Tuesday, January 25, 2011

144. Faithful Savior, We Are Here

1. Faithful Savior, we are here
Met in prayer: be near us;
Guide each thought and wish sincere
By Thy will: O hear us!
Let Thy Word’s bright rays divine
In our inmost hearts now shine,
And with Thy light cheer us.

2. In our midst, O Lord, be now;
Tarry with us, Savior;
Be our only Teacher Thou,
Hear our pleadings ever;
By Thy Word which makes men new
Recreate our habits too,
Grant us with Thy favor!

3. Lord, we all would learn of Thee
And of Thy true mildness;
Like to Thee we all would be,
Own Thy constant meekness,
Show Thy calm activity
And Thy deep humility
And Thy loving-kindness!

4. In us lowly creatures too,
Thy Word’s pow’r revealing,
Show how it creates us new,
Giving strength and healing!
May, O Lord, Thy mighty Word
Vict’ries new in us record,
In us full health sealing!

5. Joy it is, O Lord, to be
Thee by faith enfolding,
Undismayed, O Rock, on Thee
All our future building!
Though we here on Thee believe,
There we shall the joy receive,
Thee to be beholding!

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