Saturday, December 10, 2011

234. The Lord Who All Things Guideth

1. The Lord who all things guideth,
And for us well provideth,
Whose very name is Love;
Who His love ever proveth;
To whom alone behooveth
To help us ever from above.

2. He doth us children gather,
For God is now our Father,
Through Jesus Christ our Lord;
Hears He His children crying,
Naught will He be denying, -
All that is good He will accord.

3. If faith oft show some weakness,
Be like a dove in meekness, -
All He is quick to see;
He always will be near me,
As Father He will hear me
Whenever unto Him I flee.

4. "O Father," oft I'm pleading,
"Where else shall I be fleeing,
O Counselor divine?
When trials would rush o'er me
I come then to implore Thee,
Thou know'st I am a child of Thine!"

5. "Would'st be my Father ever,
Naught shall our union sever,
For aid I look to Thee.
O do Thou blessing send me,
And let Thy strength attend me,"
I sigh: "O Father, help Thou me."

6. As Jacob in his wrestling
Besought Thee for a blessing,
Ere he would let Thee part,
So I embrace Thee ever,
Thou canst forsake me never,
For tender is Thy Father-heart!

7. Ye cares, no longer tarry!
No gentleness you carry,
For you are stern and hard,
Go now unto the Father;
He is my Counselor rather -
Arise, my soul, unto Thy Lord!

233. Praise the Lord! To Join In Singing

1. Praise the Lord! To join in singing,
To be to God due worship bringing,
Our duty is, our happiness.
When our songs arise in chorus
His grace is then extended o'er us,
With loving-kindness He doth bless.
Do ye not see His might
Bring wonders into light?
Lo, standeth there
Built up by Him
Who through His love is glorified!

2. Our once persecuted brothers
He to His chosen people gathers
And fear and anguish meet their doom.
Tenderly their wounds He bindeth
And balm for broken-hearted findeth;
For sorrows, flowers of gladness bloom.
Whatever He may do
Is wise and right and true!
Blessed people
Who Him revere
And who see clear
That He them in His love enfolds!

3. God, our Lord, is great and glorious,
He made all things and rules victorious;
What man can grasp His wondrous might?
He, our sure Defense and Tower,
In all the greatness of His power
Upholds what He has brought to light.
Whoe'er hath come bowed down
He hath for him o'erthrown
Every burden;
Accursed shall be
All those who boldly Him oppose.

4. Not in strength or might delight ye,
And not on works of men now build ye -
The creature is but vanity,
That alone can give God pleasure
When we walk in His ways, and treasure
His goodness and His clemency.
Whatever He may do
Is good and right and true.
Blesséd people,
Who Him revere
And who see clear
That He them in His love enfolds!

5. Zion, rise! God's praises sing thou!
Jerusalem, the proof now bring thou
That all thy folk are God's by grace.
He who hath redeemed thee surely,
And who hath built Thy walls securely,
To children's children Thee doth bless.
He gives thy borders peace,
And he grants thee increase, -
Blesséd people,
Who Him revere
And who see clear
That He them in His love enfolds!

6. His true Word, His testimony,
God gave to thee, His servant, only, -
O Israel, His love behold!
Lo, to such exalted station
He lifted not another nation,
But let them wander from the fold.
Thou, Jacob, shalt alone
The Father's blessing own!
O praise the Lord
With glad accord;
His service is thy blessédness!

Friday, December 9, 2011

232. O How I Long to Love My Lord With Fervor

1. O how I long to love my Lord with fervor
And not so oft and much to grieve the Savior;
My heart is often saddened with contrition
For my condition.

2. How shall I start? O dearest Savior, teach me
To love Thee deeply, purely, I beseech Thee;
For this bestows upon my heart much anguish,
Wherein I languish.

3. Thou hast from heaven's throne to earth descended,
To bear our sins and burdens that offended;
For us, Thy foes. O Lord, Thou chosest dying,
New life supplying.

4. Should Thy great work to praises not compel me?
O may Thy love to witness oft impel me:
Thou art my God, who saved me from the devil
And from all evil!

5. Implant Thy love deep in my soul forever!
O may it be for me like as a river
That flows in praise to Thee e'er fresh and vernal
To life eternal!

6. One day shall faith and hope for us be ended;
But we shall enter in, by love attended,
Thy City fair, Jerusalem in glory,
And there adore Thee.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

231. Not For Earth and Not For Heaven

1. Not for earth and not for heaven
Do I ask, but Christ alone;
Oh, that He to me were given,
Whom above all else I'd own;
For with Him as my heart's treasure,
Naught can give me greater pleasure,
For my Savior, Christ, shall be
Ever All in All to me!

2. Though my flesh and heart oft faileth
When affliction presseth me,
Yet my spirit still prevaileth,
For Christ's love refresheth me;
He is in all fear and sadness
My true Comfort and my Gladness,
Yea, my Savior, Christ, shall be
Ever All in All to me!

3. He in weakness is my Power,
He in darkness is my Light,
If I serve Him but an hour,..
It is only through His might.
Good for which my heart hath panted
That to me in Him is granted;
O the Joy that Christ shall be
Ever All in All to me!

4. O what blessing he receiveth
Who here loveth Christ alone,
And who thoughtfully perceiveth
What Christ granteth as His own.
Truly perfect gifts from heaven
Are alone through Jesus given;
Therefore, Jesus Christ shall be
Ever All in all to me!

230. Whoever Knows Our King of Kings

1. Whoever knows our King of kings
Doth call Him faithful in all things;
Each promise in His Word enshrined
Will truly its fulfillment find.

2. For this eternally is so,
That he who doth the promise know,
Sees it fulfilled, as saith the Word,
For he believes in Christ the Lord!

3. He, who to our Good Shepherd clings,
Who for the world atonement brings,
Himself a sacrifice became,
Hath found salvation in His name.

229. This Causeth Pain and Grieveth Me

1. This causeth pain and grieveth me,
That I cannot so much love Thee
As I have oft desired;
The more I love, the more I see,
Dear Savior, that I ought love Thee,
As daily I'm inspired.
Let me
From Thee
Now inherit
Thy good Spirit,
Gently flowing,
Love shall then in me be glowing.

2. This, Lord, alone, so it is meet,
Shall make my gladness here complete,
To love Thee ever dearer;
I love to strive to please Thee well,
To do what Thy clear Word doth tell,
By love to bring Thee nearer;
Till I
Here die,
Leave with gladness
This earth's sadness,
With Thee waken
And all trials have forsaken.

228. Jesus Will I Never Leave

1. Jesus will I never leave,
For He gave Himself to save me;
Let me gladly to Him give
As His own the life He gave me.
He to life doth light accord;
Never will I leave my Lord.

2. Heav’nly glory nor earth's might
Crave I, not what once beguiled me;
But my Jesus and his Light,
Who to God hath reconciled me;
Judgment doth no fear afford:
Never will I leave my Lord!

3. Never will I leave my Lord;
Oh, what precious gifts from heaven,
Joy and rest He doth accord,
All by Him are freely given;
All that gives life from above,
Have I, since I share His love.

4. He is mine and His I am,
Love hath wrought a union holy;
By His blood and death the Lamb
Now is my salvation solely:
On this Rock I build secure,
Full of hope that will endure.

5. When the heart would seek the Lord
To enfold - O blesséd hour!
And how great is the reward:
Grace and peace to share with power;
And one glance that for Him yearns
With a thousand joys returns.

6. Jesus I will never leave;
But shall walk beside Him ever;
Of life's fountain shall He give
That I may be His forever;
Blest the heart that speaks this word:
"Never will I leave my Lord."

227. Eternal Love, I Love Thee Only

1. Eternal Love, I love Thee only, -
Thy heart for me in death did break!
My heart loves Thee - though weak and lonely -
With ardor time can never shake;
Thee will I love, O Light divine,
So long as ever life is mine!
So long as ever life is mine!

2. Thee will I love, my Life, forever;
Thou art my best and truest Friend;
Thee will I love and honor ever,
No matter what this life may send;
O Lamb of God, I will love Thee,
Who on the tree didst die for me!
Who on the tree didst die for me!

3. Alas! That I so late have known Thee,
O Love, the fairest and the best!
Nor sooner for my Lord could own Thee,
Thou highest Good, Eternal Rest!
Now real regret my heart doth move,
Because of this my tardy love.
Because of this my tardy love.

4. I walked in error and in blindness,
I sought Thee, but I found Thee not;
I shunned Thy beams of loving-kindness,
The creature-light filled all my thought;
It is Thy grace alone that now
My heart in love doth to Thee bow.
My heart in love doth to Thee bow.

5. I thank Thee now, true Sun from heaven,
Whose shining hath brought light to me;
I thank Thee, who hast richly given,
All that hath made me glad and free;
I thank Thee for Thy lips divine,
That said to me: "Healing is thine!"
That said to me: "Healing is thine!"

6. O keep me watchful then and humble,
And suffer me no more to stray;
Uphold me when my feet would stumble,
Nor let me halt along the way;
Fill soul and body with Thy light,
O heavenly Radiance, strong and bright!
O heavenly Radiance, strong and bright!

7. Give to mine eyes tears that are holy,
O give my heart a glow most pure!
Yea, let my soul endeavor solely
In faithful love e'er to endure;
O let my spirit and my mind
Still turn to Thee their rest to find!
Still turn to Thee their rest to find!

8. Thee will I love, my Crown of gladness;
Thee will I love, my God and Lord,
Amid the greatest need and sadness;
Not for the hope of high reward,
For Thine own sake, O Light divine,
So long as ever life is mine!
So long as ever life is mine!

226. O Lift Up Mine Eyes, My Spirit

1. O lift up mine eyes, my spirit,
And behold this wonder great!
See thy God, the heavenly Ruler,
Crucified and desecrate!
Truly love Him!
His love drove Him
To become our Advocate.

2. Learn thou from this cross most truly
That thy Savior loved thee dear;
See His suff'ring and His sorrow
As His soul was filled with fear;
Curse lay on Him,
Pain upon Him,
Dire... need He suffered there.

3. There His soul, by God forsaken,
Unto death is sorrowful,
And His body, by pains shaken,
Heaped with scorn and ridicule;
Through the hours
Are His powers
Spent by sufferings pitiful.

4. This was wrought by my transgression:
Lord, these caused Thine anguish tense;
All Thy wrath and condemnation
Should have been my recompense,
My denial,
My sharp trial,
Hadst not Thou been my defense.

5. Thereby Thou hast conquered for us
All the power of death and hell;
Thy dear Father's counsel o'er us
And His will Thou didst fulfill;
And, dear Savior,
Life forever
By Thy death to us didst will.

