Wednesday, October 27, 2010

38. Blessed Zion, Be Contented

1. Blessed Zion, be contented,
God is present in thee still;
To be thine He hath consented;
He hath fatherly goodwill.
He corrects thee in His love;
Chastens thee thy heart to prove.
If thou thought to this art giving,
Zion, why art thou yet grieving?

2. When the waves of doubt assail thee
On life’s deep and restless sea,
When the breakers nigh destroy thee
And thou cry, “Ah, woe is me!”
When thy Savior seems asleep,
Heedless of their angry sweep,
Zion, own Him still as Master;
He will save thee from disaster!

3. Though the rocks be torn asunder
And the lofty mountains quake,
Though the world seem to go under
And for fear its people shake,
Even then be unafraid,
God is still thy present aid.
Zion, let thy heart not waver;
Still rely upon His favor.

4. When, as often, tears of sadness
Are thy food and drink, and though
Often in thy songs of gladness
May be heard a note of woe,
When distressed by envy’s sting,
Or bereft of everything,
Zion, do not cringe or cower,
- Thou wilt see His helping power!

5. If with anguish thou are shaken,
If men bind and torture thee,
Thou wilt never be forsaken
- Think upon eternity!
Stand in faith and do not fear,
For thy Lord is ever near.
Zion, let His hand direct thee;
He will strengthen and protect thee!

6. O rejoice, life’s day is ending,
Soon the evening thou wilt see,
To the Lord thyself commending,
He will make thee fully free!
For the griefs thou here hast known
He will thee with gladness crown;
God’s great care hath thee surrounded,
And the world will be confounded!

7. Hallelujah! All thy splendor
Soon with power shall appear,
For the Sun of Mercy tender,
Jesus Christ, is drawing near!
Joyously He will thee meet,
With the kiss of peace thee greet!
Zion, where will then be sadness?
Thou wilt only speak of gladness!

37. Love, O Greatest Blessing Given

1. Love, O greatest blessing given
By the Spirit from above!
Had I tongue of men and angels
But withal I had not love,
I were but a tinkling cymbal,
Naught but lifeless, clanging brass,
For though fairest words were spoken,
Still my heart were dull and crass.

2. Holy Spirit, Thou wast given,
That my faith but Christ would seek;
Let my faith in love find fruitage,
Love, the treasure of the meek.
Love is patient, filled with goodness;
Love no envying doth know;
Love is humble and submissive;
Love the truth and light doth show.

3. Love is gentle and unselfish,
Love desireth not its own,
Love is not provoked to anger,
Love forgets the evil done.
Truth delights it – falsehood never;
Love is patient in distress;
It endures all things, and ever
Keeps its faith and hopefulness

36. Sowing Tears Brings Joyous Harvest

1. Sowing tears brings joyous harvest
When to Jesus Christ we cling
And in Him the Lord of Harvest
All the Spirit’s fruits we bring:
Faith, benevolence, and meekness,
Patience and humility,
Are the Spirit’s blessed fruitage,
- Charity and chastity.

2. Trial days are days of value
For Christ’s members verily;
All the outward pain and trouble
But a testing-fire will be.
As the fire makes gold shine brighter,
Trials make our faith more pure,
And, by faith in Jesus strengthened,
We shall more and more endure.

3. Fleeting is the body’s suffering,
Passing is the soul’s dire need,
Vain are all our idle pleasures,
- God is not in them indeed;
Fleeting is all care and anguish
For him who doth Christ possess;
O abide in Him sincerely,
Build alone upon His grace.

4. Thousand-fold the trials befall us
Who to Jesus Christ belong;
Therewith would the foe deride us
And allure us to his throng
Who delight in sinful pleasures,
Seeking earthly wealth and fame,
Making these their heart’s desire,
Cursing those who bear Christ’s Name.

5. Satan’s host through seeing gladness
Shall go unto endless pain;
But the saints by way of sadness
Shall the marriage-supper gain.
Then, my soul, let nothing move thee
From the strait and narrow way,
Even though the body weaken,
Ere you reach your burial-day.

6. Since our Lord once bore the anger,
When He wrought our peace with God,
Love is now the only purpose
Of the Father’s chast’ning rod.
Then, O pilgrim, think not lightly
Of the Father’s chastening;
Seek that it may bring you onward,
While you’re heav’nward hastening.

7. With correction, God remindeth
Every child that it must be;
And the more of fruit he findeth
On Christ’s branches, fair to see,
Al the more the shoots that hinder
He doth prune with watchful eye,
That more fruit each branch may render
For His kingdom there on high.

8. Only in the summer season
Will the fruit develop best;
Tribulation is the reason
Faith is purified and blest;
When the Christian here doth ripen
By afflictions that increase,
Then his yearning grows for heaven
And its everlasting peace.

9. Soon, perhaps, you too may enter
Where the golden harps resound,
Where the saints the palms are bearing
And the faithful ones are crowned.
Therefore cling to Christ you savior;
Daily wrestle, hope, and fight;
With Him pierce through all the darkness
Into His eternal light.

10. If He all your heart is filling,
He the Hope of all your dreams,
From your body will be welling
Of His grace the brightest beams;
All the light of morning, breaking,
Ushers in a joyous day,
So your lips, with fervor speaking,
Will declare: Christ is the Way!

35. O Deliv’rer From All Bondage

1. O Deliv’rer from all bondage,
Jesus Christ, our Savior dear,
With whom harm, contempt, dishonor,
Bring the joy of heaven near!
We ask not for ease and pleasure
As our portion in this life;
What Thou deemest necessary,
Do while here we bear the strife.

2. Thy good Father truly wills it,
That Thou end Thy work at length;
Therefore in Thee dwells the fullness
Of true wisdom, love and strength,
That of those whom He hath given,
None be lost, though wide they roam;
From their striving, do Thou lead them
Safely to the heavenly home.

3. O Thou also wilt perfect us,
For Thou true and gracious art;
We are in Thy care, O Savior;
Thou dost bear us in Thy heart!
Though temptations be about us,
And though crosses may oppress,
Thou art still our mighty Helper
And wilt save in all distress!

4. O arouse our feeble powers,
From things earthly set them free,
That our plans and all our efforts,
May be hallowed, Lord, to Thee!
Far from fear of men and worry,
Far above mere reason’s scope,
Past all dread of scorn and suff’ring
Lift us by our blesséd hope!

5. Let not those whom Thou hast purchased
Be the servants here of men;
For, indeed, Thy great atonement
Cleanseth us from every sin.
Pure, and free of every blemish,
And made more and more like Thee,
Grace for grace from Thee receiving,
Truly blesséd will we be!

6. Love, O draw us in Thy dying;
Give us paradise with Thee!
All that cannot heav’n inherit
- With Thee crucified let be!
Come, Then, Lord! O do not tarry
- Let us now the time redeem!
When our freedom there is dawning,
We shall be as those who dream!

34. Glory Be to God in Heaven

1. Glory be to God in heaven;
Praise be unto Christ our Lord;
New creation we envision
In the water and the Word.
Angels stand ecstatic watching
As God’s Word is manifest,
Saints in joy their hearts uplifting
As each soul reborn is blest.

