Monday, November 15, 2010

83. This Life to Gloom Is Given

1. This life to gloom is given;
So grievous is our woe,
As if the Lord in heaven
No spark of love would show;
No pardon yet receiving,
Earth can no peace afford;
Yet weary hours of striving
Are blessings of the Lord.

2. O how we long to face Him
When left alone, oppressed;
If we could but embrace Him
And ever hold Him fast.
With tears doth plead and wrestle,
Like Jacob, then the soul,
Until it wins the struggle
And faith doth make it whole.

3. We feel then how distressing
Life without God would be;
How wretched, without blessing,
How full of poverty;
We here would famish ever,
If not our weeping heart
Were nourished by the Savior,
Who comfort can impart.

4. The Lord at all times chooses
The time His gifts to share;
His joyous rays He uses
To banish grief and care;
He sendeth gracious showers
Upon the withering soul,
And leads through gloomy hours
Toward heaven’s shining goal.

5. Untrue our hearts were ever
And soon His love would spurn,
If we knew not, O Savior,
All Thou for us hast borne;
With Thee all our transgressions
Were nailed upon the tree;
We, by Thy Holy Passion,
Were saved eternally.

6. O then endeavor meekly
His ways to understand,
Whene’er thy journey lead thee
Across a barren land!
Soon shall descend from heaven
His blessing as the dew;
Through mercies freely given
He shall make all things new!

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