6. In humility, dear Savior,
Know I, Thou for me hast died;
Thou I was Thy foe, Redeemer,
Thou for me wast crucified:
Silence keep I,
Humbly weep I!
Thus through Thee I'm justified!

7. Soul and body and Thy living,
All hast Thou, Lord giv'n for me!
Should I not to Thee be giving
All that I may have and be?
Thine, Lord holy,
I am solely -
I give all my heart to Thee!

8. Through the power of Thy dying,
Into Thy death, Lord, draw me;
Let my body, all my being,
There be nailéd, Lord, with Thee;
Gentle, stilly,
May my will be;
To my love give purity!

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

225. Would Ye Know My Glory True?

1. Would ye know my glory true?
Would ye learn my wisdom, too?
Would ye see who is mine own?
Hear whose praises I make known?
Jesus Christ, the Crucified,
Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

2. Who is faith's foundation strong?
Who unseals my lips to song?
Who bore here my sinful load?
Who wrought peace for me with God?
Jesus Christ, the Crucified,
Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

3. Who is faith's true strength in strife?
Who is now life of my life?
Who hath made me just and free,
So that I God's child might be?
Jesus Christ, the Crucified,
Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

4. Who gives comfort in life's woe?
Who protects against the foe?
Who revives my fainting heart?
Who binds up the wounds that smart?
Jesus Christ, the Crucified,
Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

5. Who will death of my death be;
Help in my last agony?
Who lets me His kingdom share?
Makes me like the angels there?
Jesus Christ, the Crucified,
Jesus Christ, the Crucified.

6. Who will open up the grave
By His Word, so strong to save?
Who to life will waken me,
Evermore with Him to be?
Jesus Christ, the risen Lord,
Jesus Christ, the risen Lord.

7. Who gives life and victory
By His mighty power to me?
Who has for my sins atoned?
Who has me with mercy crowned?
Jesus, the Exalted One,
Jesus, the Exalted One.

8. Who directs me from above?
Who is object of my love?
Who rests not till perfect be
All that He hath planned for me?
Jesus Christ, the Living One,
Jesus Christ, the Living One.

9. Now ye know my wisdom clear
And in whom I glory here.
I am His! Who is mine own?
Who gives me of life the crown?
Jesus Christ, the Glorified!
Jesus Christ, the Glorified!

10. Joyfully my way I go;
Unto whom I live, I know. -
When death ends this life for me,
Then my spirit goes to Thee,
Jesus, God, the Glorified!
Jesus, God, the Glorified!

224. O Man of Sorrows, Thou

1. O Man of sorrows, Thou
Whom God did sorely chasten
For all Thy suff'ring, now
To bring our thanks we hasten,
For Thy soul's anguish there
Beneath the Father's wrath,
For scourging Thou didst bear,
And for Thy bitter death.

2. Thy strife our victory,
Thy death our life in heaven;
And in Thy bonds we see
The freedom Thou hast given;
Thy cross our comfort true,
Thy wounds a balm that healed,
Thy blood a ransom due,
To sinners poor, revealed.

3. O help us on life's road
Who here the cross have taken,
Lest underneath its load
We falter here and weaken:
Help us in patience bear,
Through Thine own crown of thorn,
When we on earth must share
Affliction, shame, and scorn.

4. Thine anguish be our strength
When we in fears are lying,
And by Thy death at length,
May we o'ercome when dying;
Lord, by Thy bonds do Thou
Bind us as pleaseth Thee;
Our flesh by Thy cross now
Help us to crucify!

223. How Lovely Shines the Morning Star

1. How lovely shines the Morning Star
Now ris'n for us from heaven afar;
With grace and truth it gleameth!
O Thou Good Shepherd, David's Son,
My King up on Thy heavenly throne,
My heart Thee high esteemeth:
Kindly, friendly,
Fair and glorious,
Great, victorious,
Rich in graces,
Filling all the heavenly places!

2. Thou Jewel fair, without compare,
God's Son, none can Thy glory share,
By God the Father given!
My heart o'erflows in praise of Thee, -
Thy holy Gospel, pure and free,
Is light and life from heaven.
Thee, Thee, would I
Hold forever,
Leave Thee never;
Bread of heaven,
O what grace to me is given!

3. Upon this heart of mine bestow,
Thou Light of God and heavenly glow,
Thy flame of love undying!
O strengthen me, that e'er I'll be,
O Lord, a living branch in Thee,
Thy life my life supplying!
To Thee I flee;
My soul ever
Seeketh favor,
Since it findeth
Thee whose love me closely bindeth.

4. From God I have the light of grace,
Whene'er to me Thy holy face
Is turned in Thy good pleasure.
O Lord, Thy Spirit and Thy Word,
Thy body and Thy blood afford
My soul its dearest treasure.
So I now cry:
Look with favor
On me, Savior,
Thou wilt cheer me!
Thy Word calls, so I draw near Thee.

5. Lord, God, my Father, mighty Shield,
Thou hast Thy love in Christ revealed,
Before this world's foundation.
Thy Son is now betrothed to me,
My heart its joy in Him doth see
And bows in adoration.
What bliss is this!
He that liveth
To me giveth
Life forever,
Where I praise His Name forever.

6. Lift up the voice and joyful sing,
Let all glad sounds of music ring
In God's high praises blended.
Christ shall be with me all the way,
Today, tomorrow, every day,
Till traveling days are ended.
Sing out, ring out
Triumph glorious,
All victorious,
Bow before Him,
King of kings, let all adore Him!

7. O joy to know, that Thou, the Word,
Beginning without end, art Lord,
The First and Last, Eternal!
And Thou at length - O Glorious Grace! -
Wilt take me to that holy place,
The home of joys supernal.
Amen, Amen!
Come and meet me,
Quickly greet me!
With deep yearning,
Lord, I look for Thy returning!

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

222. O Holy, Heavenly Hour

1. O holy, heavenly hour,..
When, by the Father's power,
Christ's blood made me His own!
There He blest me forever,
From Satan's realm did sever,
When to baptism.. I went down.

2. Here, in the Lord's good pleasure,
Was giv'n to me this treasure –
God's grace in Christ His Son,
That I might be receiving
The covenant of His giving;
His righteousness I there put on.

3. Thus in the flock I surely
Found place and was cleansed purely
From sin through Jesus' blood,
Who is my Lord forever;
Now have I comfort ever:
O praise the Lord, for He is good!

4. I have espoused the Savior
And now am numbered ever
With faithful Israel,
Who have this firm foundation,
Our Savior's death and Passion;
Upon this Rock secure I dwell.

221. Now I Have Found the One Foundation

1. Now I have found the one foundation
That my faith's anchor firmly grounds;
Laid long before the world's creation
In my Redeemer's holy wounds;
The one foundation that shall stay
When earth and heaven pass away;
When earth and heaven pass away.

2. O depth of mercy, thus revealing
How in Christ's death sins disappear!
In Him all wounds find perfect healing,
There is no condemnation here;
For Jesus' blood through earth and sky
Doth ever "Mercy! Mercy!" cry;
Doth ever "Mercy! Mercy!" cry.

3. My faith will fully trust this crying,
From this foundation never part,
And when o'er all my sins I'm sighing,
Straightway I'll seek the Father's heart;
There mercy ever dwells for me,
Mercy enduring endlessly;
Mercy enduring endlessly.

4. Whenever I, in looking over
The finest deeds my days provide,
Much imperfection must discover,
All boasting then is set aside;
Yet this my comfort e'er shall be;
The Lord is merciful to me!
The Lord is merciful to me!

5. Be it with me then as He willeth
Whose mercy is so great and free!
As long as He my poor heart stilleth
This truth shall not forgotten be!
For it shall rest in weal and woe,
On mercy while I live below;
On mercy while I live below.

6. On this foundation shall I ever,
Long as I live on earth, abide;
In thought and action and endeavor,
My hope shall rest on naught beside;
And then forever, face to face,
I'll praise the depth of saving grace!
I'll praise the depth of saving grace!

220. To Me Free Grace Has Been Accorded

1. To me free grace has been accorded,
O Lord, though I deserved it not.
My prideful heart it not regarded,
This grace, surpassing human thought.
Now I know this and joy is mine;
My glory is Thy grace divine!
My glory is Thy grace divine!

2. Thy wrath is what I ought inherit;
Yet here I stand in grace with Thee;
At one with Thee by Jesus' merit,
His precious blood hath cleansed me.
Whence cometh this? How was it done?
By Thy free grace, O Lord, alone;
By Thy free grace, O Lord, alone.

3. To Thee, my God, I must confess it;
I praise it when men question me;
No word but mercy can express it,
Of that my heart must witness be.
I humbly bow, for joy is mine;
My glory is Thy grace divine,
My glory is Thy grace divine.

4. No one can steal this grace unbounded;
Grace is my glory day by day.
On grace alone my faith is founded,
Upon this grace alone I pray;
Upon this grace I all endure;
On it in death my hope is sure,
On it in death my hope is sure.

5. This grace, my God, is Thy best treasure,
Do Thou withhold it not from me;
May it, in dying, be my pleasure,
Lead me through Jesus' death to Thee.
There shall unending joy be mine,
My glory be Thy grace divine,
My glory be Thy grace divine.

6. Let mercy and compassion reach me,
For all my brethren sorely tried;
To love my foe, O Jesus, teach me,
For Thou in love of such hast died.
Thy blood for sinners intercedes;
"Free grace, free grace for all!" it pleads,
"Free grace, free grace for all!" it pleads.

219. Look Thou Today with Grace and Favor

1. Look Thou today with grace and favor
Upon Thy members here, O Savior,
We seek Thy blessing earnestly.
Thy holy hands o'er us extending,
Thy Spirit now upon us sending, -
May our hearts truly humble be.

2. O may Thy peace hallow our meeting
And make the kiss of faith our greeting,
When we assembled are with Thee!
Although but two or three thus gather,
In Thy dear Name we are together,
Thy peace surrounds us faithfully!

218. Holy, Blessed Is the Hour

1. Holy, blessed is the hour,..
When with Thee we go apart;
From Thy lips Thy Word of power,
Hear and truly take to heart.
By Thy grace, O blessed Savior,
Come and open our hearts ever,
That, like faithful Mary, we
Hearers of Thy Word may be!

2. May it in our hearts be ringing,
Till it well be rooted there,
That good fruits it may be bringing
Through the Spirit's dew and care!
O do Thou in Thy good pleasure
Grant us grace in such full measure
That our lives may honor Thee:
Amen! Yea, so let it be!