2. Like Christ Jesus resurrected,
Now reborn a new man goes;
Christ uplifts with living scepter
That which Adam’s fall did lose.
O dear child, be welcome with us
In this holy brotherhood,
Thou, from wildling fruit-tree grafted,
Art now rooted in all good.

3. Thou, a child reborn of water
And of Spirit on this day,
Thou escapest from the Hater
And shalt live in love always.
One great Root doth bear all branches,
All the members of our Christ;
We, instead of Satan’s potion,
Drink the wine of Eucharist.

4. This, our love is so wholehearted, For we all one body are,
All our hope is inward, upward,
Envy must depart afar.
Everything we share as brothers,
Though each has his liberty;
Unconstrained we live by loving,
Free from all hypocrisy.

5. Gladly we thy burdens lighten,
And thy gladness gives us cheer;
When we for our Lord must battle,
This our bond grows more sincere.
Yea, our unity exceedeth
Space and time in every way;
And what here has been prepared
That shall there abide for aye!

33. Heart to Heart United Closely

1. Heart to heart united closely,
In the heart of God seek rest!
Let your love rise up like incense
To your great Redeemer blest:
He is Head, we are His members,
He the Light, and we the rays,
He the Master, we the brethren;
We are His for all our days.

2. Come and take, all ye His children,
In His covenant, grace for grace;
O be faithful to our Conqueror,
Heartily His strength embrace.
If love’s bonds are yet too feeble,
If imperfect they have been,
Pray to Jesus with deep fervor,
Till He strengthen them again.

3. Strive for love in greater measure
That when care and pain be rife
Everyone might for the other
Willingly give up His life.
Thus our Savior loved us, brethren,
When He shed His blood so dear;
Think how it must deeply grieve Him
When we harm each other here.

4. Spur then one another onward,
Meek and lowly, shunning strife;
In the Savior’s footsteps walking,
Who gave up for us His life.
Let each one arouse the other
That our efforts, day by day,
All be given to the Master,
That we please Him on the way.

5. Hallelujah! Oh, what glory,
Oh, what depth of love we trace,
When we see the heart of Jesus,
Who redeemed our guilty race;
That He, King of all the spirits,
Now is Father, dear to us,
Though invisible, our Master
Yet is truly near to us!

6. O Thou truest Friend, unite us
Who are Thine own hallowed band,
That our hearts be ever ready
To fulfill Thy last command;
Thou, who are the truth, we pray Thee
Our hearts ever closer bind,
That we Lord by Thee enlightened,
In Thy light our glory find!

7. Christ, Thy prayer will thus be answered,
That the Father fully own
Those to whom Thou hast revealed Him
And to Him in love are drawn!
Thus may they all stand united
Who are also one with Thee,
And rejoice to serve each other
In love’s mighty unity!

8. Prince of Peace, let peace be given
Richly unto every heart!
Lord of Love, in holy service
Let us have our blessed part!
Thus this life with all its hardships
And the cross sent from above
Will be brightened, lightened, sweetened
By the power of Thy love.

9. Lord of Love, Thou hast commanded
That we love each other well;
Now the dead and slothful spirits,
With Thy life and power fill.
Kindle Thou that flame within us
That the world may clearly see,
- We, as Thy united people,
Stand as one, all true to Thee!

10. Let us live, O Lord, in union,
As Thou with Thy Father art;
Till on earth there be no member
From Thy body left apart;
Thus alone from Thy pure brightness
Shall our light receive its glow,
That the world may, by love’s token,
Us for Thy disciples know.

32. Who Shall in Thy Tabernacle

1. Who shall in Thy tabernacle,
In Thy holy hill abide?
He that loves the truth and dies it,
Who form lying turns aside;
He who earnestly is striving
In uprightness to be living,
In the Church shall stand,
And he Salem’s citizen shall be.

2. Who shall in Thy tabernacle,
In Thy holy maintain dwell?
He that keeps his tongue from sinning,
And who treats his neighbor well;
Doeth, teacheth evil never,
Honors those who fear God ever,
In the Church shall stand,
And he Salem’s citizen shall be.

3. Who shall in Thy tabernacle,
In Thy holy hill abide?
He whose heart contemns the wicked,
Shunning all deceit and pride;
Who no usury upholdeth,
Innocence and right enfoldeth:
In the Church shall stand, and he
Salem’s citizen shall be.

4. Who shall in Thy tabernacle
Stand, upon Thy holy hill?
He whose word is truly spoken,
He whose hand will do no ill;
Who his heart e’er pure retaineth,
- In the hope of God remaineth,
In the Church shall stand, and he
Salem’s citizen shall be.

5. All who in Thy tabernacle,
In Thy holy hill abide,
With Thy mercy, peace, and blessing
Wilt Thou lavishly provide;
Who the truth are loving solely,
Seek to make their lives more holy,
- In Thy Church shall stand, and be
Blest by Thee eternally!

31. God the Father of Christ Jesus

1. God the Father of Christ Jesus,
Who hath heaven fro His throne,
Who is Source of all creation,
And the Fount of life alone,
Said unto His Son, our Savior:
“Sit Thou on My throne forever,
At My right, till foes shall be
Made a footstool unto Thee.”

2. Lord, Thy throne is now in heaven;
Thou o’er all the world art King.
Thou will reign till all opponents
Must to Thee their homage bring.
They who here would not adore Thee,
Humbly there must bow before Thee,
When as Victor Thou wilt be
Clothed in Glorious majesty.

3. Reign Thou o’er Thine adversaries;
Do Thou show Thy scepter’s might.
Let Thy Church be as Mount Zion,
As Thy palace Shining bright.
When Thy foes are all defeated,
And Thy victory completed,
Then Thine own Thy name shall bless
Serving Thee in righteousness.

4. Then shall Zion bear Thee children,
An uncounted multitude,
Freed from sorrow and affliction,
And with wondrous grace endued,
As the plenteous dew of morning,
Strong in might of Thine adorning;
Since the strife is o’er, they sing
Joyful in eternal spring.

5. Verily our God hath spoken,
- And His promise He will hold,
- Lord, Thou art a Priest forever,
As Melchizedek of old.
Thou shalt be a High Priest ever,
Prince of Peace, the only Savior;
Yea, Thou shalt in majesty
King and Priest and Prophet be.

6. Thy work is to bless Thy people
From the Holy Place above,
Granting grace to all believers,
Who are praising God in love,
Since Thy lifeblood Thou hast given,
Opening the way to heaven,
He who now repents shall live
If he truly doth believe.

7. When the Lord brings all to judgment
And avenges every wrong,
When He humbles all the haughty,
Breaking Satan’s power strong,
Then will Jesus’ crowns be gleaming,
Far beyond man’s fondest dreaming,
And His people’s joy will be
Him to serve eternally!

30. Hear and Understand the Lessons

1. Hear and understand the lessons
Which the Spirit brings to you,
As He now, as in all ages,
Brings the Church God’s message true.
Hearken! When ye Him are seeking,
God Himself to you is speaking;
He will search your inmost thought
Until all to light is brought.

