Friday, November 19, 2010

106. Two Ways, O Man, Before Thee Lie

1. Two ways, O man, before thee lie
That lead to just two places:
One, narrow, to the throne on high,
That many a cross embraces;
The other road is smooth and broad,
But does not give the peace with God,
And leads to utter ruin.

2. So choose, O man, the narrow way,
Nor spurn the mercy offered!
Think of eternity today
While saving grace is proffered!
That way leads to a broad domain
And brings an everlasting gain:
Fear not its self-denial.

3. But if thou keep the broader road
And yield to sinful yearning,
It will lead thee to death’s abode;
For grace thou wilt be spurning.
O woe to thee if thou art found
In unbelief, thou wilt be bound
To him, the Prince of darkness.

4. Then turn, whoever thou may’st be,
And heed this hymn’s appealing;
This is the day of grace for thee,
Repent, and find true healing!
O turn, for thou hast wandered far;
No door thy way to Christ shall bar,
O turn, and be converted!

5. If thou to life wouldst find the way,
Then search the Scriptures ever;
They show that, through Christ’s death, men may
Have life that endeth never!
Lo! On the cross His life He gave,
And then was laid into the grave,
Because of thy transgressions.

6. If thou wouldst own the gift of grace
And heaven’s joy inherit,
Then walk by faith before His face,
Led by the Lord’s own Spirit.
Thou must with Christ be crucified,
And all thy sins and all thy pride
Upon His cross must perish.

7. In true repentance, die to sin,
In Jesus’ name believing!
Baptized into His death with Him,
Full pardon be receiving!
Who dies with Christ will with Him rise,
A new life’s way before him lies, -
The road of life with Jesus.

8. His way at first may seem to hard,
To steep, and full of sorrow;
Yet peace e’en now is its reward,
And bliss in God’s tomorrow.
Who through the narrow gate doth press,
An inner peace will he possess,
And very joy in living.

9. The broader way at first may seem
As through a pleasant pasture,
But further on great dangers teem;
It ends in dark disaster.
In righteous anger God will cast
Into great agony at last
The unrepentant sinner.

10. Therefore, O man, take thought today,
While yet the choice is given;
Reject the road that leads astray
And choose the way to heaven.
Great glory shall to them betide
Who in the faith of God abide,
But woe awaits the sinner!

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