1. This is the mark of love’s devotion:
True loyalty unto the Lord,
To Him in everything unceasing
And faithful service in accord;
In all the common things and little,
To be exact and most sincere,
Not knowingly in one thing erring,
However small it may appear.
2. O soul, know this: the smallest service
By God will not forgotten be,
Because in lowly service mostly
The heart from selfishness if free:
Begin in small things then to serve Him,
The smallest sin, O hate and flee;
For in obedience love grows stronger,
And faithfulness will greater be.
3. If thou the greater sin avoidest,
For fear that they will bring thee shame;
And yet dost all the smaller harbor,
True faithfulness thou couldst not claim!
That does not mean to love the Savior,
To give to Him your very heart;
That means to follow selfish motives
And only serve the Lord in part.
4. For who would wholly be the Savior’s
Will follow Shim in all things here,
Will shun the smallest sin and even
The things that sinful do appear;
Will seek in all things Jesus’ glory,
Will strive in all sincerity
To be conformed unto the image
Of Him whose servant he would be.
5. In every deed, at every hour,
His care it is, unto the Lord
In everything to be found faithful,
And loyal to His holy Word;
For Him he suffers every trial,
Dishonor, sorrow, cross, and woe;
Enough that he may say sincerely:
My loving Lord hath willed it so!
6. O heart, for such true love’s devotion
Endeavor thou and truly strive;
O seek each day alone His honor
And learn, obedient, to live.
Not only in the great things serve Him,
But in the least, with purpose true;
Then will your diligence accomplish
What slothfulness can never do.
7. O do not say, In greater trials
Will I to Jesus faithful be!
That is what Peter also promised;
And yet thou dost Him weeping see.
So learn true faithfulness in small things,
In little conflicts faithful be; -
Or else thou shalt perhaps with Peter
For faithlessness weep bitterly.
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