217. Let Us with Deep Meditation

1. Let us with deep meditation
Hear the Savior speak to us
To proclaim His great salvation
In the Message of the Cross.
‘Tis a blessed Word revealing
The eternal fount of healing,
And that Jesus Christ, our Lord,
Full redemption doth afford!

2. Wilt, Lord Jesus, daily Open
Every heart unto Thy Word!
May obedience betoken
That we prize the grace conferred!
Unto praise and consecration
Grant Thy Spirit's inspiration;
Let us be, through grace divine,
Wholly and forever Thine!

216. We Are Assembled Here, O Lord

1. We are assembled here, O Lord,
As children of the day,
To hear all that Thy Holy Word
Of Thee to us doth say.

2. Give us, As Lydia, we pray,
An open heart and ear;
O be with us, dear Lord, today
And in our midst appear.

3. We long to hear, so speak to us
Through Thine all-searching Word;
For Thou dost give Thy blessing thus
To all who seek Thee, Lord.

4. Abide with us, Eternal Son,
In this dark evening time,
Until a better morning dawn
Eternal and sublime!

Tuesday, May 3, 2011

215. Thou Great High Priest and Savior

1. Thou great High Priest and Savior,
Grant us who share Thy favor,
Incense of prayer today,
True hearts, childlike and lowly,
And grace to love Thee solely,
That no ill wind may drive away!

2. Grant ears that always hear Thee
And eyes that see Thee clearly
And priestly lips that pray;
Grant feet that will pass over
All hindrances, and ever
With Thee, Lord, walk the narrow way.

3. The hands shall move in blessing
And Thee as Friend possessing,
Thy temple I would be;
My spirit have indwelling
A life, all thought excelling,
That none, save brethren, here can see.

4. O Friend, our hearts inspire
And pour Thy Spirit's fire
On every group that prays!
Whene'er we come before Thee,
Grant fervor to implore Thee,
Thyself our hands to Thee upraise!

214. Lift Your Hearts In Songs Immortal

1. Lift you hearts in songs immortal,
O rejoice in this your day,
Till you vesture that is mortal
Shall at last be laid away!
Let God's praise be manifested,
Ever of His glory speak;
And although your faith be tested
Let your courage not grow weak!

2. Heavenly host are ever singing,
God hath taught their song to them. –
He would teach us to be bringing
Worthy songs on earth to Him.
That we all may love Him dearly,
He a heart to us did give,
And to sing His praise sincerely
We our voices did receive.

3. On the willows some, dejected,
Hung their harps and held their peace;
Zion's praises they neglected,
Letting all their music cease.
Not so we, who have evaded
Babel's yoke and tyranny;
Threatened, we are yet persuaded:
Zion's citizens are free!

213. The Grace of Our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ

The grace of our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ,
And the love of God the Father,
And the communion of the Holy Spirit,
Be with us alway, with us alway.

(Die Gnabe unsers Herrn Jesu Christi
Und die Leibe Gottes
Und die Gemeinschaft des heil’gen Geistes
Bei mit uns Allen, mit uns allen!

212. The Lord Is My Shepherd; I Shall Not Want

The Lord is my Shepherd,
I shall not want.
He maketh me to lie down in green pastures;
He leadeth me beside still waters.
He restoreth now my spirit:
He leadeth me in righteous pathways,
For His name's sake, for His name's sake.
Yea, in the dark vale of the shadow of death,
I will fear no evil, for Thou art with me, for Thou art with me;
Thy rod and Thy staff they comfort me.
Thou for me a table dost prepare
In the presence of my foes;
Thou anointest my head with oil,
And makest my cup o'erflow.
Goodness and mercy shall follow me,
Shall follow me all the days of my life;
And I shall dwell, shall dwell
In the house of the Lord forever.
And I shall dwell in the house of the Lord,
In the house of the Lord forever.

211. A Rest Remaineth For the Weary

1. A rest remaineth for the weary,
Rise, heart, and shine with light divine!
Though here the way be long and dreary,
And here thy sun doth never shine!
Before His throne the Lamb will lead thee,
And there on heavenly pastures feed thee,
Cast off thy burden, come with haste!
Soon will the struggle here be ended,
The weary road which thou hast wended:
Sweet is the rest which thou shalt taste!

2. This rest our God Himself ordained,
A rest that nevermore shall end;
Ere man his earthly home obtained,
Love wove the plan this rest to send:
The Lamb of God Himself chose dying,
This rest for us to be supplying;
And now He calleth far and near:
"Ye weary souls, cease your repining,
Come, while for you My light is shining;
Come, sweetest rest awaits you here!"

3. O come, come all, ye weak and weary,
Ye souls bowed down with many a care;
Arise and leave your dungeons dreary
And listen to His promise fair:
"Ye bore your burdens meek and lowly,
I will fulfill My pledge most holy,
I'll be your Solace and your Rest.
Ye are My own, I will requite you,
Though sin and Satan seek to smite you,
Rejoice! You home is with the blest!"

4. There we shall sheaves of joy be bringing,
For past is sowing-time in tears!
With songs the Father's house is ringing,
Songs far too sweet for mortal ears:
Pain, sighs, and sorrow will be over,
And death no more will o'er us hover;
We'll see our King and with Him dwell!
He will lead to the crystal river
And wipe away all tears forever;
What He will give no tongue can tell!

5. There peace shall reign in fullest measure,
No gnawing care shall mar our rest!
Ye weary ones, ye shall have pleasure:
Come, lean upon your Savior's breast!
Oh, had we wings to hasten yonder -
No more o'er earthly ills to ponder -
To join that bright triumphant band!
Make hast, my soul, forget all sadness;
For peace awaits thee, joy and gladness,
Thy perfect rest is nigh at hand.

210. Ye Shepherds, Who the Savior Love

1. Ye shepherds, who the Savior love,
And filled with power from above,
Men's souls to save endeavor.
What trust the Lord in you doth place,
Who here up-build His realms of grace, -
None can describe it ever!
Therefore, labor
For Him purely,
To you surely
Shall be given
Crowns of endless life in heaven.

2. Ye messengers of peace, who bear
The glorious Gospel everywhere,
To men its grace proclaiming,
How great shall then be your reward
When there your Savior, Christ the Lord,
His faithful ones is naming!
Every shepherd,
Called to treasure
Such high pleasure
Should be striving
Always faithful to be living!

3. Ye Zion's watchman, ready be!
The Lord of glory soon you'll see,
Who shall reward you fully.
There you shall stand about the throne
And to all men it shall be known
How many souls you truly
Won for Jesus,
Who did save them,
Dying, gave them
To inherit
Life eternal through His merit.

4. And unto every servant tell
That he must use his talents well
Which God to Him hath given;
Let each one keep His trust with care
And sow the good seed everywhere
To garner fruit for heaven,
Preaching the Word:
All who hear it
And revere it
Are an offering,
Brought to God by Jesus' suffering.

5. Each servant may be of good cheer
If he his Master's will doth here
In fervent love, with gladness;
He shall his highest pleasure find
In leading many of mankind
To Christ from sin and sadness.
Brothers, sisters,
Daily working,
Never shirking, -
Here shall flourish;
God with manna them shall nourish.

6. O faithful Savior, fill anew
Thy servants who to Thee are true
With Thy good Spirit's glowing;
Grant strength, that they in joy may live
And by their service to Thee give
Good fruits to harvest growing.
Lord, now bless Thou
Those whose pleasure
Is the treasure
Thou suppliest,
In Thy cov’nant new providest.

7. Hath he that trusted in the Lord,
Here buildeth on His Holy Word,
Not comfort overflowing?
From day to day he brings his need
To Him who giveth all indeed
While perfect peace bestowing.
Who here in faith
Sees God truly,
Trusting fully
Him hath taken,
He shall never be forsaken.

8. Though children may have faith within
And live no more in former sin,
Yet have they need of teaching;
They come into the highest school
Where Christ Himself doth teach and rule
And guideth by His preaching.
There His pure love
Every hour
Us with power
Faith, love, hope in us createth.

209. Ah, Now It Is Done! I No More Am Mine Own

1. Ah, now it is done! - I no more am mine own;
Henceforth I belong to my Savior alone!
He made me and bought me that His I might be;
With Spirit and fire He hath baptized me.

2. Ah, now it is done! - No more freedom have I,
Because in Immanuel's bondage I lie.
What freedom? Before I as captive did pine,
The world's slave and Satan's - now Jesus is mine!

3. Ah, now it is done! - With true freedom endued,
From sin and guilt I am redeemed and renewed!
The spirit of evil doth govern mankind, -
In Christ the believers their liberty find.

4. Ah, now it is done! - False desires must flee!
My heart shall a temple of holiness be
For Thee, Holy Spirit, - O heavenly Guest!
Instead of a burden, Thou givest me rest.

5. Ah, now it is done! - And in Christ I abide,
My Portion in heaven, on earth my true Guide;
I follow His leading, in weal and in woe;
Content, where He takes me, I willingly go.

6. Ah, now it is done! - What a covenant blest!
I hallow to Jesus all that I love best.
As He may ordain, I keep silence or speak,
In prayer and in worship God's glory I seek.

7. Ah, now it is done! - Now I live unto Thee,
My Light and my Life, oh, abide Thou with me!
To follow Thee ever shall be my sole aim
Through shade or through sunshine, through honor or shame.

8. Ah, now it is done! - Now I fear not to die -
For death hath no terrors when Jesus is nigh.
The body from pain and from labor hath rest,
The spirit soars up to the home of the blest.

9. Ah, now it is done! - Though yet much I may lack,
For often I stumble and often fall back;
I do not lose heart, for my Savior is kind,
In Him I shall conquer, - that comforts my mind.

10. Ah, now it is done! - Now with Thee, Lord, I stand,
Commending my all into Thy mighty hand;
I live to Thee, die to Thee, true to Thee stay;
Yea, Thine I am, Jesus, forever and aye!

208. Praise Thou the Lord

1. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
O my soul, unto Him sing,
Thanks and praises to Him bring,
To His great Name now sing Amen;
All my inner life saith Amen.

2. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
O forget Him not, my soul;
Evermore His name extol,
The good that He to thee dealeth,
Thee from every weakness healeth.

3. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
Who thy life here hath redeemed
When destruction near thee seemed;
With lovingkindness thee crowneth
And with mercies thee adorneth.

4. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
Who thy heart doth make rejoice
Till thy lips their gladness voice;
Thy life He daily reneweth
And with youthful strength endueth.

5. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
He is truly patient, thus
With His grace doth comfort us;
His ways to us He e'er showeth
And His light on our path gloweth.

6. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
As a father pity shows
Toward a child that trouble knows,
So God doth pity us ever,
All who fear Him doth deliver.

7. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
Just and faithful is His name
And he knoweth well our frame.
We dust are from the beginning,
Yet he pardoneth our sinning.

8. Praise thou the Lord!
Praise thou the Lord!
We are naught without His might.
He is Source of all true light.
His loving grace and His favor
Shall abide with us forever.

9. Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye the Lord!
Who His bond of peace here know,
To His Name due honor show!
To save and lead us to heaven,
He His Word as rule hath given.

10. Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye the Lord!
He the changeless, Holy One,
Sits upon His heav’nly throne
And dwells in a light most glorious,
Over all His foes victorious.

11. Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye the Lord!
Ye His angels that excel
And His pow’r and glory tell,
Ye mighty ones, who so fully
Do His commandments most holy.

12. Praise ye the Lord!
Praise ye the Lord!
Ye who His true servants are!
Preach His Word both near and far,
Till o'er the world it is ringing!
O my soul, His praise be singing!

207. O Brethren In the Savior

1. O brethren in the Savior,
With praise and thanks now gather
Before God's holy face!
With prayer and fervent pleading
May every heart be heeding
Most humbly now the light of grace.

2. By His true Word, the living,
God would new strength be giving. –
Let us to Him attend!
So we shall come before Him
And earnestly implore Him;
Nor shall we there as orphans stand.

3. God's promise is not hidden:
He hath His angels bidden
In love to serve His own,
Whom, while on earth wayfaring,
He is Himself preparing
To share the glory round His throne.

4. Lord, may we true and lowly
Receive thy teachings holy,
Yet in the Spirit's care,
That we be moved sincerely
To love each other dearly
And help each other's burden bear.

5. Thy Word alone can brighten
Our hearts, and then enlighten
Where yet we fail to see,
More wisdom to us giving,
That by a faith that's living
We overcome the enemy.

6. Lord, may Thy Spirit nourish
Each member that it flourish
And grow more close to Thee;
Upon faith's way maintain them,
With bread of life sustain them,
Till they at length may perfect be.

7. Heralds of peace Thou sendest,
By them to us extendest
The living Bread of heav'n.
That none of us may perish,
Arouse our hearts to cherish
The grace and healing to us given.

8. Give faithful servants ever
Who have but one endeavor,
Thy Gospel to proclaim;
Who heed Thy Spirit holy
And strive and labor solely,
O Lord, to glorify Thy name.

9. O Father, be the Giver
Of Jesus' powers ever
Unto Thy children here;
Let more and more be given
The inner life from heaven
To all who pray with heart sincere!

10. O bind together fully
With love's devotion holy
Thy people, dearest Lord,
For whom Thy blood was given
To ransom them for heaven;
O hallow them and keep them, Lord!

206. How Blest Are We Whom God Doth Love

1. How blest are we whom God doth love,
And of our wants is heedful,
Who as our Father, from above,
Doth grant all that is needful.
What need we more,
Since we have for
A Father, the Great Giver
Of all good gifts forever?

2. Though we may roam the wide world o'er
And have no earthly treasure,
Our Father's love means so much more
Than earthly wealth can measure.
No fear have we
Of poverty,
For we shall lack in nothing
Of daily food and clothing.

3. He who so much for us hath done
And gave us, as our Savior,
By grace, His own beloved Son
That we may live forever, -
He who loved us,
His children, thus
Shall He now aught deny us,
Not all our needs supply us?

4. We may approach His holy face,
At all times kneel before Him;
We may for help in need, for grace, -
For everything implore Him!
He harkens still,
He can and will
Most tenderly endow us,
And what we ask allow us.

5. In Jesus Christ, the Father's heart
Is open to receive us;
We fly to Him when any smart
Or any troubles grieve us:
There we may rest,
Secure and blest,
In Him, from dangers hiding,
Away from sorrows bidden.

6. Think ye the near approach of death
Will make our hearts beat sadly?
Ah, no! When "Come" the Father saith,
Then we turn homeward gladly.
It's better there
By far than here!
We sigh when griefs befall us:
"Ah, that the Lord would call us!"

7. He loveth us! That is enough
To gladden us forever;
He loveth us! That is enough,
For He is faithful ever!
As children, may
We day by day
To Him while we are living
Unceasing love be giving!

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

205. Lord, I Would Be Thine Forever

1. Lord, I would be Thine forever,
Always in Thy service stay;
Naught shall part me for Thee ever,
I would walk upon Thy way.
Thou, the life within me growing,
Light and vigor dost provide,
Like a vine whose strength is flowing
To the branches at its side.

2. Lord, how could I have it better
Than with Thee to run life's race,
Who hast made of me a debtor
By Thy countless gifts of grace?
Where could more content be given
Than, Lord Jesus Christ, with Thee,
Unto whom in earth and heaven
Power belongs and majesty?

3. Where is there a Lord so gracious,
Who would do as Thou hast done;
Who with Thine own blood so precious
For my sins didst once atone?
Ought I not be faithful to Him,
Who for me His life thus gave,
In deep love give honor due Him,
And be true till death and grave?

4. Yea, Lord Jesus, Thine forever,
Both in joy and grief, I'll be;
Nothing shall our union sever,
Now and in eternity.
Lord, on Thee I am relying
For my summons to depart;
He is well prepared for dying
Who here gave to Thee his heart.

5. On this pilgrimage be near me!
O abide when my day ends;
When its evening closes o'er me,
As the night on me descends!
Then, upon my head extending
Thine own hands, a blessing give,
Saying, "Child, thy day is ending;
Who believes here, there shall live!"

6. With Thee at my side, I boldly
Shall meet death when it draws near -
Like the wind that blows so coldly
Ere the rays of dawn appear.
When the darkness me would cover,
Let Thy light dispel the gloom,
That I joyful may pass over, -
As one who is going home!

204. O Faithful Savior, Thanks to Thee

1. O faithful Savior, thanks to Thee,
Who hast us not forsaken;
Else we would helpless orphans be
Who unknown ways have taken,
With strangers in a foreign land,
Who do our speech not understand,
Our customs that Thou givest.
Nay, we dwell not as orphans here,
For Thou art present everywhere,
And in our midst Thou livest.

2. With Thy good Spirit Thou art near,
A blessed, holy nearness,
So vivid, as if we did here
Behold Thee, Lord, with clearness.
Thou givest light in this dark vale,
The beams of Thy love never fail,
Our souls Thou richly feedest;
With word and deed Thou dost abide,
And Thou Thyself as trusted Guide
Our pilgrim pathway leadest.

3. Within Thy Word, Lord, we have Thee,
We feel its living powers,
Whereby Thou dost continually
Revive these hearts of ours.
How kindly Thou dost speak to us,
How tenderly dost comfort thus,
Thy many loved ones teaching!
How quickly anguish then departs,
How warmly glow in us our hearts,
How mighty is Thy preaching!

4. Thou in Thy Supper dost present
To us Thy love and favor;
In it we find a deep content
Close to Thy heart, O Savior.
A heart the once its precious blood
Poured out for us and for our good,
That still with love is burning;
Thence floweth a rich stream of grace
And strength for souls in every place,
Where men for Thee are yearning.

5. Thou art with us, where two or three
In holy union gather,
And pray in faith, from doubting free,
Unto the heav’nly Father.
For Thou Thyself art present, Lord,
Where brethren meet in one accord,
And blesséd hours are given,
A foretaste of that heritage,
Beyond our earthly pilgrimage,
Awaiting us in heaven.

6. Thy sacred peace doth rest upon
Our hearts when fears may grieve us;
What, dying, Thou for us hast won
Thou here on earth dost give us.
Though troubles in our path may lie,
And Satan, world, and sin may try
With threats to terrify us:
In Thee our peace shall anchored be
Because we fully trust in Thee,
And Thou wilt well supply us.

7. Thou art with us, - we do not sigh,
Uncertain and forsaken;
We fear not although ills be nigh
Upon the path we've taken;
We dread no cross, though dark its night,
No foe's grim wrath or evil might,
Nor even hell's black portal;
For He who is our Lord and King,
Beneath the shadow of His wing
Keeps us for life immortal!

8. Although unseen, Thou art with us;
And while we wait in sadness,
The time is brief till we shall pass
Into Thy realm of gladness,
Forevermore to be with Thee,
To view Thy glorious majesty,
And praise Thy name, O Savior.
Abide with us and be our stay
And guide us safely to the day
We see Thy face forever!

203. O How Joyous Is the Hour

1. O how joyous is the hour...
When we, Lord, to Thee draw near,
To receive the Word of power
From Thy lips, so true and clear!
Let us, then, not listen vainly
To that Word of Life today.
O inscribe its message plainly,
Deep within our hearts, we pray.

2. At Thy feet we sit for learning, -
Speak to us, great Master, Thou!
For the saving wisdom yearning,
To Thy words we listen now.
Teach us, while on earth we're waiting,
To be more and more like Thee,
To redeem this time so fleeting
For a blest eternity!

3. Teach us how we may be fleeing
Ruin, by the power of grace,
Unto all things truly dying
That must shun Thy holy face;
That according to Thy pleasure
We may think and do and speak:
This is not a time of leisure,
For, a better land, we seek.

4. As for Thy disciples, Savior,
Open Thou our minds today;
Give us living knowledge ever;
Take the torch and lead the way!
Light of Light, that oft did brighten
Pathways dark and insecure, -
Light of Light, our hearts enlighten,
For in light we travel sure!

5. Pour upon our hearts the fervor
Of Thy love, O Lord, that we,
When we joy or when we suffer,
E'er may firmly cling to Thee!
May we find each burden easy
That Thou givest us to take,
And whatever does not please Thee
Teach us gladly to forsake.

6. May it be a power-giving
And a light-bestowing Word,
One that works with forces living
In us more and more, dear Lord!
Help us all Thou art revealing
Now to treasure in our hearts,
And let others know the healing
That Thy living Word imparts.

202. O Fount of Love, Mine Own

1. O Fount of love, mine own
Bleeding and Dying One,
Savior above!
O my Immanuel,
Thou true, lifegiving Well,
Now let me fully dwell
Within Thy love!
Within Thy love!

2. O Jesus Christ, my Lord,
Thou loving, living Word,
God's Lamb for me!
Thou paid'st what I did owe,
When in Thy love's deep glow,
Thy blood for me did flow
Upon the tree;
Upon the tree.

