Saturday, February 19, 2011

187. Who by Water and the Spirit

1. Who by water and the Spirit
Is not truly born again,
He will heaven not inherit, -
This the Word of God makes plain;
Man must here give up his nature,
And become a new-born creature,
If, when life is ended here,
He would enter glory there.

2. This new birth must be effected
By Baptism.. and God’s Word;
Then if these are not rejected,
Nor the grace of Christ our Lord,
There one early will discover
That the reign of sin is over;
For when God indwells the heart
Sin itself must soon depart.

3. At the same time there is given
God, the Holy Spirit, too;
By whom sin from us is driven,
And a life begins that’s new.
In the heart He then commences
New words, new works, and new senses,
Urging us to deeds of light,
That we may serve God aright.

4. Henceforth man must then endeavor
God to love from day to day,
World and sin rejecting ever,
To perfection grow alway;
From the heart he must hate truly,
And neglect sincerely, wholly,
All that he had loved before,
And find joy therein no more.

5. To God’s glory singing, praying,
Is the joy of man renewed;
Not the world, but God, obeying,
And with powers new endued;
In all things he is pursuing,
Striving God’s will to be doing;
Fully new, that is his aim,
For he is no more the same.

6. Thus in thee must also follow
Now a thorough change of heart;
Thy life thou to God must hallow,
In the world no more have part;
Heart and mind and all thy doing
Must receive complete renewing,
Be adorned by faith and love,
Ruled by God from heaven above. -

7. O my God, I bow before Thee:
Now in me Thy work fulfill!
By Thy Spirit’s brooding o’er me
Sanctify my heart and will.
Let me not be lost forever,
But reborn of Thee, O Savior,
May I, child-like, Thee adore,
Learn to love Thee more and more.

8. Lord, let me continue ever
In this state, so richly blest,
Until death earth’s bonds shall sever,
And I enter into rest.
O let nothing from Thee take me;
Thou art mine, do not forsake me;
Then with joy I hence depart,
E’er to be where Thou, Lord, art!

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