Tuesday, January 25, 2011

142. O Brethren, As Our Mirror Bright

1. O brethren, as our mirror bright,
We look into God’s Word,
Where each may learn the way of right
And see His precepts good.

2. O is it right therein to see
Our faults, and not feel shame;
To let God’s word neglected be,
And any grief disclaim?

3. Obey the word! It maketh wise.
O follow it indeed!
What doth it profit, that we prize
The Word, but do not heed?

4. Faith saveth us alone by grace,
Without works of the Law;
But who, baptized, doth sin embrace,
No hope may ever know!

5. The world beneath God’s curse doth lie,
And who her ways have trod;
But who, baptized, to sin doth die,
Hath all he needs in God!

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