Monday, November 1, 2010

47. Bravely Strive When God Doth Call Thee

1. Bravely strive when God doth call thee,
When He turns to thee in grace;
Cast of aught that would enthrall thee
And would hinder in the race.

2. Strive thou, for the gate is narrow
And the way of life is strait;
In this vale of death and sorrow
Dangers ever lie in wait.

3. Strive thou, till thy zeal is burning,
And thy first love grows so warm
That thou all this world art spurning,
Half-love will not bide the storm.

4. Battle, though thy life thou givest;
Storm the kingdom and prevail;
Let him now with whom thou strives
Ever make thee faint or quail.

5. Seek with trembling thy salvation,
O’er thy soul keep watch with fear;
For in every earthly station
Danger daily hovers near.

6. Hold fast to thy crown and guerdon,
Manfully keep what thou hast;
To backslide becomes a burden:
Faithfulness is always best.

7. Truth here wars with evil ever,
Wav’ring neither day nor night,
Changing not for fear nor favor,
Caring but to win the fight.

8. Perfect faithfulness would follow
Lovingly the Master’s ways;
Seeks not after pleasures hollow,
Looks not for mere gain or praise.

9. Faithfulness is never given
To the world, but stands apart;
Where the treasure is in heaven,
There must also be the heart.

10. Take new courage for each morrow,
Soldiers, strive med fear and pain,
Daily conq’ring sin and sorrow,
Till your heav’nly goal ye gain.

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