2. Thus speaks He who now is holding
Seven stars in His right hand;
“I know those whom I appointed
That they shall as watchmen stand;
What they teach, what they’re enduring,
What they do, what blame incurring;
All is brought into the light,
And it there is judged aright.

3. “Blest is he who overcometh,
Who retains his first love’s glow,
Who on truth is firmly grounded,
Hates all error here below.
Unto him shall once be given
Of the tree of life in heaven;
Yes, when he has won the strife,
He shall have eternal life.”

4. Thus speaks Jesus Christ, the Alpha
And the blest Omega, too,
He who died, then rose a Victor,
Who did death itself subdue
- “I know thy affliction’s hour,
Poverty and works and power!
Thou art rich; in patience bear
Undeserved reproaches here.

5. “Blest is he who overcometh,”
Who doth not from suffering flee,
When he pain and fear endureth,
Still in faith looks unto Me;
Who remembers that in heaven
Shall the crown of life be given;
Who abides in strife and storm,
Second death will him not harm.”

6. “I know thee,” the Lord is saying
Whose mouth holds the two-edged sword;
“I know all, with perfect knowledge:
Thou art faithful to the Lord.
Thou dost live where Satan reigneth
And ‘mid those whom he retaineth
Who in Balaam’s heresy
Harm My children fearfully.

7. “Blest is he who overcometh,
And whose heart is proved sincere,
Who is penitent for failings,
Now as Balaam sin holds dear.
He shall have of manna hidden,
And to him there shall be bidden
Then a white and beauteous stone
That has his new name thereon.” –

8. Thus speaks He whose eyes resemble
Flames of fire gleaming through,
Searching all the hearts and spirits:
“Blesséd art thou, soldier true;
Thou hast faith and love retained,
Hast in patience true remained:
As My love in thee doth glow,
Thou shalt fruitful service know.

9. “Yet I have one thing against thee,
That thou lettest Jezebel
Clothed in piety pretended,
Still her wicked doctrine tell.
She my servants turns to evil
By her teaching of the Devil,
And serves Baal, this world’s god,
- Which things surely please Me not!

10. “Blest is he who overcometh,
He who unto truth doth cling,
And whose heart remains unspotted
From all that the world may bring.
He with Me shall rule each nation
With the rod of subjugation
With My people near and far,
With My people near and far,
Shall receive the Morning Star.”

11. He who holds God’s seven spirits
And the stars, doth search thy soul:
“Pray, where are thy former efforts,
Thou art still far from thy goal;
Thou art dead instead of living,
And wouldst others strength be giving,
Wake! And stand not idly by,
Strengthen then all that soon would die.

12. “Blest is he who overcometh,
Daily fighting faith’s good fight,
Till with those he will be gathered,
Who have kept their garments white,
Faithful in each small endeavor,
Waiting for the King’s high favor.
Yea, his name shall truly stay
In the Book of Life alway.” –

13. Thus speaks He, the True and Holy,
He who holdeth David’s keys,
He who locks and who uncloses,
As the grace of God decrees:
“I disclose an open portal
Unto thee to life immortal.
“Thou hast kept,” so saith the Lord,
“Thy small strength, also My Word.

14. “Lo, to thee I will be giving
Those whose deeds their words deny,
Who to truth still make a pretense
But who cling unto a lie.
They shall all acknowledge duly,
Thou art Mine, confessing truly
That I love thee, hold thee dear,
For thy faith is proved sincere.

15. “Blest is he who overcometh,
Keepeth safe the victor’s crown,
Whom the foe finds ever ready
And who fears nor threat nor frown.
He shall in My sanctuary
Stand a pillar, and in glory
Of the new Jerusalem,
There shall bear My own new name.” –

16. Speaks the true and faithful Witness,
Who is Amen, and the Truth;
“Well I know thy works and failings,
I will spew thee from My mouth;
Thou art cold nor hot, nor yearning
To maintain love’s fire burning;
Grieved am I to see no flame
Of the love which thou dost claim.

17. “O that thou wouldst know how wretched
And how poor thou art indeed;
Thus made free from self-deception
Thou couldst realize thy need,
All thy nakedness and blindness,
All thy faults, despite my kindness.
Buy eye-salve so thou mayst see
And secure true gold from Me.

18. “Blest is he who overcometh,”
Who heed those rebukes of love
Which the Lord to us is giving
When He must our hearts reprove.
He in them would dwell forever,
So entwined that naught can sever,
And from His most glorious Throne
Then bestow the victor’s crown!

29. Jesus, Our Great Mediator

1. Jesus, Our great Mediator,
Seated at God’s right hand now,
All Thy servants in the kingdom
Of Thy grace protectest Thou!
Thee upon the throne of heaven
With Thy kingly crown God-given,
All the hosts of that blest place
Veiled behold, Lord, face to face.

2. Now the work of our salvation,
And Thy offering is complete;
All that was to be perfected,
Thou hast finished as was meet;
As for us Thy life was given
That we might be heirs of heaven,
So Thy resurrection’s power
Gives us freedom every hour.

3. Now this is Thy chief endeavor
In the Holy Place above,
To impart Thy living power,
Through the Gospel of Thy love,
Unto ev’ry unsaved being,
Who unto Thy throne is fleeing.
By Thy hand Thou dost bestow
Grace upon us here below.

4. All the names of Thy devoted
Thou dost carry in Thy breast;
All who come to Thee, believing,
Are and ever shalt be blest!
Thou defendest all believers,
Guardest them against deceivers,
In the Father’s house dost give
Mansions where they’ll ever live.

5. Thou dost not forget the wretched
Who still serve the world of sin;
Yea, Thy heart doth break in pity
For the bondage they are in;
That Thy Father may yet spare them,
Nor in dire wrath forswear them,
That their hearts He yet might turn,
- Ah, for this Thou, Lord, dost yearn!

6. When Thou here in flesh didst sojourn,
And our sins upon Thee lay,
Thou didst turn unto Thy Father,
For the sinners Thou didst pray;
Both with weeping and with sighing,
For the sinners’ pardon crying;
Ohm in what humility
Then arose Thy fervent plea!

7. Now Thy eloquent petitions
Are supported by Thy might,
As Thou in Thy heav’nly glory
Sittest at Thy Father’s right;
Now though Satan may accuse us,
Pardon Thou wilt not refuse us,
For Thy blood for us was spilt
And this blood removed our guilt.

8. Jesus, our great Mediator,
Whom the heav’nly host obeys,
For the faithfulness Thou showest,
We give honor, thanks and praise;
Grant Thy Spirit, Lord and Savior,
When we ask the Father’s favor;
Lead us steadfast with Thy hand
Till we reach the Fatherland.

28. Jesus, Blessed Friend and Savior

1. Jesus, blessed Friend and Savior,
Sun of righteousness so bright,
Dwelling mid Thy people ever,
Who would serve Thee here aright:
Come Thou, we are here united,
By Thy Spirit’s flame we’re lighted!
Shed Thy life and light divine
Over all this house of Thine.

2. Come, Thy members to enliven;
Thou, the Church’s Head, appear;
Purge from us all things not given
To our blessing and Thy fear!
Come, O Lord, again revealing
God’s own heart of grace and healing,
- And remind us all anew,
“I am in the midst of you!”

