Saturday, November 13, 2010

74. I Bow Before Love’s Power Unending

1. I bow before love’s power unending,
Revealed to me, O Christ, in Thee;
I give myself to that befriending
Bestowed upon a worm like me;
I leave all thought of self-devotion
To plunge myself into love’s ocean.

2. O how Thou lovest me, dear Savior!
O how Thy heart doth yearn for me!
Drawn gently by Thy love, Lord, ever,
I come and yield my all to Thee,
As Thou, Devoted Love, dost hold me,
So in my heart would I enfold Thee.

3. I feel I must have Thee as treasure;
I feel that I Thine own must be;
No earthly gift could give me pleasure,
For all my life is hid in Thee.
Here is the rest Thou art providing,
Hence I will follow Thy blest guiding.

4. My heart and life are Thine forever,
Redeemer, Thou my only God!
Thy blood was shed, that healing river,
For sin a purifying flood;
Thou hast forgiven my transgression,
My heart is ever Thy possession!

5. I loved and lived, in dreary bondage
Unto myself, and far from Thee;
Long years did I refuse Thee homage,
Yet in Thy love Thou soughtest me.
O that each sinner thus might see Thee,
How could he help but love Thee freely!

6. All praise to Jesus’ name be giving,
Whence all the springs of love do burst,
The Fount whence issue waters living,
Wherein believers quench their thirst.
They bow themselves with praise unending:
And we, with theirs, our prayers are blending!

7. O Jesus, may Thy name forever
Deep in my soul itself impress,
Any may the marks of Thy love ever
Show in my heart and consciousness.
May thought and deed and conversation
Reflect but Thee and Thy salvation!

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