Friday, January 21, 2011

125. Draw Us to Thee, Thus Hasten We

1. Draw us to Thee,
Thus hasten we
With longing unto heaven;
For Thou didst there
A home prepare
That shall Thine own be given!

2. Draw us to Thee,
Where joyful we, -
By Thy great might, dear Savior,
Freed from earth’s fear,
To Thee draw near, -
To be true in Thee ever!

3. Draw us to Thee,
And grant that we
May follow where Thou guidest;
Without Thy light
We grope in night,
Blind to what Thou providest!

4. Draw us to Thee,
For weak are we,
And Satan would enslave us!
But we are Thine!
Thy hand divine
Alone from ill can save us!

5. Draw us to Thee,
And then may we
To worthiness apply us.
Grant us to share
Salvation there:
With innocence supply us.

6. Draw us to Thee,
So shall we see
Where Thou art throned in heaven;
Yea, Lord, and when
Thou com’st again,
May crowns to us be given.

7. Draw us to Thee,
Then we shall be
Exalted high, O Savior,
Thy Kingdom share,
Like angels there,
Praise Thy great Name forever!

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