3. May our hearts to Thee be turning,
Brightness of eternity!
Fill us all with fervent yearning
For the grace that comes by Thee;
Let Thy life and light be flowing,
O us all Thy love bestowing,
Perfect us in steadfastness
In the covenant of Grace!

4. May our teacher ever nearer
Draw to Thee, O Savior dear,
And may every faithful hearer
Truly know that Thou art here;
With Thy Word each heart invading,
Gently, lovingly persuading
That in heaven there can be
Only that which comes from Thee!

5. Come, Lord, every heart possessing
As Thy constant dwelling place;
Let not one escape the blessing
Of the children of Thy grace.
Let us all, as here we gather,
Share Thy benefits, O Father;
And by love’s strong impetus
O reveal Thyself in us.

6. That which unto us is given
From Thee, Lord, is life and light;
May what we now taste of heaven
Make our souls pure in Thy sight.
Come, Lord Jesus, with Thy blessing,
So that we, one Lord confessing,
Bound in service and in love,
True to Thee may ever prove!

27. Up, Ye Christians, Christ’s Own Members

1. Up, ye Christians, Christ’s own members,
Cling ye firmly to your Head;
Up, awake, your faith renewing,
Lest your soul astray be led;
For the foe
Would bring woe,
He would strife and unrest sow.

2. Follow Jesus’ cross as banner,
Trust in His almighty arm!
Though upon the field of battle
Foes in wild confusion swarm;
Christ’s own band
Firm will stand
When it trusts His powerful hand.

3. Dare to do what Christ commanded!
Be alert and watch and pray;
Then you never shall lose courage,
But be heroes in the fray.
Jesus’ blood
Gives against the foe’s wild brood.

4. For His power hath been tested
By the saints who steadfast stood;
Knowing that in overcoming
They had conquered by His blood.
Shall not we
Steadfast be,
Fight for Jesus valiantly?

5. He who here sin’s bondage loveth
Never will this conflict face;
Who hath giv’n to sin his service
Doth neglect the time of grace;
Satan’s might
And sin’s night
Have made him to shun the fight.

6. But the one whom wisdom teacheth:
“Freedom be the Christian’s part,”
He whose mind to God inclineth
As the hope of his whole heart,
- Seeks to be
From guile free,
Christ’s own servant faithfully.

7. Ah, how pitiful is living
Where true freedom is not known!
Who is not to God devoted
Daily must his ills bemoan!
Only he
Glad can be
Who from sin and lust is free!

8. Therefore let us truly conquer
Through our Savior’s Word and blood;
He would free us from all terror,
And remain our highest good.
Victor he
E’er will be!
Draw us, Lord, from earth to Thee!

9. May our life be ever hidden
Here in God with Christ our Lord;
Then shall we upon that morning
Stand illumined by His Word;
All the care
We now share
Will be changed to glory there.

10. There shall God His trusted servants
Give exceeding great reward;
In the mansions of the blesséd
Shall resound the trumpets’ chord;
In that land
Christ’s own band
Shall in heavenly glory stand!

26. Jesus, in the Night of His Betrayal

1. Jesus, in the night of His betrayal,
When in love He formed His covenant new,
Freely, in unbounded self-denial,
Gave His life for us as offering due;
Then our Lord, to show the covenant union
Of the members of His blest communion,
Gave to them this feast of love and peace,
To remind them of their soul’s release.

2. When the Paschal Lamb had been partaken,
He took bread, gave thanks, and broke the bread,
Gave it to His own to eat as token
Of the Paschal Lamb, and then He said:
“Take ye it! This is My body, given,
Into death for all of you, from heaven;
In remembrance of My death, this do;
A memorial of My grace to you!”

3. Afterwards when they the bread had broken
And unto the Father thanks had said,
That they had received the gracious taken
To partake the food that had been spread.
Then the Savior took the cup of blessing,
To the Father His deep thanks confessing,
Gave to His disciples at the board:
“Take this cup and drink it,” said the Lord.

4. “This cup is the blood of my New Covenant;
For the sins of man it was brought;
In it lies the power of My New Covenant,
Which by means to this, My blood, was wrought.”
This His blood, for our salvation given
On the cross, has made us hears of heaven;
This cup a memorial shall be,
That this blood from sins hath made us free.

5. His blood purifies the congregation
Of His children whom He did atone,
Whom He loved sincerely ere creation,
He to them says: “Ye are Mine alone!”
Constantly His Church He is adorning,
And His faithfulness is new each morning,
His good Spirit giveth He as seal,
As His sacred promises reveal.

6. Come ten to the feast of His New Cov’nant,
Members of His Church, your faith renew;
Thank the Founder of this precious Cov’nant
Through the chalice He pours out for you.
Here your hands in faithfulness uniting
And the fire of brother-love new lighting,
Let your common prayers rise to His Throne,
Thank and praise Him who hath made you one!

7. By their love His members are united
In a union godly and devout;
All who love their holy vows have plighted;
All who do not love belong without.
In their love this blessed meal is taken,
In their love they shall abide unshaken;
Many members are as one arrayed,
As from many grain one bread is made.

8. Therefore, when ye to your Master’s glory
Come to keep this holy feast of love,
Ye must truly hear salvation’s story,
Joining those whose homeland is above!
Then true love will heart to heart bind ever,
And no discord will this union sever;
One in Jesus Christ they all shall be,
- He the Head of His community!

9. There is life and there is peace and gladness,
There contentment, grace, and mercy flow;
There the light of Jesus scatters sadness,
Shining with a soft and blesséd glow.
O who would not joy in this salvation,
Yearn to dwell within that habitation
Where the Light of life shines full and free,
Giving men new life and liberty!

25. We Worship Thee With Tears of Gladness

1. We worship Thee with tears of gladness
For Thy great love, Lord Jesus Christ,
Who, to redeem us from sin’s sadness,
Upon the cross wast sacrificed.
Our thankful praises now are brought,
For all that Thou for us hast wrought.

2. Thy bread, O Lord, I now am breaking;
I drink Thy testamental wine;
With all my brethren I am taking
The pledge to be forever Thine.
Accept this promise, Lord today;
Give grace to persevere, I pray.

3. Thou hast the will and power to strengthen,
For Thou hast loved me unto death.
As long as Thou my days wilt lengthen,
I’ll trust in Thee with every breath.
O dearest Lord, to Thee I call;
Thou truly art my all in all.

4. Still closer unto Thee unite me,
As with the Father one Thou art;
To be Thine own Thou didst invite me,
And Thine I am with all my heart.
This is my constant goal and aim;
My bosom as Thy dwelling claim!

5. And ye, the Church’s members, truly
Are folded in my heart’s embrace!
In Christ ye are my brethren duly;
We share salvation through His grace.
We drink one cup, we break one bread,
One Savior suffered in our stead.

6. As here, in Jesus’ name invited,
His people meet to share His love,
Se shall the ransomed be united,
A mighty throng in heaven above,
To praise Him there before the throne,
Our Lord the Savior, Christ the Son.