3. God's perfect righteousness
Is now my glorious dress
Before Thy throne.
Thou, freeing me from sin,
Dost now restore again
Thine image true within,
Thou Holy One!
Thou Holy One!

4. Who now condemneth me
At once despiseth Thee,
My blessed Lord!
For I long since am dead,
And Thou my living Head,
Dost dwell in me instead,
O mighty Word!
O mighty Word!

5. O my Immanuel!
Though Satan cast his spell
And threaten harm, -
Yet I shall have no fear,
Though conflicts be severe,
For Thou art ever near
With Thy strong arm!
With Thy strong arm!

6. Thou art my Light and Power,
My Joy and Life each hour,
Redeemer blest!
While pilgrim here I be,
I lift mine eyes to Thee,
My faith's security,
My soul's true Rest!
My soul's true Rest!

7. Faith's language this shall be,
Through all adversity:
Faithful is God!
In Christ, His Only Son,
He dearly loved each one,
Chose them to be His own,
Ere man earth trod,
Ere man earth trod.

8. Worship and laud and praise
In strength and clarity,
O Lord, to Thee!
Now feeble, verily;
One day Thy praise shall be
Unclouded, pure and free,

201. O Jesus Christ, My Lord

1. O Jesus Christ, my Lord,
What grace did me accord
The right to be
Numbered among Thy band,
Amid Thy saints to stand,
Redeemed, at Thy right hand,
Eternally! Eternally!

2. Such lovingkindnesses
As Thine by far surpass
My highest thought;
The grace so full and free,
Thy counsel offers me,
Enduring endlessly,
My good hath wrought!
My good hath wrought!

3. Christ died, man's ransom paid,
And in the grave was laid:
Death came to me.
Thou cam'st to me, and then
Didst waken me again;
I fear no death, Amen –
All praise to Thee!
All praise to Thee!

4. Thy Son is Head of all,
Who heard, by faith, His call, -
Many - yet one!
I, though of sinful race,
In this good year of grace,
Have also found a place
Among His own!
Among His own!

5. Thanks to Thy grace so free,
I am in high degree
A proof of love;
The power was in thy hand
Alone to break my band
And draw me from this land
To Thee above,
To Thee above!

6. Therefore Thy holy Name
I shall on earth proclaim,
Thy grace commend;
Then in the choir on high,
With angels in the sky,
Thy praise I'll magnify
World without end,
World without end!

Saturday, February 19, 2011

200. O Holy Ghost, Thou Source of Might

1. O Holy Ghost, Thou Source of might,
Who works in us new life and light,
Let us united in one mind
The way unto God's throne now find
By Thy great light!

2. O keep us that, united, we
In bonds of sacred love may be,
As members, truly bound alone
In Christ's own body now as one,
All moved by Thee.

3. O let us stand in love's accord
Around the table of the Lord;
Let soul and body holy be
That God may bless abundantly
The Sacred Feast.

4. Come, Lord, into our midst, and thus
In Spirit give Thyself to us
E'en in this holy bread and wine
That seal the covenant divine,
Made in Thy blood.


5. We are once more at one with Thee
By this Communion, so that we,
In Spirit one, and in one mind,
Our way to Zion's gate may find
As pilgrims true.

6. Lord, guide us with Thy gentle hand
In safety through this foreign land!
Though here the foes of every soul
Pursue us to our very goal, -
Yet we are Thine!

7. To Father, Son, and Spirit praise
For help and guidance on our ways!
Thou givest power from above,
Hast chosen us, through Christ, in love
To be Thine own!

8. Our joyful praise we sing to Thee,
O Lord of glorious majesty!
Through Jesus Christ to Thee we pray
And bring our thanks to Thee today
Before Thy throne!

199. We Sing to Thee, O Son Divine

1. We sing to Thee, O Son divine!
May to that holy throne of Thine
In chorus rise our songs of praise;
Incline Thine ear toward us always!
We sing to Thee!

2. O Lamb of God, our thanks to Thee
That Thou upon the sacred tree
Didst win for us eternal grace
And in Thy heaven an honored place:
We give Thee thanks!

3. We now rejoice, O Christ, our Light,
In Thy return form death’s dark night;
Thou livest and in Thee we live,
And Thou to us wilt heaven give:
We now rejoice!

4. We now are Thine, O Prince of Light!
Thy flock whom Thou dost lead aright;
All that we are, and have, and own,
We lay before Thy glorious throne:
We now are Thine!

5. Draw us to Thee, exalted Friend!
Thy hand from heaven to us extend
That we may ever follow Thee
Through all our pain and misery:
Draw us to Thee!

6. Abide with us, Immanuel!
Thou Prince most strong in Israel;
Our Strength and Fortress be, we pray,
And lead us safely all the way:
Abide with us!

198. Our True Homeland Is In Heaven

1. Our true Homeland is in heaven!
As a man may, lost in thought,
Even though by tumult driven,
Thing of home, disturbed by naught;
When his feet him onward carry
To the home his heart holds dear;
So we now in heaven tarry
Though we still may sojourn here.

2. Who loves us, and love is giving,
Is the One our strivings choose;
For the soul alone is living
Unto Him who His love shows.
There alone the soul finds pleasure,
There alone is satisfied;
Nothing else the soul would treasure,
Save, where love is, to abide.

3. Jesus’ love the heart upraises,
Like a magnet, to the skies;
Every prayer the spirit raises,
As on wings we seem to rise.
We are walking here and living
As before the Savior’s face;
All our dealing and perceiving
Do not this vain would embrace.

4. If men in contempt withstand us,
Our dear Lord, who loves us so,
In His holy Word commands us
Here to love our greatest foe.
He who died for our salvation,
Gave us heaven’s home on high,
Wills that by our conversation
His Name we should glorify.

5. Could our Homeland be in heaven,
While we earthly-minded live?
And we, who have been forgiven,
Not forget and not forgive?
Could we only love our brothers,
And then hate who hatred bear?
Not, like Jesus, one another’s
Every burden gladly share?

6. But where there is hatred ever,
Envy, malice, blasphemy -
Where these are the heart can never
With the loving Savior be.
For true love is always growing
Like the Loved One, more and more;
May we strive till we are glowing
In the Image we adore.

7. Let me not from Thee be turning,
Savior, who so faithful art;
From Thee may I here be learning
To be heavenly at heart!
Let not any earthly leaven
Make me worldly-minded here,
Till at last with Thee in heaven
I shall be most blesséd there!

197. Jesus, Thou Art Mine Forever

1. Jesus, Thou are mine forever;
No one is so fair as Thou!
I cannot keep silence ever,
I must love for Thee avow:
Love that asketh all of me,
Love that knows no one but Thee,
Love that me to Thee is binding,
In Thee only rest is finding!

2. In this life on thing is needful:
Thy good will, Lord, I must gain.
I of this alone am heedful,
That my heart may Thee retain.
Who in truth doth Thee possess
Need not fear in storm and stress,
He can sing Thy praise sincerely,
Though the foe may rage severely.

3. Thou art mine when ills distress me,
I in Thee may comfort take;
Even though men would destroy me,
Naught my faith in Thee can shake.
Thou art mine, I am content!
And Thy love’s encouragement
Draws me from earth’s futile pleasure
Unto Thee, my highest Treasure.

4. Draw me, as Thou wilt, O Savior;
Give to me Thy holy mind!
Then my heart shall rest forever,
All my troubles left behind;
For the sufferings of this time
Measure not the joy sublime
That in heaven shall be given
To those who here well have striven.

5. All this world, its empty pleasures, -
These no longer have my love;
They who hold them as their treasures
Void are of the wealth above,
That they who Thine own would be,
Dearest Jesus, find in Thee;
And with those their stand have taken
Who this vain world have forsaken.

6. So my heart is in Thy heaven;
There my spirit too would be;
For this world, by pleasure driven,
But a Babel is to me.
My true homeland is above;
There I’m drawn by bonds of love
Toward Him who love showers o’er me,
And who giveth Himself for me!

7. Jesus, help me then to conquer
World and sin and vanity;
That I may securely anchor
All my hope and trust in Thee!
Let my heart and soul and mind
Ever be to Thee inclined;
Keep me, Savior, from backsliding,
Always in Thy grace confiding.

8. Faithful Thou remainest ever,
Jesus, - Thou today art true!
Sweet Thy love in sorrow, Savior;
Every morning it is new;
And, dear Lord, at eventide
I still find Thee at my side,
So That I may freely tell Thee
Of the troubles that befell me.

9. Deep upon my heart, O Savior,
Thy love’s image now impress;
Strengthen me in my behavior
And In constant watchfulness;
Do Thou turn my heart to Thee
And my tongue direct for me;
Let it only tell the story
Of Thy honor, praise, and glory!

196. Care Will I Not Borrow

1. Care will I not borrow!
Know I if tomorrow
I shall still be here?
He who thus far led me,
Daily clothed and fed me,
He is ever near.
If each day
He leads the way, -
Be it hidden by the morrow, -
Why should I care borrow?

2. I’ll not be repining!
If no sun is shining,
Shall I then despair?
If the heart is calling
And the tears are falling,
God regards my prayer!
Let not me
Impatient be;
Help in need He is designing!
Should I be repining?

3. I would do no choosing!
Ah, I might be losing
In my self-conceit!
Weak my understanding,
And mine own commanding
Leads but to defeat.
Can never bless;
Though His plan He may be veiling, -
God is never-failing.

4. I trust God’s decreeing!
Faith will lead to seeing,
Hope will stay the heart.
Though the skies be dreary,
God’s love is not weary,
Love can heal each smart.
Though great woes
His love bestows,
I shall not in hours of trial
Show Him base denial.

5. Though I seem forsaken,
Though I have mistaken
What the Father will;
Yet whene’er He proves me,
Truly it behooves me
To be meek and still.
In His sight
He doeth right; -
Every earthly tribulation
Tends to my salvation.

6. Though strife be ordainéd
For me, thus is gainéd
Lasting peace, I know;
And death’s mighty Victor,
My Divine Protector,
Leads the way I go.
World and all
Before Thee fall!
All are victors who obeyed Thee;
Thou wilt also aid me!

195. “Live Peaceably!” Thus Said the Lord

1. “Live peaceably!” Thus said the Lord
To loved ones to Him cleaving.
Beloved, learn this from His Word,
As born of God, believing.
And this today
To you I say,
That ye may never waver;
Though I depart,
You have my heart
Until we meet forever.

2. My heart is overcome with pain
And sorely I am grieving,
For so the Master did ordain
That you I must be leaving.
A dread that’s strong
Filled me so long,
I shall forget it never.
Though I depart,
You have my heart -
Could I forget you ever?

