1. Festal day, with joy I great thee,
And with all the pious meet thee!
Day of rest and blessedness,
Soul and body Thou dost bless.
2. Brethren, as His children, lowly,
Let us hear God’s teaching holy;
Feel the Father’s glowing love,
Granting all things from above!
3. O ye pardoned and redeemed,
Praise the Father so esteemed,
Thank Him who from heaven’s throne
In deep love on us looks down!
4. Praise Him who ne’er turned against us
And His Son from heaven sent us,
Bearing all our sin and woe, -
All things did and doth bestow.
5. Day that turns to joy all sadness!
Jesus Christ, our Sun of gladness,
Light and warm our hearts alway!
Let who can be glad today!
6. Father, Thy commandments holy
Teach us to obey more fully;
Let afar from each heart be
Self-will and hypocrisy.
7. With Thy truth, O Lord, awake us,
By the hand today, O take us,
Till our heart for gladness swells;
Show that Jesus in us dwells.
8. Grant us wisdom and affection;
Help us follow Thy direction
To be happy with the glad,
To give comfort to the sad.
9. Teacher, who us rightful living,
Ever truer for Thee striving;
Asking, seeking, trusting Thee,
Till we find Thee, and Thee see!
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