1. The Lord my faithful Shepherd is,
Who ever safely guides me;
He feeds my soul, for I am His,
And He with joy provides me;
He leads me to the fount of life
And quickens me with blessings rife.
2. His Word my spirit doth sustain;
With it He daily feeds me
Upon my journey o’er the plain
That to His glory leads me;
And by His strong but gentle hand
He guides me to the heavenly land.
3. His Name is mighty to defend;
For there I find salvation,
While on this earth I still contend
With evil and temptation;
When Satan storms me with his might,
To Christ’s dear name I take my flight.
4. It is not only flesh and blood
That need to be subjected,
But also at the hellish brood
My warfare is directed:
I shall not fear nor be dismayed,
For Christ, my Shepherd, is my aid.
5. His staff defends me all my life;
His mighty hand is o’er me;
His Word upholds me in the strife,
And He arranges for me
A table to which I may go
Within the presence of my foe.
6. Lo, He anoints my head with oil
And heals my wounded spirit;
He stays my soul, and after toil
He never fails to cheer it.
He makes my cup to overflow
That I, refreshed, may onward go.
7. Rejoice in such a Shepherd, ye,
The sheep who love Him duly;
For all your life to you shall be
His blessings given truly;
His grace and goodness ever new
Are lovingly prepared for you.
8. Then haste, this faithful Shepherd claim
Whose care is ever present,
Who calls His faithful ones by name
To pastures green and pleasant.
He finds them all where’er they roam;
He leads the way and brings them home!
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