1. O faithful Savior, thanks to Thee,
Who hast us not forsaken;
Else we would helpless orphans be
Who unknown ways have taken,
With strangers in a foreign land,
Who do our speech not understand,
Our customs that Thou givest.
Nay, we dwell not as orphans here,
For Thou art present everywhere,
And in our midst Thou livest.
2. With Thy good Spirit Thou art near,
A blessed, holy nearness,
So vivid, as if we did here
Behold Thee, Lord, with clearness.
Thou givest light in this dark vale,
The beams of Thy love never fail,
Our souls Thou richly feedest;
With word and deed Thou dost abide,
And Thou Thyself as trusted Guide
Our pilgrim pathway leadest.
3. Within Thy Word, Lord, we have Thee,
We feel its living powers,
Whereby Thou dost continually
Revive these hearts of ours.
How kindly Thou dost speak to us,
How tenderly dost comfort thus,
Thy many loved ones teaching!
How quickly anguish then departs,
How warmly glow in us our hearts,
How mighty is Thy preaching!
4. Thou in Thy Supper dost present
To us Thy love and favor;
In it we find a deep content
Close to Thy heart, O Savior.
A heart the once its precious blood
Poured out for us and for our good,
That still with love is burning;
Thence floweth a rich stream of grace
And strength for souls in every place,
Where men for Thee are yearning.
5. Thou art with us, where two or three
In holy union gather,
And pray in faith, from doubting free,
Unto the heav’nly Father.
For Thou Thyself art present, Lord,
Where brethren meet in one accord,
And blesséd hours are given,
A foretaste of that heritage,
Beyond our earthly pilgrimage,
Awaiting us in heaven.
6. Thy sacred peace doth rest upon
Our hearts when fears may grieve us;
What, dying, Thou for us hast won
Thou here on earth dost give us.
Though troubles in our path may lie,
And Satan, world, and sin may try
With threats to terrify us:
In Thee our peace shall anchored be
Because we fully trust in Thee,
And Thou wilt well supply us.
7. Thou art with us, - we do not sigh,
Uncertain and forsaken;
We fear not although ills be nigh
Upon the path we've taken;
We dread no cross, though dark its night,
No foe's grim wrath or evil might,
Nor even hell's black portal;
For He who is our Lord and King,
Beneath the shadow of His wing
Keeps us for life immortal!
8. Although unseen, Thou art with us;
And while we wait in sadness,
The time is brief till we shall pass
Into Thy realm of gladness,
Forevermore to be with Thee,
To view Thy glorious majesty,
And praise Thy name, O Savior.
Abide with us and be our stay
And guide us safely to the day
We see Thy face forever!
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