Thursday, November 11, 2010

65. One Thing’s Needful: Lord, This Treasure

1. One thing’s needful: Lord, this treasure
Teach me highly to regard;
All else, though it first give pleasure,
Is a yoke that presses hard.
Beneath it the heart is still fretting and striving,
No true, lasting happiness ever deriving;
This one thing I long for, well worth all alone,
That I may be gladdened by all things in one.

2. Wilt thou find this one thing needful?
Seek not midst created things;
Be of earthly joys unheedful,
Over nature stretch thy wings.
For where God and Man both in One are united,
With God’s perfect fullness the heart is delighted,
There, there is the worthiest lot and the best,
My One and my All, and my Joy and my Rest!

3. So doth strong desire possess me,
Savior dear, for Thee alone;
May I faithfully confess Thee;
Make me, Lord, Thy very own.
The many are now with the multitude turning,
But Thee will I seek, Lord, with love for Thee yearning;
Thy Word is both spirit and life unto me;
What is there of good that is found not in Thee!

4. Wisdom’s highest, noblest treasure,
Jesus, lies concealed in Thee;
Grant that this may still the measure
Of my will and actions be.
Let meekness and holy simplicity rule me;
In heavenly wisdom, O Lord, let them school me.
If truly I only know Thee as my Lord,
Ah, then I have wisdom’s most perfect reward!

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