3. In Christ’s own Spirit then abide,
As it to you is given;
Firm on this Rock, whate’er betide,
Strive for the goal of heaven!
Beloved, lo, I give you now
This counsel for your keeping:
Though I depart,
You have my heart
To share your joy and weeping.

4. We’ve lived in peace together here,
As all can see most clearly;
We’ve lived as Christians who would bear
The Savior’s name sincerely, -
E’en as all do
Whose faith is true;
And hence I leave with sadness,
Though I depart,
You have my heart
To think of you with gladness.

5. My loving friends, full many a tear
Have I shed for you, weeping;
This has been done in love sincere
While I my watch was keeping.
For night and day
My heart did pray:
God keep you every hour!
Though I depart,
You have my heart
That you with love will shower.

6. Ye fathers all, with courage bold,
In service true abiding,
Keep faithful charge of all the fold,
God is to you confiding;
Until the Lord,
As your reward,
About His throne will place you!
Though I depart,
You have my heart,
In love it doth embrace you.

7. Ye children, in obedience live
Unto your fathers ever;
As God hath taught, for concord strive,
For love, and then forever
A peace that’s blest
On each will rest,
And joy in Christ, your Savior!
Though I depart,
You have my heart, -
Let wisdom teach behavior.

8. All praise to God who strengthened us
And guided every member!
O turn to prayer, and in them thus
My needs also remember;
Prayer is not vain,
But as a chain
In God unites us ever.
Though I depart,
You have my heart,
In Jesus’ Name forever!

194. Zion Stands Securely Grounded

1. Zion stands securely grounded
On holy mountains, though surrounded
By evil powers ev’rywhere. -
Zion stands and will be standing,
Man’s wonder and respect commanding,
Because of Him who guards here there.
The God of Israel,
Her Rock, protects her well.
Now sing His praise:
O bless the race,
That in her hath a dwelling place!

2. Zion’s portals are His treasure;
He looks on them with grace and pleasure,
And makes their bars secure with skill:
Blesses all who there are dwelling,
And He reward with grace excelling
Who let Him govern as He will.
How great His grace must be
To bear so patiently
All His loved ones!
O God’s Zion,
Thou rich Zion,
That such a Lord and King doth own!

3. Mighty things and things most holy
Are preached in Thee, O Zion, solely,
As nowhere else on earth are heard.
Thou hast Truth, the night dispelling,
In Thee the Holy Ghost is dwelling,
Thy light is God’s own Holy Word.
There day by day is heard
The ever-precious Word
Of God’s mercy.
O Gospel pure,
Atoning here,
And bringing life eternal there!

4. Nations that have never known thee,
From distant lands will come to own thee,
And to thy gates, O Zion, run.
Yea, to those in darkness dwelling,
The Lord shall send His Gospel, telling
What once for all the world was done.
“Where is God’s only son?”
“Where is His gracious throne?”
Men are asking.
The day draws near,
When everywhere,
The Lord in glory shall appear!

5. Dry your tears, ye hearts nigh broken,
Of Zion it shall yet be spoken:
“Her citizens in number grow!”
Men shall see with fear and wonder
How God builds Zion, they shall ponder
The grace and strength He doth bestow.
Lift up your souls and hearts,
The nations’ day departs.
Then His day comes,
Zion shall rise,
And Judah’s eyes
The One it pierced will recognize!

6. Mother thou of every nation,
That here hath sought and found salvation,
O Zion, thou shalt truly be.
What a chorus of rejoicing
Shall once the saints in thee be voicing!
The Fount of Life is found in thee.
In thee the waters well
That every thirst can still.
From death’s dread cave,
From dangers grave,
No one, but Zion’s God, can save!

193. O Thou Eternal One, to Thee Be Hallowed

1. O Thou Eternal One, to Thee be hallowed
This day, and by Thy children truly hallowed.
O let us too with gladness come before Thee,
Lord to adore Thee!

2. To Thee the heavenly host its praise is bringing;
Our voices too are to Thine honor singing,
Our thanks are, and our heart-felt, humble sighing,
Thee glorifying.

3. In vain the world is tempting with her pleasure;
My spirit in Thy teaching finds its treasure;
Thy Word, taught by Thy teachers, I revere it
And gladly hear it.

4. Let us in meekness, Father, come before Thee!
Thou lovest those who childlike do adore Thee;
And gladly what Thy children need for living
Wilt Thou be giving.

5. May we today, through Thy good Spirit learning,
From way, that please Thee not, our steps be turning!
O let us, through Thy Word new pow’rs receiving,
To Thee be cleaving!

6. This is a day of gladness and of blessing;
Thou leadest us, Thy pastures green possessing,
Unto the Fount of grace, the waters living
And all-reviving.

7. Yea, praise be Thine! Grim death hast Thou defeated,
O Prince of Life, salvation is completed!
For us, Redeemer, Thou hast been victorious, -
Thy praise be glorious!

8. O may today through all the earth be ringing
The praise Thy small, but faithful, flock is singing!
O ye redeemed, His holy Name praise ever,
Amen, forever!

192. Wake, Witness-Spirit! O Inspire

1. Wake, witness-spirit! O inspire thou
Our hearts, thou burning ardor of first love;
That on each one the tongues of fire, now
Descending, may flame up to heaven above,
That by their glowing warmth the may anon
Fuse all the true believers into one!

2. Is then love’s flame no longer glowing?
Nay, love shall in us too be kept alive
And strong, the seed of God’s own sowing,
That fruits shall bear that will abide and thrive;
Love brings to us the heav’nly air so pure,
Gives us in good things joy, makes vict’ry sure.

3. Good Shepherd, Thou wouldst have us ever
Be busy at Thy work with earnest zeal;
May love in us diminish never,
But us in Thy disciples’ union seal!
May love give courage, lest we be afraid,
And teach dependence only on Thine aid!

4. Thy Cross, O may it ever teach us
Our hearts to hallow as Thy temple here,
That endless fire may never reach us
And strike the soul with suffering severe.
Let loud and strong Thy Shepherd’s call then ring,
Within our hearts forever echoing.

5. The heav’nly gates are open for us,
Secure within Thy covenant are we;
With holiness Thou wilt adore us,
If we here honor Thee and trust in Thee;
And though this earth and heaven pass away,
We in Thy covenant of peace shall stay.

6. For life or death, - the call has sounded; -
The coward is afraid, despairs, and fails;
He who is by Christ’s pow’r surrounded,
As by a buckler, he, yes he, prevails.
Then up, ye brethren! Forward joyfully, -
For ours shall be the crown of victory!

191. Sing Praise to God, All Ye Who Love the Savior

1. Sing praise to God, all ye who love the Savior,
O laud His works, His faithfulness so true!
Sing to the Lord, who loved us first and ever,
For His great mercies ev’ry morn are new!
With love and favor all His own He meeteth,
Bestoweth on them health, content, and grace;
Forever He Himself with them uniteth,
And giveth them in heav’n above a place.

2. Ye children of the cov’nant, love Him ever,
Ye who have died unto the world and sin,
Who in the death of this our conqu’ring Savior,
And through Baptism buried are with Him!
In love profound His life and blood He gave us,
From sin and guilt redeemed us here below;
He for a life, renewed in Him, did save us,
And henceforth us His love and grace doth show.

3. O gracious Savior, Thou hast left us duly
Thy dear example, and we follow Thee;
O now enfold us with Thy love most truly,
That willing bearers of Thy shame we be!
How blest, all this for Thy sake to be sharing!
Thou dwell’st in us, we follow faithfully.
Through crosses here Thou art Thine own preparing
For glory there: - O truly blest are we!

4. O therefore, ye disciples of the Savior,
Now consecrate yourselves to Him anew!
Unite, and let your love’s true fervor ever
Anew to Him in your hearts brightly glow;
Upon your fellow-members your love shower
In Him who chose them as His Bride alone;
He calls us brethren, loves us every hour,
And by Him we are numbered with His own.

5. As His own people He will then possess us
When dawns at last the day of judgment great;
Before His Father He will then confess us,
And from His love will us naught separate!
What holy gladness shall at last requite us
When He as Bridegroom comes in bright array,
When as His Church with Him He shall unite us
Eternally - and wipe all tears away!

6. Eternal bliss shall crown us then in heaven,
The crown of life shall then the Bride adorn.
Where we shall be no more to sorrow given,
We shall exchange for glory, pain and scorn.
Fulfilled shall be the promises held o’er us,
Then we shall see Him whom our soul holds dear;
The Fount of life shall open stand before us,
That floweth pure and undisturbed and clear.

7. As King of Glory we shall see our Savior,
Before whose face all earth and heaven flee;
Before whose feet, as humble subjects ever,
The heav’nly host in rev’rence bows the knee.
Yea, there at length must every knee be bowing
When He appears upon that judgment-morn;
When He Himself as World-Judge will be showing,
Of whom the present world but speaks with scorn.

8. O woe to all, who here His Word disdaining,
Now proudly, boldly walk the sinner’s way,
Whose only thought is gold and honor gaining,
Who think the Christian foolish in his day.
How the Avenger, then Himself revealing,
Shall recompense what everyone hath done!
How foolish then shall seem their earthly dealing
Who here upon the scorner’s path have gone.

9. Then shall their laughter all be changed to sorrow
When earthly joys their final end shall gain;
Yea, gnashing teeth shall have an endless morrow
In late remorse, in torment, and in pain.
Their worm, the evil conscience, never dying,
And endless fire at the spirit gnaws,
For worldly sowing brings endless destroying;
Woe him who not unto the Spirit sows!

10. It shall be well, if we with tears are sowing
The seed in hope of blest eternity,
Despising scorn our foes are here bestowing,
And bearing persecution patiently;
Eternally will prosper fresh and vernal
The seed of faith that we have planted here,
When we shall harvest mid the joys eternal
And see the ripened sheaves in glory there.

11. The harvest there will truly our hearts gladden,
So let us freely sow while here we may;
And let us bear all crosses that would sadden;
The Father will reward us in that day.
There will the joys of heaven be unended,
The pain of earth will soon forgotten be.
Here sowing-days with sighs and cares are blended,
There we shall reap and joy eternally.

12. Belovéd pilgrims, in one faith united,
Strive on to build the kingdom day by day!
Pray, labor, and let not your zeal be blighted,
For harvest-season is not far away!
Behold, the fields are growing white for reaping,
The fig-tree now is showing buds and leaves.
Up, gather in! Who in this time is sleeping
No crown of glory from his Lord receives!

