1. All praise to God upon His throne,
Who chose us for His heaven,
And who, through Jesus Christ, His Son,
New birth to us hath given.
2. He clothed us with His righteousness,
Cleansed us from guilt and sadness,
Bestowed on us, in love and grace,
His Spirit of true gladness.
3. Through Jesus’ blood and wounds hath He
Our souls with pardon lighted;
From Adam’s fall we now are free,
And with our Lord united.
4. In baptism, a festive dress
He put on each believer;
He robed us in His righteousness
To walk a new life ever.
5. Thus robed, our Lord did us invite
His supper to inherit,
Adorned us with His jewels bright,
By grace without our merit.
6. Rejoice, ye saints, with one accord
That unto you is given
To share this feast with Christ the Lord
Before the throne of heaven.
7. Your Savior hath prepared a place
In heaven’s glory for you;
He spreadeth His own righteousness
Now as a garment o’er you.
8. O holy Church of God, rejoice;
Thy King soon cometh for thee,
To lead the Bride of His own choice
Into His home of glory.
9. Thy wedding garment guard with care,
Keep every sin behind thee;
Then wilt Thou in the glory there
Thy Lord as Bridegroom find thee.
10. O blest are all, who may attend
That bridal feast of blessing,
Who faithful are unto the end
Through trials sore and pressing.
11. At length they shall from suffering rise
That here gave them no pleasure,
And mid the joys of paradise
Their crown of glory treasure.
12. O holy Zion, God’s delight,
Hold fast what He hath given;
Be true; rue not thy love of right;
Attain the crown of heaven.
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