1. O Thou Eternal One, to Thee be hallowed
This day, and by Thy children truly hallowed.
O let us too with gladness come before Thee,
Lord to adore Thee!
2. To Thee the heavenly host its praise is bringing;
Our voices too are to Thine honor singing,
Our thanks are, and our heart-felt, humble sighing,
Thee glorifying.
3. In vain the world is tempting with her pleasure;
My spirit in Thy teaching finds its treasure;
Thy Word, taught by Thy teachers, I revere it
And gladly hear it.
4. Let us in meekness, Father, come before Thee!
Thou lovest those who childlike do adore Thee;
And gladly what Thy children need for living
Wilt Thou be giving.
5. May we today, through Thy good Spirit learning,
From way, that please Thee not, our steps be turning!
O let us, through Thy Word new pow’rs receiving,
To Thee be cleaving!
6. This is a day of gladness and of blessing;
Thou leadest us, Thy pastures green possessing,
Unto the Fount of grace, the waters living
And all-reviving.
7. Yea, praise be Thine! Grim death hast Thou defeated,
O Prince of Life, salvation is completed!
For us, Redeemer, Thou hast been victorious, -
Thy praise be glorious!
8. O may today through all the earth be ringing
The praise Thy small, but faithful, flock is singing!
O ye redeemed, His holy Name praise ever,
Amen, forever!
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