Tuesday, January 25, 2011

167. Let Me Be, My Maker

1. Let me be, my Maker,
Not a vain partaker
Of life here below;
On my heart now shower
Thine own Spirit’s power,
And Thy love bestow;
So that there
Thine image clear,
Fairer by Thy constant favor
May shine brightly ever!

2. There in Thy high places,
We shall many faces,
Bright with glory, see;
Who as children tender
Here did once surrender
Youthful years to Thee!
Therefore They
Now shine as day
In the mansions to them given
With the blest in heaven.

3. Children’s Friend, dear Savior,
Thou didst sinners favor
When Thou cam’st to earth;
Oh, how pure and lowly
Was Thy heart, and holy
From Thy very birth!
Savior, we
Should also be
More like Thee in thought and spirit
Through Thy saving merit.

4. Blest who loves Thee ever,
Whose sincere endeavor
Is God’s child to be!
Through Thy love now shower
On my heart Thy power,
E’er to dwell in me;
So that there
Thine image fair
In the heav’nly courts of glory
Ever may shine o’er me!

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