7. Nor shall the scorn of those who hate me,
Nor joy nor earthly vanity,
From Thy dear love e’er separate me;
In death it shall my stronghold be;
Thou art and ever wilt be mine,
And I, forever, Savior, Thine!

24. Lord, come in! Lord, come in!

1. Lord, come in! Lord, come in!
Thou who art Thy people’s Head,
Let Thy peace o’er us be spoken,
Thy Good Spirit on us shed
While this holy bread is broken.
Come and sup with us, Thy members here,
Savior dear! Savior dear!

2. Bless it, Thou! Bless it Thou!
Bless and break the living bread
To give life unto our spirit.
By Thy suffering in our stead
Our salvation Thou dost merit,
That our souls, now free from vanity,
Godly be! Godly be!

3. Prince of life! Prince of Life!
Thou the Fountain of all good,
Come, our spirits’ hunger stilling.
May the sacrificial blood,
Thou didst shed so free and willing,
Strengthen us, and give us grace to be
True to Thee! True to Thee!

4. As Thou wilt! As Thou wilt!
Come, O Lord, with blessings rife!
- Graciously He now draws near us
With the bread and wine of life.
O how doth His presence cheer us!
See what blessings follow in His wake;
Come and take! Come and take!

23. Holiest, Holiest

1. Holiest, Holiest,
Glorious Immanuel!
Faith’s true Author and Beginner,
O do Thou illume my soul
With the grace that saves the sinner
And within him forms God’s image there,
Bright and fair, Bright and fair.

2. Now immersed, Now immersed
In the water and the blood,
And thus with the Savior buried,
Freed from power of the foe,
I through death to life am carried;
Rising to new life, the highest good,
From the flood, From the flood.

3. Born again, Born again,
Resurrected with the Lord:
Now have I been liberated,
- Freed from all the world’s dread horde,
From the darkness I have hated,
From the bondage of self-pride and sin,
- Joy is mine! Joy is mine!

4. Life divine, Life divine,
Fire and Spirit giveth power,
Maketh me a new creation;
Godly life is mine each hour,
Christ, my dress in this new station;
He performs His holy work always
- Night and day, Night and day.

5. With new joy, With new joy
Thou dost make my spirit glad,
For to life I am elected;
On I strive till I stall see
Christ by whom I’ve been selected,
- To Him I will cling to my last breath
- Unto death, Unto death.

22. Holy Lord, Holy Lord

1. Holy Lord, holy Lord,
Holy and almighty Lord,
Thou, the God of all creation,
Art by all Thy works adored,
And by man, for whose salvation
Jesus shed for us His precious blood:
Sovereign Good, Sovereign Good!

2. Thanks and praise, thanks and praise,
Thanks and praise be ever Thine,
That Thy Word to us is given,
Teaching us with power divine,
That the Lord of earth and heaven,
Everlasting life for us to gain,
Once was slain, Once was slain.

3. Evermore, evermore,
The redeemed through Jesus’ blood
Shall declare that this be spoken:
Christ to bring us back to God,
Gave Himself, redemption’s token,
That we might have endless life above,
In is love, In His love.

4. Son of man, Son of man,
Let Thy golden lamp shine bright;
Grant that Zion truly know Thee;
Scatter Thou the shades of night.
Help us bring the praise we owe Thee,
And together bless before the throne,
Christ the Son, Christ the Son.

5. Holy Lord, holy Lord
Holy and almighty Lord,
Let the light of Christ shine o’er us
Brightly all our journey through;
May His grace and truth most glorious,
Still illume our path, till also we
Dwell with Thee! Dwell with Thee!

21. To the Fray! To the Fray!

1. To the fray! To the fray!
Brethren, join the holy strife!
O, be strong in Christ the Savior;
Battle for the crown of life!
Till life ends ye must not waver;
Gird yourselves with power to walk each day
On the way, On the way.

2. Put ye on; Put ye on;
Put ye God’s whole armor on!
So that you may overpower
Both the for and all his plan;
He doth lie in wait each hour,
He would from your goal by his attack
Hold you back, Hold you back.

3. Therefore strive, Therefore strive
Hard against his cunning might!
He his powerful host engageth,
And in blackness of the night
War against our Savior wageth;
For the prince of darkness fears the light
And the right, And the right.

4. It is true, It is true
That not only flesh and blood
Here on earth need be subjected –
No, against the hellish brood
Must the struggle be directed.
O awake, therefore, and firmly cling
To your King, To you King.

5. Steadfast be, Steadfast be,
Brethren, stand ye fast and fight;
Gird your loins with courage duly,
Gird your minds with truth and right,
Ye shall be victorious truly.
Righteousness shall be your breastplate strong;
Fight the wrong! Fight the wrong!

6. Battle on, Battle on,
Let your faith be your best shield,
By the Lord Himself erected;
In its shelter hold the field,
‘Gainst the enemy protected;
For he would with fiery, deadly darts
Pierce your heart, Pearce you hearts.

7. Be supplied, Be supplied
With the helmet naught can pierce;
Hold the hope of your salvation;
Though the foe wage battle fierce
With his powers of temptation,
Turn the light your hope doth now accord
To the Lord; To the Lord.

8. Firmly seize, Firmly seize,
Brethren, take the Spirit’s sword
Which is God’s own Word of power.
If you keep it close at hand,
Satan will before you cower,
For he, when God’s mighty sword he sees,
Turns and flees, Turns and flees.

9. O beware, O beware,
Brethren, walk as in the light,
And abide in love forever;
Turn no to the left or right
From the way of your dear Savior.
Pray ye to the Lord in every need,
He will heed, He will heed.

10. Carry on, Carry on,
Carry on the world of God,
And the souls of men be willing;
With the Gospel’s peace be shod;
Waken those still dead in sinning;
Bring them, through the gracious Gospel-Word,
To the Lord, to the Lord.

20. Forward Still! Forward Still!

1. Forward still! Forward still!
Zion forward to the Light!
Let thy lamps be trimmed and burning;
Let thy first love’s flame stay bright.
Forward still with hopeful yearning,
Zion, take the strait gate with a will!
Forward still! Forward still!

2. Patient be! Patient be!
Zion, though with every breath
Thou hast grief from those who hate thee,
Be thou faithful unto death.
See the crown of life await thee!
Zion, though the serpent’s fang strike thee,
Patient be! Patient be!

3. Follow not! Follow not!
Zion, follow not the world;
All its proffered greatness spurning,
All its bribes, its gifts impearled.
From the dragon’s throne be turning!
Zion, when it doth thy downfall plot,
Follow not! Follow not!

4. Prove with care! Prove with Care!
Zion, every spirit prove!
If from paths of right they lure thee,
Never swerve, but look above;
Let thy guiding Star assure thee.
Zion, both the crooked and the fair,
Prove with care! Prove with care!

5. Press thou on! Press thou on!
Zion, press thou on to God!
With His strength thy spirit glowing:
Be not like a withered rod
But a vine in vigor growing.
Zion, let hypocrisy be gone,
Press thou on! Press thou on!

6. O break forth! O break forth!
Zion, O break forth in might!
Brother-love in thee be burning,
Show thyself as His by right,
Who as Bridegroom is returning,
Zion, through thine open door on earth:
O break forth! O break forth!

