Friday, January 21, 2011

124. O Risen Lord, Now Let This Day Be Holy

1. O Risen Lord, now let this day
Be holy unto us, we pray,
For on it Thou hast left Thy tomb,
Triumphant o’er its silent gloom!

2. How joyful Thy disciples when
They say their Lord alive again!
O grant to us that we today
May be as jubilant as they!

3. Thou livest, livest even now,
Our own arisen Lord, and Thou
Dost see and hear us when we bring
Thy praises in the hymns we sing!

4. From heaven Thou dost call to us,
In spirit, speaking to us thus:
“My children, Peace be unto you!
My kingdom is your kingdom too.”

5. If we, Lord, would forget not Thee,
Our hardest tasks a joy would be.
Thou liv’st for us – faith trusts the Word;
We live and die to Thee, O Lord!

6. O Jesus, in our hearts increase
Thy Holy Spirit’s light and peace;
Let both our hearts and minds be stirred,
And set our faces heavenward.

7. Implant in us Thy holy love
And make us yearn for things above;
Remold us to Thy image fair
That we may once Thy presence share!

8. Dear Savior, only love from Thee
Can keep our hearts in purity;
The Father’s image true Thou art;
Make us like The, pure, mild in heart!

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