1. Time flies and death comes speedily,
Uniting us, O Lord, with Thee!
Do Thou us here in time prepare
Eternity’s glad day to share!
2. To Thee our many needs are known;
Have mercy, Lord, upon Thine own!
Thou, Thou alone our Helper art, -
O take Thy humble children’s part!
3. Preserve to us Thy light of truth,
O Lord, Thy dearest gift forsooth,
The Word of Life, that us doth lead
And that our souls doth richly feed!
4. Enlighten Thou all who believe,
Let them Thy blessing, Lord, receive, -
All that will serve for holiness;
All that they need for steadfastness!
5. May every home Thy goodness share!
Extend Thy kingdom everywhere!
Lord Jesus Christ, from Thee alone
Comes all that prospers well Thine own.
6. Thy teachers gird with spirit, might,
With wisdom that will give them light,
So that they truly sow good seed,
And in the fruits find joy indeed.
7. The treasure of pure love anew
Preserve among Thy children true!
Let not their innocence depart,
But guard and hallow every heart!
8. O may young men devote in truth
To Thee the flower of their youth:
Be maidens’ beauty holiness,
The fear of God their glorious dress!
9. By word and deed through us proclaim
How we here glorify Thy name;
That all our lives pure, holy be,
We – living witnesses to Thee.
10. Our mind, O Lord, then sanctify
And lead us, Thy redeemed, on high;
From earthly tumult take our soul
Into the Father’s house - our goal!
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