble we must be toward Thee!
But Thou, Lord, wilt battle for us
And keep Thy guiding power o’er us;
Thy strength shall our reliance be.
The mustard seed though small
Becomes a tree withal
Of mighty growth.
Lord, even so
Thy Church shall grow,
For Thou dost there Thy love bestow.

60. Praise to Jesus Christ, the Risen!

1. Praise to Jesus Christ, the Risen!
At the burst door of death’s dark prison
Stands glorified God’s only Son.
Through the heavens wide expanses
A flood of joyous song advances,
And peace is shining round God’s throne.
Praise Him whose love abides,
Who all with life provides;
We laud Thee, Christ,
And God, our Might!
For death’s dark night
Is now dissolved in morning light!

2. Thou – all things to Thee subjected –
Art King and Priest to Thine elected
Forever and forevermore.
Their lines fall in pleasant places,
The children all will share the graces
That Thou in glory wilt restore.
Upon the alter, Lord,
For us Thy blood was poured;
We praise Thee, Christ.
Now bound to Thee
In purity,
We shall true priests forever be.

3. Thou shalt from the grave’s dark portal
Awake Thine own to life immortal,
And lead them to Thy heavenly light.
There to us shall joy be given,
To see Thee, Lord, the Sun of heaven;
Thy face shall beam upon our sight.
Our bodies by Thy hand
Thou, for yon Fatherland,
Wilt glorify.
There we, Thy seed,
Are truly freed;
Thou makest all things new, indeed.

4. O arisen Lord, look downward
And help Thy friends, Thy brethren, onward
Who still must tread this vale below.
Come, beloved Savior, meet us,
And with Thy, “Peace be with you,” greet us;
To us Thy grace and glory show.
How truly blest are they
That here already may
By faith arise;
No death can claim
Their soul’s again!
O blesséd Lord, our faith sustain!

59. Truly, Still in God Is Hidden

1. Truly still in God is hidden
The Christian’s life, but soon shall redden
The morn that heraldeth His Day:
When its dawn on earth ascendeth,
When all reproach and weeping endeth
In joy and happiness for aye,
It will be known and seen
What here our life has been.
Come soon, O Lord;
Fulfill Thy Word,
And crown us all with faith’s reward.

2. Here we walk in weakness ever,
Yet He exalts into His favor,
If He but see a faithful heart.
All His foes shall fear and tremble,
When we, His loyal friends, assemble,
Whom nothing from His love can part.
Thine own, O Lord, are we,
Both near and dear to Thee,
Jesus Savior!
Thou didst ordain,
That we obtain
Thy joy through grief, reproach, and pain.

3. Thou before us art ascended
And we, unto Thy grace commended,
Will follow firmly bound to Thee,
By Thy mighty power surrounded,
And all our enemies confounded,
We then Thy Kingdom’s heirs shall be.
My brethren, shall not there
Our Lord be wondrous fair?
Amen! Amen!
When death doth call,
God takes us all
To live with Him in heav’n’s bright hall!

58. How Bright Is the Christian’s Own Innermost Living

1. How bright is the Christian’s own innermost living,
Although, from without, it no beauty may show;
Rich gifts from their King they are daily receiving,
An indwelling strength that no world-ling may know:
What no one revealeth
And nobody feeleth
Upon their enlightened minds grace is bestowing,
And in them a dignity, godly, is showing!

2. Though outwardly they may seem poor and rejected, -
The joy of the angels, the scorn of the world;
Yet inwardly they are the glorious elected,
Christ’s jewel, His crown, and His banner unfurled,
The wonder of ages
That here now engages
To serve the great King who is Star of the morning,
Who them with His righteousness true is adorning.

3. Though outwardly they all in Adam are brothers,
Who carry his likeness by nature indeed;
They suffer the illness of flesh as all others;
They eat and they drink as they daily have need;
In each undertaking,
In sleeping and waking,
They do as all others, and, nothing neglecting,
Save that the world’s folly they all are rejecting.

4. Yet inwardly they are of God’s generation,
The offspring of God by His Word, Spirit-led,
A spark and a flame from the Lord of creation,
By Zion above are they nurtured and fed.
And high above others,
The angels as brothers,
Enjoy the sweet songs these God’s children are singing,
That cause the high heavens with joy to be ringing.

5. As pilgrims they journey, their home is in heaven;
Without any strength they protect the whole earth;
They share the true peace though the world is war-riven;
They are the most poor yet they never have dearth;
They stand here in sorrow,
Yet joy in yon morrow,
They seem to have died in their weak outer senses,
Directing their life through the faith God dispenses.

6. When Jesus, their Life, shall at last come victorious;
When He, as He is, cometh at the trump’s call;
Then they shall appear in their garments most glorious
And evermore dwell as the wonder of all;
They’ll rule with the Savior,
They’ll flourish forever,
Their golden crowns wearing, the glory of heaven;
To them the new earth as their home will be given!