190. Jesus Reigns, Let Us Adore Him

1. Jesus reigns, let us adore Him,
All that lives doth bow before Him,
God lays all things at His feet;
Every tongue shall be confessing,
Jesus Christ as Lord professing, -
Honor Him as it is meet.

2. Only through His mediation
Wondrously we have salvation,
By His pain and sorrow won.
Lo, here is life’s revelation,
Our eternal reclamation
Is declared by God’s own Son!

3. Hear the hymn and learn the story:
Christ doth lead His own to glory!
Grace and peace He giveth thee.
Lo, He death and hell defieth:
“Death, where is thy sting?” He crieth,
“Grave, where is thy victory?”

4. Nor does His dear Church so holy
Have these gracious blessings solely, -
She has Him as Head, who lives!
With His blood the Savior bought her,
As His heavenly Bride He sought her,
And she lives, for she believes.

5. All your hearts to Him surrender,
All your burdens to Him tender,
Tell Him every care and need!
In His wounds find your restoring;
He the balm of grace is pouring,
Endless riches gives indeed!

6. Haste, then! Shame and care, O leave it!
Seek ye grace? ‘Tis yours, receive it!
Seek ye life? Pray Him who lives!
Sinners, you He justifieth;
Grace to no one He denieth;
Everlasting gain He gives.

7. Here the ransomed souls shall treasure
All His good in boundless measure,
And praise God in full accord.
Hallowed words! Most precious teaching!
Unto all the world out-reaching,
Sweet Evangel of our Lord!

8. Though each one his cross must carry,
‘Tis not long that sorrows harry;
Soon these days of pain are past.
Then be patient, gladness follows,
Naught shall harm whom Jesus hallows,
He shall dwell with Him at last.

9. Wealth and honor here may fail us,
Pain and sorrow may assail us,
Yet shall scorn and death be gain!
Though men threaten, though there’s danger,
All things are to him a stranger
Who this Treasure would obtain!

10. Open is the heavenly portal
That leads into life immortal,
To all who hope in His grace!
Well they know the time is nearing
When, before their King appearing
They shall see Him face to face.

11. Ye, His servants, sing His glory;
All ye righteous, tell His story;
Ye who bear the palms, rejoice;
Sing, all ye redeemed and crownéd;
Sing, ye choir where He is thronéd,
Praise His name with harp and voice!

12. Even we, though lowly, name Him;
We believing, shall acclaim Him,
While we walk as pilgrims here.
Christ doth reign! Let us adore Him!
All that live shall bow before Him,
Honor, love, and praise Him there.

189. Jesus, Head and Ruler Solely

1. Jesus, Head and Ruler solely
Of Thy congregation holy,
Bless Thou me, a member poor!
Thy good Spirit’s power by giving,
That to Thee I may be living;
By thy strength make me secure!

2. With Thy grace and power bless Thou
Every member! O impress Thou
On them all Thy Spirit now!
Scattered though their habitations
Be among so many nations,
Thus, O Lord, dost each one know.

3. How I love Thine own, O Savior,
Those who seek and serve Thee ever,
Precious are they all to me!
Thou dost know how it doth cheer me
When I see and have those near me
Who now live alone to Thee!

4. Those who serve Thee all delight me,
And with them I here unite me;
From Thy holy presence bright
Over Zion blessings shower;
For Thy ways, O give them power,
Lead them onward in Thy light.

5. From the world Thine own deliver
And let Satan soon forever
Wholly ‘neath their feet be trod!
By Thy Spirit in them dwelling,
Earthly lust and nature quelling,
Be their only joy, O God!

6. Those in pain and sorrow living
Strengthen, that they may be giving
Life and soul into Thy hand!
Teach them more and more true meekness.
Cleanse them, Lord, from every weakness,
Till in Thee alone they stand!

7. Let Thy children, while here stationed,
After Thine own heart be fashioned,
Beautiful for piety:
Quiet, set apart, and lowly,
Upright, as Thy will most holy, -
And as Thou wouldst have them be!

8. Look on those with special favor
Who desire of me, O Savior,
That for them my prayers arise!
To Thy mercy I commend them,
And I pray such blessing send them
As is needful in Thine eyes!

9. Visit in the hour of sadness
All their hearts; may they find gladness,
In the end, alone in Thee!
Draw with Thy love’s fullest measure
All their longing and their pleasure
Into Thine own unity!

10. Ah, how dearly Thou hast bought us,
By Thy cross salvation brought us,
Thanks to Thee that Thine we are!
Hold us fast, while here we tarry
In this earthly desert dreary, -
O forsake us nevermore!

11. Till at length, in holy union,
We shall join the saints’ communion,
And, from every blemish free,
At Thy throne Thy glory telling,
We in Thee - Thou in us dwelling,
We shall all be one in Thee!

188. Time Flies and Death Comes Speedily

1. Time flies and death comes speedily,
Uniting us, O Lord, with Thee!
Do Thou us here in time prepare
Eternity’s glad day to share!

2. To Thee our many needs are known;
Have mercy, Lord, upon Thine own!
Thou, Thou alone our Helper art, -
O take Thy humble children’s part!

3. Preserve to us Thy light of truth,
O Lord, Thy dearest gift forsooth,
The Word of Life, that us doth lead
And that our souls doth richly feed!

4. Enlighten Thou all who believe,
Let them Thy blessing, Lord, receive, -
All that will serve for holiness;
All that they need for steadfastness!

5. May every home Thy goodness share!
Extend Thy kingdom everywhere!
Lord Jesus Christ, from Thee alone
Comes all that prospers well Thine own.

6. Thy teachers gird with spirit, might,
With wisdom that will give them light,
So that they truly sow good seed,
And in the fruits find joy indeed.

7. The treasure of pure love anew
Preserve among Thy children true!
Let not their innocence depart,
But guard and hallow every heart!

8. O may young men devote in truth
To Thee the flower of their youth:
Be maidens’ beauty holiness,
The fear of God their glorious dress!

9. By word and deed through us proclaim
How we here glorify Thy name;
That all our lives pure, holy be,
We – living witnesses to Thee.

10. Our mind, O Lord, then sanctify
And lead us, Thy redeemed, on high;
From earthly tumult take our soul
Into the Father’s house - our goal!

187. Who by Water and the Spirit

1. Who by water and the Spirit
Is not truly born again,
He will heaven not inherit, -
This the Word of God makes plain;
Man must here give up his nature,
And become a new-born creature,
If, when life is ended here,
He would enter glory there.

2. This new birth must be effected
By Baptism.. and God’s Word;
Then if these are not rejected,
Nor the grace of Christ our Lord,
There one early will discover
That the reign of sin is over;
For when God indwells the heart
Sin itself must soon depart.

3. At the same time there is given
God, the Holy Spirit, too;
By whom sin from us is driven,
And a life begins that’s new.
In the heart He then commences
New words, new works, and new senses,
Urging us to deeds of light,
That we may serve God aright.

4. Henceforth man must then endeavor
God to love from day to day,
World and sin rejecting ever,
To perfection grow alway;
From the heart he must hate truly,
And neglect sincerely, wholly,
All that he had loved before,
And find joy therein no more.

5. To God’s glory singing, praying,
Is the joy of man renewed;
Not the world, but God, obeying,
And with powers new endued;
In all things he is pursuing,
Striving God’s will to be doing;
Fully new, that is his aim,
For he is no more the same.

6. Thus in thee must also follow
Now a thorough change of heart;
Thy life thou to God must hallow,
In the world no more have part;
Heart and mind and all thy doing
Must receive complete renewing,
Be adorned by faith and love,
Ruled by God from heaven above. -

7. O my God, I bow before Thee:
Now in me Thy work fulfill!
By Thy Spirit’s brooding o’er me
Sanctify my heart and will.
Let me not be lost forever,
But reborn of Thee, O Savior,
May I, child-like, Thee adore,
Learn to love Thee more and more.

8. Lord, let me continue ever
In this state, so richly blest,
Until death earth’s bonds shall sever,
And I enter into rest.
O let nothing from Thee take me;
Thou art mine, do not forsake me;
Then with joy I hence depart,
E’er to be where Thou, Lord, art!

186. Meekness Is a Virtue Gracious

1. Meekness is a virtue gracious,
Every Christian’s glory here;
In our young we find it precious,
In our elders still more dear.
Though they whom the world upraises
Do not sing true meekness’ praises, -
Meekness is much more than gold;
Yea its worth cannot be told.

2. See, how meek was our dear Savior,
Void of every kind of pride;
Friendly, loving, gentle, ever
From vainglory turned aside.
In His life none could moreover
Boastful vanity discover;
So to us the Lord doth speak:
“Learn of Me, for I am meek.”

3. Who here humbly walks in meekness
Is beloved by everyone;
Who well knows and feels his weakness,
God will honor in His Son.
God takes pleasure in the lowly -
And these also please Him wholly
Who, here walking on God’s way,
In the love of Jesus stay.

4. Truly meekness greatly blesses,
And obtains the Father’s grace.
Who this virtue here possesses,
Knowing here most fitting place,
Will in all his deeds find favor,
And his soul is glorious ever;
Faith, hope, love, and gentleness
Do a heart of meekness bless.

5. These good fruits of God the Spirit
That are given to the meek,
They, through Jesus, may inherit
Who for them sincerely seek.
Only where true faith is dwelling
There true meekness is excelling;
And thereby is manifest
Who Christ’s Spirit knows the best.

6. Therefore I would know true meekness,
Evermore by lowly, small;
First the heart must show true meekness,
Then the actions, one and all;
That in all that I am doing,
In the good I am pursuing,
Men the Spirit’s power may see
Working in me mightily.

7. After meekness follows gladness:
Here in time God’s richest grace,
Then in heaven, past all sadness,
Glory, light, and lasting peace.
There will meekness shine most glorious
And receive the crown victorious;
What men here deemed poor and slight,
There will glow with heavenly light.

185. Up, Brethren, Onward Pressing

1. Up, brethren, onward pressing!
The shades of night draw near;
To tarry is distressing
Upon this desert drear.
Come, gird your loins with strength;
The goal eternal heeding,
From strength to strength proceeding,
You gain your goal at length.

2. We shall not be regretful
To walk the narrow road;
Nor can we be forgetful
That we are called of God.
Come, put your trust in Him!
Your faces heavenward turning,
Come, satisfy your yearning
To reach Jerusalem!

3. No tears of parting blind us
As we go on our way;
We leave the world behind us
To find a better day.
Let nothing cause dismay;
A thousand worlds disdaining,
Their tempting and complaining,
Go calmly on your way!

