When affliction's heat it leaveth,
As the gold by fire…. tried;
For the highest joys of heaven,
Having suffered much and striven,
Will God's own be glorified!
2. Both on mind and heart, the Master,
By affliction and disaster,
Doth impress His image true;
He our body's great Creator
Shapeth that which will come later,
By the cross doth make us new.
3. Rebel members, by affliction,
Are brought into full subjection
And obedience to the Lord,
So that He, their powers broken,
All can hallow by love's token,
And renew them by His Word.
4. Suff’ring here the senses stayeth,
And the spirit, lest it strayeth
To the world and its delight; -
Like an angel-guard that keepeth
Careful watch and never sleepeth,
To preserve the heart aright.
5. Suff’ring tuneth hearts for singing
Psalms that ever will be ringing,
Till they yearn for heav’n alone,
Where those who the palms are bearing
With the choirs, their gladness sharing,
Praising, stand before the throne.
6. Suff’ring hasteneth our journey,
Halloweth our vesture earthly
For the sleep within the grave;
Like a herald at the portal
Who now calleth to the mortal,
Life eternal to receive.
7. Suff’ring giveth faith its power,
Makest humble every hour,
O what can with thee compare?
Here men call thee but a burden,
Yonder thou wilt be a guerdon
That not everyone may share.
8. Brethren, suff’ring is high favor
That in varying ways that Savior
To His followers hath shown;
When they, racked by pain and sighing;
When they, bearing pangs of dying,
Through long, weary nights did groan.
9. If in health and in enjoyment
We our pow’rs for God’s employment
Willingly would consecrate;
Then it will but beautify them,
If His grace doth purify them
By such trials, dread and great.
10. When it greatest pain is bearing,
Then the heart His heart is nearing,
Drawing closer lovingly,
And for this doth cry and tremble:
Make me Thine own death resemble,
So that I may live with Thee!
11. Lastly, after sighs uncounted,
Ev’ry barrier is surmounted
And the veil is rent in twain.
Who is able now to measure
What a wealth of peace and pleasure
We in heaven shall attain!
12. Let us then behold, O Savior,
Yonder heights more clearly ever,
Till at length our time shall come,
When, our faithful striving ended,
And by angel hosts attended,
We, too, shall be welcomed home!
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