7. Hold thou fast! Hold thou fast!
Persevere now as of old!
Lukewarm let not Jesus find thee:
On, behold the crown of gold!
On, forget what is behind thee;
Zion, in thy struggle to the last,
Hold thou fast! Hold thou fast!

19. Jesus, Our Sweet Rest

1. Jesus, our sweet Rest,
Who like Thee is blest?
Thou alone wast chosen for us;
Thou our Life though death reigned o’er us,
And our Light most blest,
Jesus, tender Rest!

2. Bridegroom of the soul,
Lamb of God for all!
Unto Thee due thanks we render
For Thy love so pure and tender
On the cross for all,
Bridegroom of the soul!

3. Thou, O Life, didst die
And thereby supply
Full salvation for us ever,
Thou, of righteousness the Giver,
Leadest from all pain
Back to God again!

4. Thy sweet mildness be
Mirrored in degree
In us all who love Thee truly,
Quell all wrath and pride unruly,
That Thy likeness we
Know and long to be.

5. Let Thy Spirit’s light
In our souls be bright,
That we gladly come before Thee
And in watchful prayer adore Thee;
An untarnished love,
Grant from heaven above.

6. A courageous heart
Unto us impart,
All to offer up in willing
Sacrifice, all self-pride stilling;
Give us, Highest Good,
Blessing through Thy blood!

7. Here through scorn and strife,
There the crown of life;
Here the hoping and believing,
There the seeing and receiving;
Here we bear disdain,
There the crown we gain.

8. Jesus, help and give
That we knight-like live
From this world our love to sever,
Following Thy footsteps ever;
Thou, the perfect Knight,
Here for us didst fight.

9. Thou, O Light sublime,
Chosen ere all time
To bestow on us God’s favor,
Wast made flesh to be our Savior,
In the full of time,
O Thou Light sublime.

10. Thou, the Victor, Lord,
Over Satan’s horde;
All the power of the devil
Is destroyed, and all the evil
Through that ransom high
For which Thou didst die!

11. Majesty most high,
King and Prophet, Thy
Scepter here we kiss believing
At Thy feet the Truth receiving,
As in Bethany
Mary learned from Thee.

12. Draw us close to Thee,
Lord eternally;
Serving Thee in love unceasing,
Praising Thee with joy increasing;
For eternally
We abide in Thee.

13. Wake us, Lord, we pray,
That to Thee our way
We pursue with firm endeavor,
Seeing naught and halting never
In this earthly day
– Further Thou our way!

18. Who Is He That Careth For Us

1. Who is He that careth for us
And for our salvation now?
Who is He that yearneth o’er us?
Thou, Lord Jesus, only Thou!

2. Thou upon our plight didst ponder
Ere we say the light of day;
That we might have gladness yonder
Thou didst walk the cross-crowned way.

3. Men may love their friends sincerely,
- Human love no further goes;
But, Thou, Lord, didst suffer dearly
Even for Thy very foes.

4. What of mercy Thou revealest,
Blood and spirit, strength and light;
Thou from all sin’s evil healest,
For Thou settest hearts aright.

5. Oh, what wondrous joy and gladness
Thou dost hold for us in store;
What rejoicing after sadness
Here and there forevermore!

6. Savior, how Thy Holy Passion
To the depths each heart doth touch;
Be Thou still our one possession;
He who loves Thee gaineth much.

7. Give to us the resignation
Only to perform Thy will,
Safely to our destination
Guide us, Lord, and lead us still.

8. If our way through darkness takes us,
Thou wilt be for us the Light,
And in death wilt not forsake us:
We shall see Thy glory bright.

9. Aye, we truly love Thee, Savior;
Thou art worthy of all love!
E’en in pain, death, anguish, ever
We are seeking Thee above!

10. World, thou nevermore couldst sever
Us from Him who loves us here;
His love will be constant ever,
Till He shall in light appear!

17. I Am Jesus’ Little Lamb

1. I am Jesus’ little lamb;
Therefore glad at heart I am:
My good Shepherd watches o’er me
And He tenderly cares for me;
Knows me, loves me e’er the same,
Even calls me by my name.

2. Underneath His gentle rod,
I have ever safely trod:
When I hunger, Jesus leads me
To green pastures where He feeds me;
When I thirst, He lets me go
Where the waters softly flow.

3. Shall I then not happy be?
Jesus loves me tenderly;
And, when this short life is ended,
By His holy angels tended,
I’ll be carried to the skies,
Dwell with Him in paradise!

16. How Good to Be a Lamb of Christ the Savior

1. How good to be a lamb of Christ the Savior,
To stand in grace with Him the faithful Lord!
O earth there is no better, higher favor
Than this: to follow Jesus and His Word.
Far more than all the world can give
Each lamb shall at the hand of Christ the Lord receive.

2. Each lamb on verdant pastures there is grazing
And finding springs of waters sweet and pure;
No heart can grasp the mercy so amazing
Each lamb doth at the Shepherd’s hand secure.
Eternal life is here revealed
To those who unto Christ the Lord in faith are sealed.

3. Each lamb is kept by Jesus Christ securely,
Though envious wrath may move the power of hell;
No wolf shall pluck it from His bosom surely;
Almighty is the Lord, and guardeth well;
He daily watcheth o’er it here,
And in the vale of death it shall not fall nor fear.

4. Who would enjoy this life and truly flourish,
Let him become a lamb of Jesus’ fold;
With heav’nly manna He His sheep will nourish,
Whereas the world gives husks despoiled by mould.
The lamb shall find rich pasture his,
Because the Shepherd Keeper of God’s treasure is.

15. Do You See the Shepherd Wandering?

1. Do you see the Shepherd wandering
O’er God’s wide and shadowed plain,
Over Bloody footsteps pondering,
Seeking His lost sheep again?
Do ye know the flock that liveth,
Do ye know their Shepherd’s rod,
Who to earth and heaven giveth
Life and Light and Peace with God?

2. See, a lamb is lost and straying,
And the Shepherd leaves the rest,
Hastens onward, not delaying,
Till He folds it to His breast.
To His bosom gently taken
See, He brings it home again,
He leaves none in fear forsaken,
He restores from grief and pain.

3. Mankind, far and near, give heed to
This good shepherd’s loving call;
To His pasture let Him lead you,
Feel His tender care for all;
Let Him take away your sadness,
Gifts of grace His will impart,
He will give eternal gladness –
Blest, who giveth Him his heart!

4. Would ye here and then forever
Feel this gentle, loving care?
Join the flock of your dear Savior,
Who our life and death did share.
Lord, Thy pasture I will treasure,
To Thy fountains lead Thou me,
Lead through sorrow and through pleasure;
Then at last lead me to Thee.

14. Lord Jesus, All Our Thanks and Praise

1. Lord, Jesus, all our thanks and praise
Be unto Thee through all our days!
Thy people in Thy grace rejoice,
And now therefore their anthems voice
That Thou, O Lord, wilt evermore endure,
And we with Thee shall ever dwell secure!