4. From self turn here your faces,
Then will your path be sure!
Who flesh and sense embraces
Is but a pilgrim poor.
The creature leave below,
And all things that still bind you,
Your own self leave behind you, -
Through death these all must go!

5. As pilgrims we must wander,
From earthly burdens free;
Else as we journey yonder
Our path would trying be!
He fails who will not heed!
The least can satisfy us;
All things we would deny us
Save what we truly need.

6. Adorn your hearts with graces!
Let house and self alone; -
Ours are but strangers’ faces
And soon we shall be gone.
Lo, ease but leads astray; -
So humble bear each trial
And practice self-denial
In this short pilgrim day.

7. We must not pause to dally
With child’s play by the way!
Our powers we must rally,
Sloth follows on delay.
Pay no attention here –
On then! All ease now spurning,
Away from vain thoughts turning,
For danger’s always near!

8. And though the way be narrow,
So lonely, rough, and drear,
Though thorns our feeling harrow,
With there a cross and here;
It is the one way home!
Fear not! But onward pressing,
We, with our Leader’s blessing,
All ills shall overcome!

9. What may take place about us,
We scarcely hear or see;
May these go on without us,
No idle dreams have we.
Eternal is our goal;
Our dealings are in heaven,
Our life to God is given,
Our very heart and soul.

10. The image of our Savior
Is pressed upon us here;
It shows in our behavior
So childlike and so fair;
How gently, pure and still,
The lambs, their path surveying,
All follow without straying
Just as their Shepherd will.

11. We journey in seclusion,
Despised and quite unknown;
Unseen mid the confusion
Of this land, not our own;
Yet, if the world pays heed,
It hears our voices ringing,
Songs of the homeland singing,
For which we yearn indeed.

12. Up, then, let naught defy us,
The Father with us goes,
And He himself stands by us,
Each bitter step He knows.
He will our courage raise,
His looks of grace attend us,
He will refresh, defend us, -
Oh, we have blissful days!

13. Then onward, sister, brother,
Let us go hand in hand,
With joy in one another,
In this unfriendly land.
O let us childlike be;
Let here no strife divide us!
The angels walk beside us, -
God’s children, they and we.

14. Or should a weak one stumble,
The strong must help with zest:
To aid, none is too humble.
All thus sow love and rest.
Come, be more firm today;
Let each strive to be lowly
And likewise pure and holy
Upon our blesséd way.

15. Come, let us journey gladly,
Day follows after day,
The way grows shorter daily,
The flesh soon proves but clay.
More courage and more love!
To be a little truer,
Of earthly matters freer,
And turned to things above!

16. Then journey on reliant,
The goal is well worthwhile;
Of all things be defiant
That hinder or beguile!
Earth, thou art small indeed:
With Christ Himself to guide us,
Eternity shall hide us, -
For Christ is all we need!

17. O Friend, so true and precious,
A pleasure to our eyes;
Abiding and all gracious,
What hope Thy love supplies!
Our joys are all in Thee,
O Fount of life and pleasure,
Thou art our only Treasure
Through all eternity!

184. Thou Lamb Once Slain

1. Thou Lamb, once slain, the guarded seals hast broken
For my salvation and my comfort too;
My faith sends Thee, on Zion’s mount, a token
Of love, a longing look devout and true!
Thou art the Lamb, now throned on high,
What wonder that to Thee my spirit fain would fly!

2. Thou hast o’er-come all foes that here surround me,
So I have all the conquering power I need!
From all the bands of death Thou hast unbound me,
I know whereto my pilgrim pathways lead. -
Thou after cross Thy joys didst see, -
Shall not the member with the Head united be?

3. Thou precious Lamb, what promise hast Thou spoken!
O words eternal and most truly said: -
“No lamb shall ever from My hand be taken,
Nor shall be harmed a hair upon its head!”
O Rock of Ages, cleft for me,
With all Thy loved ones let me hide myself in Thee!

4. Yet more: “And I, when I shall be uplifted
Above the earth, shall draw all men to Me!”
O blessed word! Let care and pain be lifted
From off my heart, as I flee unto Thee.
O draw me by Thy love so sweet,
As I to other men leave all vain self-deceit.

5. O Lamb of God, Thou into death wast given
For all my sins, a curse upon the tree!
What mind can fathom this great love from heaven?
Who is there that can be compared to Thee?
As long as life in me is stayed,
So long shall life and treasure at Thy feet be laid!

6. But can I do this, mine own strength supplying?
Perchance it is too great a claim for me?
Yes, were I on my helpless state relying,
I would not dare to speak so ardently;
But now my faith holds fast anew
To the Omnipotence that mighty things can do.

7. O precious Lamb, Thou, Thou hast well provided
Thy people with the will to heed Thy call!
The issue thus is easily decided:
I, I am naught, but Thou art All in all!
O Constancy, make Thou me true;
O Love, love me, that I may truly love Thee too!

8. To Thee must be ascribed my whole salvation,
Thou hast done all, my Savior and my Lord!
Thy merit only is my consolation;
I take unmerited Thy great reward.
This truth eternal shall not fall:
The Lamb, once slain, shall ever be my All in all!

183. Rise, My Soul

1. Rise, my soul, completely throwing
Off the bonds of vanity!
To the heavenly home be going,
From this earthly desert flee!
For thou in the world wilt see
Always, only vanity.

2. Let it by thy heart’s deep yearning,
Blessed Zion to attain;
All earth’s vanity here spurning;
Haste, for that will be thy gain!
O let nothing now delay
Thee upon thy homeward way!

3. Come and spend a solemn hour..
At the tomb where Jesus lay,
Who by God’s almighty power
Rose on the appointed day!
He to life mad thee a way,
With His life the price did pay.

4. There the Savior took thy many
Sins with Him upon the cross;
Silently, and without any
Due reproach, He suffered loss;
There He won for me and thee
Life and joy eternally.

5. Death, the first, is now forever
Conquered and his might laid low;
For the Hero broke that scepter
When He to the grave did go;
Bonds are broken, dungeon’s might;
Liberty is brought to light!

6. Now the very sting is taken
That gave second death its power;
Vanquished is the evil dragon
That so long did fiercely lower.
Now the serpent’s poison may
No believer’s heart dismay.

7. O the lovely, glorious portal,
That o’er Jesus’ grave I see:
“Jesus lives!” O words immortal,
Like a magnet, drawing me!
“Jesus lives!” this, too, I see:
“Who believes, shall live with Me!”

8. Death therefore me no more frightens:
Jesus lives, so also I!
And for me, His heir, this brightens
All the grave where I must lie;
He will take me from its gloom
Into my eternal home.

9. Now with Job I say believing:
Jesus, my Redeemer, lives!
New life I will be receiving
By the power that He gives:
He, the strong, will me not leave,
Till He also breaks my grave.

10. As to Christ I cling forever, -
He the Head, I, member true, -
So He will forsake me never
Whatsoe’er He passeth through.
He, the First-fruit, goes ahead
That I may by Him be led.

11. Adam being dead within me,
Henceforth live Thou, Lord, in me;
What Thy sacred death did win me,
May it bring much fruit to Thee:
May the Spirit victor be
And the flesh succumb to Thee.

12. Thou of life the Prince and Giver,
For Thy death I now thank Thee!
Now my faith is fruitless never,
And my hope in death shall be,
That in death – I trust in Thee –
I shall not forsaken be!

13. O how will the voice be ringing
That doth call us from the grave;
What a sound the trump be bringing,
Piercing every burial-cave:
“Come, ye dead,” it loudly cries,
“Nothing hinders ye, arise!”

14. Thou the dust will then enliven,
All the bones new lIfe will see;
A new form I will be given,
For I shall immortal be;
And, transfigured by Thy hand,
In Thy likeness I shall stand.

15. This hope I ascribe, dear Savior,
To Thy resurrection blest,
For Thy life is mine forever,
And Thy rest, Lord, is my rest;
Thine own triumph mine shall be, -
All I own I have from Thee.

182. Lord, I Think of Thee, and Joy of Heaven

1. Lord, I think of Thee, and joy of heaven
Overwhelms the soul that Thou dost love.
Such indeed are treasured moments given
To Thy blessed children from above.

2. What a train of dark and dreary hours..
Followed me in youthful years gone by; -
Since I found Thee, Savior, O what powers
And what light stream o’er me from on high.

3. Ere I knew Thee and the life that’s higher,
Peace was far from my unhappy heart,
Burning with so many an ill desire,…
Bleeding with so many a bitter smart.

4. Full of youthful zeal I was pursuing
Nothing but deceit and vanity;
Sham and shadow I was ever wooing,
And the truth remained unknown to me.

5. Filled with false ambition, pride, and cunning,
Wanting meekness, sense of right, and light,
Into error’s mazes I was running,
Oft unwilling, slave to sin’s dread might.

6. Were I loved – thought I – or glory earning,
All my inner longing would be stilled;
Though I found these richly, yet the yearning
In my heart and soul remained unfilled.

7. Shepherdless, and in a desert wandering,
I did stray, a lost and erring sheep,
Finding nowhere aught to still my hungering,
Nor a spring of water cool and deep.

8. In my need I surely would have perished,
Pain and anguish would have smothered me, -
Had I not perceived Thy call so cherished,
Shepherd, had I not found rest in Thee!

9. What a struggle faced me, and moreover
Doubt and fear bound me on every side!
Till at last, the bitter conflict over,
My poor soul in Thee, Lord, did confide!

10. Long a downcast spirit did depress me; -
Now Thou cheerest both my heart and mind;
Only peace and happiness possess me
Since my blessed lot in Thee I find.

11. Since that sacred day when I did find Thee,
O’er desire now can victor be;
Anger, discontent I leave behind me; -
Heaven came into my heart through Thee!

12. Nor will there be dreary clouds above me,
That will overcast my heaven’s blue, -
If I evermore, O Lord, will love Thee,
Without discontent, to Thee be true.

13. Woe unto the world, such love despising,
That such joy in Jesus casts away;
For, its value never realizing,
It is led by vanity astray! -

14. O forsake me not, my faithful Savior,
Though at times Thy face I fail to see!
As the gold by fire, purge me ever,
Till I am as Thou wouldst have me be!

15. When at last these bitter trials are ended,
And I finish this my earthly race,
There within the land of joys unblended, -
Dare I hope it? – I shall see Thy face!

16. Purified in heart, enraptured, Savior,
With my song I’ll praise Thy Name most blest,
That Thou, all earth’s anguish past forever,
Hast bestowed on me Thine endless rest!