Wednesday, October 27, 2010

38. Blessed Zion, Be Contented

1. Blessed Zion, be contented,
God is present in thee still;
To be thine He hath consented;
He hath fatherly goodwill.
He corrects thee in His love;
Chastens thee thy heart to prove.
If thou thought to this art giving,
Zion, why art thou yet grieving?

2. When the waves of doubt assail thee
On life’s deep and restless sea,
When the breakers nigh destroy thee
And thou cry, “Ah, woe is me!”
When thy Savior seems asleep,
Heedless of their angry sweep,
Zion, own Him still as Master;
He will save thee from disaster!

3. Though the rocks be torn asunder
And the lofty mountains quake,
Though the world seem to go under
And for fear its people shake,
Even then be unafraid,
God is still thy present aid.
Zion, let thy heart not waver;
Still rely upon His favor.

4. When, as often, tears of sadness
Are thy food and drink, and though
Often in thy songs of gladness
May be heard a note of woe,
When distressed by envy’s sting,
Or bereft of everything,
Zion, do not cringe or cower,
- Thou wilt see His helping power!

5. If with anguish thou are shaken,
If men bind and torture thee,
Thou wilt never be forsaken
- Think upon eternity!
Stand in faith and do not fear,
For thy Lord is ever near.
Zion, let His hand direct thee;
He will strengthen and protect thee!

6. O rejoice, life’s day is ending,
Soon the evening thou wilt see,
To the Lord thyself commending,
He will make thee fully free!
For the griefs thou here hast known
He will thee with gladness crown;
God’s great care hath thee surrounded,
And the world will be confounded!

7. Hallelujah! All thy splendor
Soon with power shall appear,
For the Sun of Mercy tender,
Jesus Christ, is drawing near!
Joyously He will thee meet,
With the kiss of peace thee greet!
Zion, where will then be sadness?
Thou wilt only speak of gladness!

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