Tuesday, January 25, 2011

159. Offer Up Your Life and Being

1. Offer up your life and being,
Give to God and Christ your all;
Who himself to Him is giving
Never will his act recall:
He’ll be glad,
Never sad,
Rest from strife that he has had.

2. Who sows much will reap full measure;
O beloved, that is true!
O that many more would treasure
How God brings this to our view;
They would sow
Where they go,
As our God would have us do.

3. As the stars in heaven glowing,
Shed their light upon our ways,
So he who good seed is sowing,
Mid earth’s tumult, to God’s praise,
Light will be,
Shining free,
Like the stars that here we see.

4. O it is so very needful,
Thus to show our heav’nly birth;
Always of our calling heedful,
Why we are upon this earth;
Not to gain
Honor vain,
Nor great riches to obtain.

5. No, to work out our salvation
Is the task we here must ply;
Not to seek some vain, high station,
But ourselves here to deny.
Of this vain
World, gold, gain,
Nothing will at last remain.

6. Oh, if we to Christ are living
Evermore, from day to day,
Body, soul as offering giving,
Willing bear the cross alway,
Let us fear
Naught while here,
For the Lord Himself is near.

7. Oh, my brethren, then surrender
To your Savior, give your all;
Dearly love His every member,
Keep a childlike heart withal.
Love in peace,
Never cease,
This your Lord will greatly please.

8. Love should grow anew each morning,
Love itself in works should show,
Should each member be adorning, -
Christ in us where’er we go!
Then, well so!
Love’s pure glow
Gives to faith the power to do.

9. Brethren, O what bliss we’re sharing
When true love inspires our lives;
With the weak ones gladly bearing,
Love here for perfection strives;
Glad will be
Now and in eternity.

10. Where love is forsaken ever,
There is death and emptiness,
There forgotten is the Savior,
Life is then filled with distress;
Then we stray
From the way,
Stumbling on from day to day.

11. Let us then be up and doing, -
Satan would our work undo,
And, the glow of love subduing,
Quench our joy in Jesus too,
That we may
Not each day
Live to honor God alway.

12. Who now loves his Savior dearly
And here seeks no pleasures vain,
O’er God’s gifts is glad sincerely –
He shall blessedness obtain;
Happy he
E’er shall be
O’er a bright eternity!

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