Friday, January 21, 2011

136. Come, Pilgrims, Join in Singing

1. Come, pilgrims, join in singing
Your great Redeemer’s praise,
To Him our anthems bringing,
Who blesses all our days.

2. A Shepherd, true forever,
A Rock and Shield is He;
He led us safely ever
And gave His Word so free.

3. His holy Word that feeds us
Is pure, without alloy;
Where’er our journey leads us,
It gives us strength and joy.

4. It shows to us the treasure
That God prepares for us,
Grants hearts and spirit pleasure
And cheers and comforts thus.

5. Thanks from the heart are welling,
Because new life is given;
The Word, all doubt dispelling,
Turns thoughts to God and heaven.

6. It is our source of gladness
While here our journey lies
It sweetens all our sadness
With comfort from the skies.

7. When anything oppresses,
We turn to our dear Friend,
And He in our distresses
The needed help doth send.

8. In mercy He looks downward
On us and shows the way;
We gladly journey onward
To heaven day by day.

9. Let us go on in gladness
Upon our way so blest,
For after strife and sadness
We shall attain our rest!

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