2. Lord, own Thy flock, Thy treasure now,
For whom none can provide but Thou;
Call those who have not known Thee, Lord,
Rebuke all who create discord;
The sorely tempted by Thy might sustain;

3. From angry wolves preserve Thy fold;
O make Thy sheep as loins bold;
Lead back into the narrow way,
All who from Thee have gone astray;
Yea, gather us in closer unity
Till all Thy flock are truly one in Thee!

13. Lord God, All Laud to Thee

1. Lord God, all laud to Thee;
Thy goodness we are praising,
Thou hearest graciously
The prayers that we are raising;
Thou dost in faithful love,
To make and keep them whole,
Send blessings from above
For body, spirit, soul.

2. So now have we anew
Received from Thee Thy blessing;
Thou blessest all we do,
Thy Word to us addressing;
Dost bless our daily bread
To satisfy our need.
Our thanks again we’ve said
In song and word and deed.

3. Thou givest us Thy Word,
Our souls Thou truly feedest,
For this we praise Thee, Lord,
And follow where Thou leadest!
Thou givest light and strength
Upon the heavenward way,
On it Thy hand at length
Directeth us each day.

4. For all Thy faithfulness,
Our fervent thanks we sing Thee;
Thee while we live we bless,
And day by day we bring Thee
Our hearts, let them be Thine;
O Lord, Thy Spirit give,
Who as a light will shine
And show us how to live!

12. Lord Jesus, Thou Art King

1. Lord Jesus, Thou art King,
At God’s right hand Thou reignest;
Thy praise the angels sing,
Thy servants Thou sustainest;
The world’s release didst Thou
Upon the cross achieve;
Look down in pity now
– All wretchedness relieve.

2. Thy Gospel pure and free
Send forth to every nation,
Let all the world now see
And welcome Thy salvation;
Raise up Thy people true,
Let every tongue and clime
Sound forth Thy praises due,
Exalt Thy Name sublime.

3. Let not a single knee
On earth remain unbended;
Though humbled he may be,
Let no one be offended;
No lips be loath to own
That Jesus is our Lord,
Our Savior-King alone,
True to His Father’s Word.

4. O Joyful day, draw near,
Fulfill our expectation,
God’s promises so dear
Redeem to all creation!
The kingdom and the might,
The glory, power, shall be
Our God’s in His own right,
And Christ’s eternally.

5. His glorious rule of right
Shall ever be unbroken;
The scepter of His might
In peace shall give its token.
Ye peoples, shout for joy,
His praise let all proclaim,
Let earth its power employ
To glorify His Name.

6. The angel host on high
His endless praises voices,
The cherub in the sky
With seraph bright rejoices,
And the exalted throng
Beside the crystal sea
Doth raise the glad new song:
“The Lamb’s high praise sing we!”

7. Four beings round the throne,
The elders there before them,
Praise God and Christ alone,
Celestial light spreads o’er them;
Their crowns before the Lamb
They cast and Him adore,
Who said, “I was, I am,
I shall be evermore.”

8. To the great Three in One
Who reigns in highest heaven,
To Father and the Son
And Spirit, praise be given!
All the elected throng,
The heavens broad and free,
Unit in endless song
Of glory, God, to Thee.

11. We Who Here in Jesus' Name Now Gather

We who here in Jesus’ Name now gather
Give our hand in sacred love;
By His suffering bind ourselves together
True to be to Him above.
For a token that our heart’s fond union
Pleaseth Him, His death seals the communion,
He saith: “Amen,” adds anew:
“Peace, My peace, I give to you!”

10. Holy God, Behold, My Heart Is Turning

1. Holy God, behold, my heart is turning
Unto Thee to find its rest;
For it is my spirit’s ardent yearning
In Thy covenant to be blest.
Lo, I pledge myself through every trial,
With Thy help, to practice self-denial,
As Thy servant, in all ill,
To obey Thy Word and will.

2. To my neighbor I’ll rejoice in speaking
Of Thy Gospel, Savior dear;
Warning all who grace are not yet seeking,
That Thy wrath is drawing near;
I will tell how through baptism I’ve risen
With my Savior from the grave’s dread prison,
That I’ve died to all the earth,
Live for things of heavenly worth.

3. Praise be Thine! My new birth by the Spirit
Adds me to Thy Church, O Lord;
All who put their trust in Thy rich merit
Here must suffer for Thy Word.
But, O Lord, as Thou my days doth lengthen,
When I suffer, do Thou help and strengthen:
May I serve Thee, Lord, alone, -
Thou, my savior, I Thine own!

9. Glory to God in His Heaven

1. Glory be to God in His heaven!
And on earth let praise be given;
All shall praise His holy name,
And His might and love proclaim!
And His might and love proclaim!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

2. Peace be on earth and rejoicing,
Ye, His flock, His praise be voicing,
All His creatures, far and near.
Praise the Lord, His name revere!
Praise the Lord, His name revere!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

3. Glory to God the Savior;
Humankind, ye sons of favor,
Sing, to glorious realms above.
God hath called us in His love!
God hath called us in His love!
Hallelujah! Hallelujah!

8. My Praise to His Throne Now Mount

1. My praises to His throne now mount,
To Christ the Lord, of life the Fount;
Triumphant from the grave He rose,
And death’s grim portal did unclose. Hallelujah!

2. The earth did tremble wondrously,
From heaven an angel came to see,
The mighty stone was rolled away,
When Jesus Christ arose that day. Hallelujah!

3. Now clothed in majesty is He,
That was His from eternity;
To captives freedom he doth give
That they with Him may ever live. Hallelujah!

4. The strongest foe may not prevail,
For filled with faith no heart shall fail,
That faith well-founded in Christ’s blood,
His sacrifice our highest good. Hallelujah!

5. For us did He the victory win
O’er world and Satan, death and sin,
And as we serve and love Him well
Our King within each heart doth dwell. Hallelujah!

6. We know that Satan’s yoke is shame
And strive to work in Jesus’ Name;
Reborn by faith we go our way,
And sin we never shall obey. Hallelujah!

7. As Jesus died for all our sin,
So all His own new life begin;
Through baptism we renewed shall be
And clothed in immortality. Hallelujah!

8. Thus by this Spirit-birth may we,
Lord Jesus, have a part in Thee;
And how ourselves obedient, Lord,
In love and faith unto Thy Word. Hallelujah!

7. My Praise, Ascend to God Today

1. My Praise, ascend to God today,
To Whom the angels sang their lay!
The day of joy is now at hand!
Sing Hallelujah, every land! Hallelujah!

2. From heaven He came in darkest night,
Who brought to us both life and light;
Now shines for us a gentle ray,
That, like the dawn, drives night away. Hallelujah!

3. He came, His Father’s image true,
His majesty Hid from our view;
A shepherd mild, with tender hand
He guides us to our Fatherland, Hallelujah!

4. Though throned in power and majesty,
Je deigned on earth a man to be,
That we might more like Him become
On earth and in that heavenly home. Hallelujah!

5. The road to heaven He will show
To us, His brethren here below;
Exchanged shall be our pilgrim dress
For starry robe of righteousness. Hallelujah!

6. Jesus! My Life, My Fond Hope

1. Jesus! My life, my fond hope, my true faith, my endeavor,
All that adorns and that pleases a Christian forever, -
Set Thou my heart,
O World-Redeemer, apart,
That it may honor Thee ever!

