1. Hear Thou me, blessed Jesus, hear Thou me
Graciously as I sing to Thee!
Let it now be pleasing to Thee
What Thy child of Thee would pray;
Hear, O hear my plea today!
2. Bless Thou me, dearest Jesus, bless Thou me!
Grant the new grace I am needing
For the new path I am treading;
More and more me now employ
For Thy glory and Thy joy!
3. Love Thou me, Heart of Love, O love Thou me!
That the sweetest impulse move me,
In return, the more to love Thee,
Child-like, Lord, to follow Thee, -
Thereto grant the strength to me!
4. Hold Thou me, Mighty Jesus, hold Thou me!
Ah, Thou knowest well how feeble,
How imperfect, and unable
Are the children of Thy fold:
Do Thou this weak child uphold!
5. Comfort me, Comforter, O comfort me!
When I at Thy feet am bowing,
And my silent tears are flowing;
When my aching heart in me
Thirsts to be consoled by Thee!
6. Heal Thou me, Good Physician, heal Thou me!
Pour Thou, in mine hours of sorrow,
Balm, that from Thy wounds I borrow,
In mine anxious, wounded heart;
Also heal the body’s smart!
7. Carry me, O Good Shepherd, carry me
In Thine arms, Thy lamb, in pity
To Thy fold, Thy Holy City!
There, - in faith I hope and pray –
I shall live with Thee alway!
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