57. ”Come, Follow Me,” the Savior Spake

1. “Come, follow Me,” the Savior spake,
“O mankind, heed my guiding;
Deny yourselves, the world forsake,
Where death is ever hiding;
Take crosses and adversity,
And let My way your pathway be!”

2. Lord, Thy example teaches me
The way to holy living;
Who come to Thee, no more shall be
His life to evil giving;
Thou art the Way, and well dost show
How we should sojourn here below.

3. As Thou alone to God didst live,
Thine own true will foregoing
So I myself to God would give,
All His commandments doing.
I shall, if I but follow Thee,
Lord, one day with the Father be.

4. Thy life was love, humility,
And friendliness, Lord, ever;
It was Thy love that prompted Thee
To give Thyself as Savior;
Thy heart with grace doth overflow
For foes who Thee here do not know.

5. Thou teachest us to shun and flee
What harms our soul’s salvation,
Our hearts to purify and free
From evil and temptation;
For Thou, our Shepherd, true and brave
The straying sheep dost seek and save.

6. And when we falter in the fray,
Thou at our side art ready;
Thou battlest for us, makest way,
At all times firm and steady.
A coward he who will not heed
When Christ, our Captain, takes the lead.

7. Who loves his life, Lord, more than Thee,
Without Thee will he lose it;
Who gives his life in service free,
To God will introduce it!
Who bears no cross, no suffering, Lord,
Unworthy is of Thy reward.

8. Let each one follow our dear Lord,
Whatever may betide him,
With courage clinging to His Word,
In suff’ring stand beside Him!
For all who bear the battle’s strain
The crown of life shall there obtain.

56. The Lord Is Coming! He Is Near

1. The Lord is coming! He is near -
We soon shall hear His greeting.
O would that he might now appear!
How glad will be our meeting
When I shall Him in glory see;
O that His day today would be –
For joy I would be weeping!

2. O that before His pow’r divine
The earth and skies were fleeing;
And that we now His very sign
Upon the clouds were seeing
In all His godly majesty!
O how the trumpet sound would be
With His just will agreeing!

3. Lord Jesus, come, I wait for Thee
With all, Thy name revering!
O tarry not, but come to me, -
I joy in Thine appearing!
I would rejoice if even now
I heart Thee saying, ”Come!” and Thou,
To take me home, wert nearing.

4. “Amen, so come,” Thy Bride, by grace,
Doth call Thee, Lord, in greeting;
Until she may behold Thy face
And Thee, in heav’n, be meeting!
“He comes!” the earth and heavens cry;
“Amen! He come!” rings her reply,
A thousand times repeating!

55. Lord Jesus, Dearest of All Friends

1. Lord Jesus, dearest of all friends,
Head of Thy congregation,
Thy holy priesthood never ends,
Thou grandest sure salvation;
Thou art the One who answers prayer,
Dost fill our needs with tender care,
As soon as we draw near Thee.

2. By Thine ascension, Lord, we may
Now see the open heaven;
And thus Thou hast to us the way
Unto the Father given.
This faith doth know and certain is
That Thou for us in paradise
A place art now preparing.

3. Thou didst go to the Holy Place
By virtue of Thy suff’ring,
For us salvation by free grace,
O glorious Lord, discov’ring.
Thou hast alone by Thy great might
Brought life and righteousness to light,
That shall abide forever.

4. Hast Thou, our Head, to heaven gone,
There shall Thy members gather;
Thou wilt not leave them here alone,
But bring them to the Father;
For where Thou art, there shall they be,
And Thee, Lord, glorified shall see
In everlasting rapture.

5. Draw us, O Lord, to fallow Thee,
A heav’nly nature giving;
In words, desires and works, may we
Henceforth to Thee be living!
O draw our hearts on high to Thee
That all our hope, wealth, rest may be
Alone with Thee in heaven.

6. What is above in future we
Shall seek it, unabating;
All vanity, Lord, teach us flee,
All sin and evil hating!
Away, O world, all thy pretense
Is truly wretched, an offense,
To all those heaven-minded!

7. O Precious Gem, that gleams above,
I’d make Thee all my treasure;
Thee, Precious Pearl, alone I love,
In Thee I find my pleasure!
O Heritage of joy and peace,
O Blessedness that will not cease,
Be mine – Through Jesus’ Mercy!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

54. O Come Hither, All Ye Nations

1. O come hither, all ye nations,
And the Savior’s teaching hear;
Heed His Word, its benedictions
On the way of truth appear.
For He openeth His mouth
And the words of life come forth!

2. Blest are all the poor in spirit,
Who in deep humility
Here rely on Jesus’ merit,
For He will their Savior be.
He gives answer to their prayers,
And His Kingdom shall be theirs!