2. Dearly Beloved, in Thee I am truly believing;
All that I am and have fully to Thee I am giving;
Let me be Thine,
no greater gain could be mine,
Ever to Thee to be living.

3. One thing is needful, may it be enduring, dear Savior:
Peace of the soul; may the vain things of earth prosper never.
Let it not cease,
Jesus, for Thou are that peace
– Yesterday, now, and forever!

4. Ruler of Life! O now rule in my heart and endeavor,
That all my life may be holy and God-pleasing ever;
Thy Spirit give,
that to Thy glory I live
Here and in heaven forever!

5. Praise Thou the Lord, the Almighty

1. Praise thou the Lord, the Almighty, the King of Creation!
O my soul, praise Him, for He is thy health and salvation!
Join with the throng:
Sing Him a tuneful new song;
Bring Him thy glad adoration!

2. Praise thou the Lord, who o’er all things so wondrously reigneth;
Who as on wings of an eagle uplifteth, sustaineth;
Canst thou not trace
How that His goodness and grace
Always thy welfare ordaineth?

3. Praise thou the Lord, who so fearfully, wondrously made thee,
And who thy health hath bestowed, and most lovingly stayed thee,
Who in thy need
Proveth a helper indeed,
- Wings of His mercy e’er shade thee

4. Praise thou the Lord, who doth visibly bless and defend thee,
Who from the heavens the streams of His goodness doth send thee,
Ponder anew
What the Almighty can do;
Who with His love doth befriend thee!

5. Praise thou the Lord, praise His Name, yea, and worship before Him;
All that is in me, with Abraham’s children, adore Him!
He is thy Light;
Soul, keep it ever in sight,
Gladly forever adore Him!

4. Oh, Be Ye Lifted Up, Ye Gates

1. Oh, be ye lifted up, ye gates,
That here may enter He who waits
By grace and truth attended!
Who would this King of Glory see,
For all his sins must be made free,
Death’s slumber must be ended.
Oh, see!
Glory Streameth,
Radiance gleameth;
Night He endeth,
Life and light and bliss He sendeth.

2. About His throne the joy is great
Of those who here in chains did wait,
Their freedom was His giving;
For they were blind and now they see,
For they were bound and now are free,
Were dead and now are living.
Is the Savior,
Failing never;
Strength and healing,
To the sick is He revealing!

3. All ye who to Christ’s house belong,
Come now and in true faith be strong,
His cov’nant be your pleasure!
Look up to Him for strength to build
His Kingdom here as he hath willed,
His Word, your hope, your treasure.
Know ye,
Go ye,
Gently speaking,
Lost ones seeking,
Never swerving,
‘Tis the Savior ye are serving.

4. O Thou, who did our sorrow bear,
When shall there be enough of prayer
And praise in this world sounding?
When shall the nations, Thee, Lord, know
And to Thy holy temple go,
With grace and love abounding?
To Thee,
All may enter;
In Thee center
Hope forever;
May we leave Thy service never!

5. Lord, here do we await Thine hour,
The time so full of love and power
When all shall reach fruition;
The desert bloom as paradise,
In bitter springs sweet waters rise
When Thy Word fills its mission.
Lord, Thou
Say’st now:
“Storm, be going!
Light be glowing!
Flee, dark sadness!
Zion, grow thou strong in gladness!”

3. The Heavens All Glorify God's Name

1. The heavens all glorify God’s Name,
The land and sea His might proclaim,
All who have ears may hear it;
Most happy is that land and place
Where God reveals His Word of grace
Through Scripture and the Spirit.
Truth revealing,
Comfort dealing,
Is the tiding,
Which the Word is now providing.

2. If earth and universe would fail,
The Word of God will still prevail,
It is our bread from heaven;
It is our light upon the way,
Unto the weak a mighty stay.
By it is wisdom given.
Where heard
This Word
Faith provideth,
That abideth,
And this mortal
Doth exalt to heaven’s portal.

3. Oh, may the Savior’s glory live,
And may the Gospel He doth give
Be preached to every nation;
On wings of angels may it fly
And ever louder, stronger cry:
“Repent unto salvation!”
Oh, receive it
And believe it;
May it win you,
Then His kingdom is within you!

2. Hallelujah, to God Now Sing

1. Hallelujah, to God now sing,
O Zion’s children, gladly bring
Praise, honor, adoration!
Exalt the wonders of His might,
The Lamb, once slain, deserves aright
All praise for our salvation!
Sing ye,
Bring ye
To Him praises
Who upraises
All the lowly:
Glorify you King most holy!

2. Hallelujah, His glorious realm
Shall wax through Him, shall overwhelm
All else in earth and heaven.
The heralds of His Gospel dear
Proclaim His glory far and near,
That grace to all is given:
“O hear,
Draw near,
Come, ye sinners,
Be beginners
In His teaching,
Follow after Jesus’ preaching!”

3. O Lamb of God, we sing to Thee
And all due honor bring to Thee,
Lord, who art Head and Savior!
Know, ye how understand and see,
That we would faithful to him be
And bow before Him ever.
Lord, we
Pray Thee,
To those near, now,
O appear Thou,
Wisdom giving,
That in grace they will be living.

4. What joy we shall in heaven see
When we united are with Thee,
Before thy throne adore Thee;
When perfect Thy great work shall be,
When after night Thy light we see,
And gathered are before Thee.
Shall be
Far removéd,
Well belovéd,
All who own Thee,
Will as Bridegroom then acclaim Thee!

1. Hallelujah, Praise Ye the Lord

1. Hallelujah, praise ye the Lord,
With harps and psaltery in accord,
Unto His name give glory!
Within His temple now unite
To bring Him worship meet and right,
And hear salvation’s story.
Praise Him,
Raise Him
Songs of union,
Blest communion,
To him singing,
And the New Song to Him bringing!

2. Praise Him, O heavenly company;
Praise Him, O earth and air and sea,
And all on earth now dwelling!
Praise Him, sun, moon, stars in the sky,
The glory of the Lord on high
To all creation telling!
He lives
And gives
Life and power
Every hour!
Joy and favor
Come from Him, our Lord and Savior!

3. Praise Him, all ye of Zion’s race!
Rejoice ye in His glorious grace
Within the congregation!
Take up your trumpets, loud proclaim
The glory of His Word and fame,
O praise ye His salvation!
His Word,
Where heard,
Is defying
Satan’s lying,
Bringing healing,
All the truth of Christ revealing.

4. His Spirit and His Word divine
Have caused eternal hope to shine,
The Morning Star now gloweth;
It shineth now in brightest light,
And Satan’s reign of darkest night
It fully overthroweth.
O Light,
Shine bright,
By Thy beaming
Grace is streaming
From the teaching
That is found in Jesus’ preaching.

5. And now the Spirit of the Lord
Strikes in our hearts the sweetest chord,
Makes music all-enchanting;
We’re happy as we live and love;
The Spirit, given from above,
To us His grace is granting:
Sweet and cheering
To our hearing
Is the singing:
Brethren, rise, your praise be bringing.