Though it oft may seem oppressing.
Jesus' yoke is light to bear,
For His own it is a blessing.
So be patient, use restraint;
Do not sigh and make complaint!
Do not sigh and make complaint.
2. Jesus Christ for us did bleed,
For us into death was given!
Murmur not o'er earthly need, -
We are heirs with Him of heaven.
Guide to light eternal, He
To His own saith: "Trust in Me!"
To His own saith: "Trust in Me!"
3. Do we feel the chast’ning rod?
Are the burdens sore and pressing?
Let us praise the love of God;
He intends all these as blessing.
Saith He who the truth hath brought:
"For the morrow take no thought!"
"For the morrow take no thought!"
4. Is the outlook dark and drear?
Hath our faith and trust been shaken?
If we knock, the Lord will hear;
He His own hath ne'er forsaken;
Hear His Word, forever true:
"Knock, and I will answer you!"
"Knock, and I will answer you!"
5. What is this brief day of stress
As against the joys of heaven,
With which God will truly bless
Those who patiently have striven!
See how Jesus bore the rod
As the guiltless Lamb of God.
As the guiltless Lamb of God.
6. We ourselves - regard it well –
Had deserved His chast’ning o'er us;
Yet rejoice, your gladness tell:
Jesus bore these suff’rings for us;
We are reconciled to God
By the shedding of His blood.
By the shedding of His blood.
7. O that we might clearly see
What these trials here work in us;
Strive upon God's ways to be;
Let His Spirit work within us:
Soon the fruits we shall behold
That from suff’ring here unfold.
That from suff’ring here unfold.
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