3. Blest are all who here are mourning
O’er the burden of their guilt;
For in vain they are not yearning, -
God’s rich grace to them is dealt.
He removes the guilt and pain,
Comforts the sad heart again.

4. Blest are all the meek and gentle,
Like the Lamb of humble heart;
True Humility their mantle,
They bid pride and wrath depart.
They who meekness here show forth
Will be hears of the new earth.

5. Blest are all who thirst and hunger
For the heav’nly righteousness,
For they shall be filled with wonder
O’er the joy they shall possess.
He who here for grace hath sighed,
Will be truly satisfied.

6. Blest are all whose mercy traces
Everyone in urgent need,
Whose impartial love embraces
Friend and foe with helpful deed.
He who now doth mercy love,
Mercy shall obtain above.

7. Blest are all who are pure-hearted,
Who God’s holy nearness share;
God’s own Spirit is imparted
To them, and His image fair;
They one day with joy untold
God in glory shall behold.

8. Blest are all who are upholding
Peace, and ever peace pursue;
Not like sinners, angry, scolding,
Vengeful, hateful, and untrue.
He who peaceful ways hath trod
Shall be called a child of God.

9. Blest are all who now must suffer
For the sake of righteousness;
After trials God will offer
Them eternal happiness.
They who suffer here and die,
There will live with Christ on high.

10. Blest are you when people chide you,
Hate you, slander scoffingly;
Lie about you, and deride you: -
“Yours the Kingdom yet shall be.”
You shall, in your gracious Lord,
Share the prophets’ rich reward.

11. Blest are all who here reproaches,
Without blame, and scorn must bear,
Patient till the end approaches,
God will then reward them there:
Crowns of righteousness will there
All the patient suff’rers wear.

12. Woe to you, ye rich, however;
You have comfort now and peace!
Woe, ye self-indulgent, never
Will your hunger-pangs there cease.
Woe, though you may laugh today,
As you others lead astray!

53. O Jerusalem, the Golden

1. O Jerusalem, the golden,
Where God’s praises ever ring!
Heavenly choirs to God beholden,
“Holy, holy, holy!” sing!
Ah! When will He grant to me
Evermore to dwell in thee!

2. Ere our sufferings are abating
In these times of trials severe,
While as pilgrims we are waiting
We must bear our crosses here!
But the Lord in every hour
Gives all grace and needed power.

3. Ah, how much I long to meet Thee,
Jesus, Friend through all the years!
There where Salem’s bowers greet me,
Where there are no sighs, nor tears;
Where in glory, light and grace,
We shall see God face to face!

4. Come, and lead us full of gladness,
Gentle Shepherd, by the hand,
After all this pain and sadness,
Into that true fatherland;
Where the living waters free,
Quench our thirst eternally.

5. O, that long desired dominion,
Full of bliss and fair delight!
Would that I, on soaring pinion,
Might arise from this world’s night
To that newly built abode,
Whose bright orb of day is God.

6. But if I must longer tarry
On this sea so wild and drear,
Where the stormy billows harry
The frail bark I scarce can steer;
Thought the cross and death I see,
Still let hope my anchor be.

7. Then I’ll have no fear of sinking,
Be the ocean ere so wild,
I shall see Thy beacon winking,
From the shore with radiance mild.
Thou, by its most welcome ray,
Into port will show the way.

52. Haste to Save Thy Soul Forever

1. Haste to save thy soul forever;
Hear God’s Holy Word today!
Flee from hell; be thy endeavor
E’er to walk the narrow way.
For the world with evil covered
To the flames will soon be cast;
Up! arise and be delivered
Ere the day of grace is past!

2. Haste and turn yourself to Jesus
Who alone can save from sin,
Ere the time of mercy ceases
And the Judgment Day begin.
You can still be fully pardoned;
Then accept His call today,
Lest your heart by sin be hardened,
Lest you stay ‘neath Satan’s sway.

3. Do not wait until tomorrow;
Then it may be far too late!
Free your heart from idle sorrow,
From the bonds of sin and hate.
Tell the Lord your sad condition
And confess your guiltiness;
Now with deep, sincere contrition
Seek His loving-kindnesses.

4. Still there’s mercy; therefore hasten;
Let not earthly joys delay;
Strive, O strive for your salvation;
Take the path of life today!
You will find, if you believe Him,
That there’s healing in His blood,
That in mercy you’ll be given
Cleansing in its precious flood.

5. have you put on Christ, your Savior
In baptism and by faith?
Never shrink in fear, nor waver
E’en when facing threats of death;
For the foe attacketh ever
Those who have escaped from sin;
Day and night he strives to sever
Christians from their Lord again.

6. Forward ever keep the vision
Of your faith! On! Heavenward!
Fear not Satan’s opposition;
Be a hero for the Lord!
Battle on in fearless measure,
Follow after sanctity!
Well preserve your priceless treasure
Till you gain the victory!