Saturday, February 19, 2011

175. Spirit, Thou, of Faith, of Power

1. Spirit, Thou, of faith, of power,
Of obedience, discipline;
Author of God’s works, Endower
Of His gifts in hearts of men!
Spirit, who the holy sages,
Prophets, kings, apostles true,
And the martyrs of all ages
Didst with strength and truth and endue.

2. Now, O God, Thy gifts so treasured
To Thy children, weak, accord;
Bless our faith, grant zeal unmeasured
For the House of our dear Lord;
May we yield all earthly pleasure,
Human favor, goods, and life, -
Everything that men here treasure,
In the great and holy strife!

3. Give us Abraham’s well-grounded
Faith and confidence in Thee,
That all foes will be confounded
And all care and doubt will flee.
That Thy covenant trusts sincerely,
Thy rich grace, Lord, as is meet,
And all that we love most dearly
Humbly lays at Jesus’ feet.

4. Give us Joseph’s chaste behavior
When the world with crafty wiles
Seeks to draw us from the Savior
With her frowns and fawning smiles.
Teach us how to flee the cunning
Of this wicked Potiphar,
And her open hatred shunning
True to Thee be evermore.

5. Give us David’s faith unshaken
In the strife with Israel’s foes;
He his God as Rock had taken
For a refuge in all woes;
Give us David’s spirit royal,
God’s great grace he sought and praised,
In his friendships he was loyal,
He in love his foes upraised!

6. Give a zeal that never falters,
As Elijah had, we pray;
When the masses build their alters
To the idols of our day.
Keep us true that we may never
Bow the head nor bend the knee
At their alters, but may ever
Witnesses, Lord, be to Thee!

7. Give us Thine apostles’ daring,
Their unbending, fearless mood,
Who, though persecution sharing,
Preached of Jesus’ precious blood.
Let us, boldly testifying
To the truth that made us free,
And on Thee alone relying,
Praise Thee for the victory.

8. Grant to us the peace of Stephen,
When fear reigns on every hand,
And the lot to us is given
In the hottest strife to stand.
In the midst of shouts and crying,
Let us faith’s true gladness share,
Open heaven to us, dying;
Let us see Christ’s glory there.

9. Spirit, Thou of faith, of power,
Of obedience, discipline;
Author of God’s works, Endower
Of His gifts in hearts of men!
Spirit of the holy sages,
Prophets, kings, apostles true,
And the martyrs of all ages, -
Also us with strength endue!

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